This is what roasties women fear. MGTOW is the way forward marry the virgin guys. Don't let people pressure you.
Slut older sister jealous of married virgin little sister
Other urls found in this thread:
Bitch is now trying to sabotage her little sisters marriage because she jumped on cock and her sister married happily a virgin. I
The response should be: You should look into getting a cat.
Can we make this a comfy roasties getting roasted thread? Let's see if I can find something
The best part about this? I'll tell you. The eggs deteriorate when frozen.
Post the link.
response should really be: How does it feel knowing that, after your years of whoredom have all but guaranteed, you will never have the same capacity to love as your sister?
>Yes, I've hooked up with a bunch of guys and I'm not ashamed of it.
If you choose to marry a decent man and start a family, turn to page 13.
If you choose to get railed by the football team at homecoming while snorting blow off the coach's cock, turn to page 87 (FYI, nothing after page 87 leads back to page 13).
Choose wisely.
Sauce me
>MGTOW is the way forward marry the virgin guys.
Looks like you have no idea what MGTOW is since you are advocating marriage.
Reminder that nature hates roasties
No, it seems like you don't understand what MGTOW is about, though that's understandable since it's always been poorly defined.
If he has a good reason to marry a virgin (self explanatory I guess) and wants kids and knows the way to avoid getting fucked over by the state, then good for him, that's his way in life.
You don't get to tell me what to do, I don't get to tell you what to do either, dumb motherfucker. The whole point of MGTOW is help each other realise how not to get fucked over and live a good life.
>marry the virgin
>10 years later
>"i feel like im missing out on my sex life"
>Looks like you have no idea what MGTOW is since you are advocating marriage.
In the wayback times when there were only two genders, it was called being a bachelor.
You whippersnappers need a fucking acronym for everything these days.
I'm always fascinated how women are FUCKING BLIND and won't see even if you show them. Solipsism, etc.
Anyway, this is some old copaypasta?
>If he has a good reason to marry a virgin (self explanatory I guess) and wants kids and knows the way to avoid getting fucked over by the state
Thats the thing tho there is no way out once you sign that contract. REAL MGTOWS are NOT marrying lmfao. Anyone telling someone to get married is your worst enemy.
MGTOW get the women like the virgin one. Tradcuck can have roasties and settle with them.
We need a fucking database to shame sluts like a wikia
Whoring around doesn't bring happiness, imagine that.
>Feminism is about giving women the choice to pursue any walk of life
>MGTOW is about giving men the choice to pursue any walk of life
I never said anything about a contract did I. I clearly said you should know the way to avoid getting fucked over by the state. The state is the real enemy. Wahmyns nature will never change and if we want kids we have to deal with that bullshit (or not).
He has found THE rare one user. That's why he married her
he won't because it's fake like 99% of the rape fantasy, single mom w/black child lamentations, etc etc. These stories exist in the real world--you don't need to make fake ones on reddit and quora.
Comfy af thread
Fuck off idiot, all you're doing is perpetuating jewish psyops. Just because you have no idea how to run a relationship, doesnt mean no one else does
Well you dont even need a contract in some countries. You live with a woman for a year or less and its a common law marriage and she gets half your stuff.
Its not avoiding women all together its about knowing what the fuck is up and avoiding this shit.
You are lost in modern trash user. Dig up some of the shit from your childhood. There was a time that was not too far in the past when most everyone wanted to save themselves, and get married. You need to make the own rules for your life. The virgin trad qts are out there.
100% she's gonna eventually try to fuck her sister's husband and destroy their marriage. Hopeless and resentful roasties need to be kept as far away as possible, possibly with bullets.
soon enough the older sister will try to fuck the husband, just to make a mess.
Seduce him, fuck him, get pregnant, cry rape, tell little sister.
uh oh the "real mgcameltows" are coming in to tell us all how to marry a virgin trad wife that will give you over 9000 childrens
That's hilarious. Hopefully she will jump off a balcony soon
>In the wayback times when there were only two genders, it was called being a bachelor.
And a source of gossips about your homosexuality.
You have no idea if the guy in this story is happy. The Jew wants the male to get enslaved to the system. And marriage and child support is slavery.
>Her next thread
Hey, everyone just wanted to update. So I have been spending more time with my sister's family, and have been helping around the house. She sometimes gets after me for wearing skimpier clothing around the house, but it's summer! What am I supposed to do, sweat all day lol. Her husband has been giving me more frequent side glances, and I need your help in figuring out the next step.
>Its not avoiding women all together its about knowing what the fuck is up and avoiding this shit.
Exactly what I'm saying, know the rules and avoid getting fucked by the state.
This is good
>lower marriage rate correlates woth lower birth rate
>this is a growing trend in european countries
Youre a fucking kike shill, commit violent suicide immediately you fucking scum cancer
This, the bitch is unstable.
>men are unstable
>im gonna ruin my ability to ever have kids and will die alone, that'll show those men.
Atleast she won't pass on her retarded genes.
Not gonna lie, I feel bad for her. She's been corrupted like most of our generation. Hopefully she can fight her evil urges and find some scraps of happiness. In the end we all just want to be happy and loved, but were lied to since the moment we were born.
>I prefer the club, she prefers the library. I wear short skirts, she wears long skirts.
Most men prefer long skirts but women seem to think men like short skirts
>I enjoy hooking up, she was a virgin until marriage
>But lately I've been growing to hate my sister and be very jealous of her.
>My sister never rubs it in, never brags about her success, never even mentions anything about relationships and marriage to me
This probably pisses her off even more that her sister doesn't flaunt her success.
Most relationships via the woman wanting to end it. Divorce is also the woman being the 1st to suggest it
For once the clickbait warmed my heart. This is a happy ending.
So she knows what the problem is and doesn't want to fix it?
No hymen no diamond, bitch.
>Most men prefer long skirts but women seem to think men like short skirts
Fucking this. Short skirts are fine and all if you work at a titty bar, but ffs I don't want to see your ass hanging out at all times of day everywhere I go.
Long skirts are also just nicer looking fashion wise.
The jews have to be removed from power first along with all their laws. Then we can talk about marriage and children.
The jews want more foreskins and working 'units'/children pumped out.
Why would any sane want to bring up a child in a slave system?
disgusting western whore
Its a hemangioma and they are completely benign
Quit being a disinfo shill
On TBP, they'd advocate the roastie lifestyle...
Looks like they added new icons too
What the fuck? What do you mean MGTOW is the way forward? You fucking incel faggot. I fucked around when I was younger because I was a Chad and now I'm happily married, 5 years with a child on the way. Incels will do anything to cope with their situation.
Achmed knows it
I read an article about a woman who froze her eggs waiting for mister right and couldn't find anyone. She decided to unfreeze the eggs and try by herself, but all the frozen eggs failed. She complained that no one warned her that was a risk
that only happens if you're an impotent faggot. you need to FUCK your wife/gf. not make love or beg and coddle for sex like so many married men do. you need to take charge, throw her on the bed and give her a solid fucking.
Choose Your Own Adventure: Whore Edition.
The thing is, whoredom hurts everyone. For every whore out there, there is at least one man who does not have a virgin wife.
It's also that they look cuter too if very thin.
See that ruiko saten character
the only people who say that are fat sluts. and its only wishful thinking. they HOPE that happens so everyone can be as lonely as cat ladies
not without consent forms
>B-b-but where h-have all the good men g-gone
I'll tell you where: with the good women
Roasties' lack of self awareness makes me sick to my stomach
fuck off leddit
Good to see you agree, Muhammad.
>long skirt
>long hair
>billowing in the breeze
make femininity beautiful again
This is well established in psychology, and the DailyMail even ran an article on a study, that older sisters are sluts, and their younger sisters look at them in disgust and invariably are not sluts. My wife's older sister is a total slut/ STD bag and my wife pure as gold. Literally never date an older sister. If she has a younger sister, go for her.
>Most relationships [end] via the woman wanting to end it. Divorce is also the woman being the 1st to suggest it
Just be ready to burn that shit to the ground.
Make sure she knows that as well (subtly, not with words).
In short, be the man in your relationships--marriage or otherwise.
Women are attracted to men who don't act like women. Go figgure.
This is why AOC needs to be lowered to 15 and women need to have at least 2 kids by 25.
M'shallah brother!
Women are coddled, more so in modern times. When society treats you like that, you naturally develop a spoiled world view.
You got the archive for this? Which reddit page?
marry virgins, ignore roasties
>be this delusional and capricious
The funny thing is, is she will never realize nor comprehend the danger emanating from her, from the point of view of a man; he has everything to lose by getting married, and you’re too unstable to trust not to ruin my life
Lauren Southernstein and her younger sister are more or less the same as above?
Chances are plenty of good men were willing to look past her history, they just weren’t good enough by her standards.
fucking around is healthy when you're young especially for women because it is so easy and nature basically begs them to spread their legs.
>Choose Your Own Adventure: Whore Edition
>For every whore out there, there is at least one man who does not have a virgin wife.
True. The whore's one saving grace is that she serves as target practice for dozens of boys who want to eventually become men.
Whores are a part of civilization. They just used to be more discreet in their advertising.
Oy vey, the new Anglo-German caliphate
Exactly. The fact that she already stated “i don’t intend to interfere with their relationship” means she’s already been thinking about it and plotting something. Hopefully the guy recognizes a roastie when he sees one and avoids her like the plague
If she were beautiful like her sister,she could have married a handsome man when she was young too. But she's not so she couldn't and she can't. Falsely inflated expectations are the real problem, and now with MGTOW it's spreading to males, with every man regardless of attractiveness thinking they need to hold out for a 15 year old virgin. How? Even in a true strong patriarchy where women don't get to choose, no father would marry his lovely unspoiled daughter off to Mr Average.
Ok so go extinct then? You think the overthrow of jews is coming anytime soon? We will be lucky if our children witness it, just because things are dire, doesnt mean you shouldnt strive to reproduce
>hurr durr whores are practice
when will this meme die?
Shoo shoo toasty roastie
this pill is as red as it is black. I am under no illusions that I am a degenerate, and thus I will have degenerate women and degenerate children. I wish it was not the case, but it is. it is a matter of making the best of this.
first few paragraphs
>signs of envy: yes
>sings of lust: yes
last paragraph
>sings of wrath: soon to come
keep that roastie away from her sister
This. Roasties always set the highest standards while bringing nothing to the table themselves.
>the guy has to be at least 6'3, earn 50k a year, have a fully mortgaged house, luxury car and 8/10 facial aesthetics
Meanwhile the roastie is a used up slut in her 30s who likely can't even have kids anymore
One of the main reasons The MGTOW movement started was because of the fucked up divorce court system that favors the female. If you want to call yourself MGTOW and get married go ahead. I will think of you as an idiot and you havent been screwed over by the system yet or you havent seen enough information to avoid marriage completely.
>I'm a cumdumpster
I can smell your cunt.
>caring about gossip
>That's why he married her
So how did he benefit himself by getting married?
She's of European descent in America, right?
t. dicklet
I don’t see the whole problem in all of this. You make decisions, you live with them. No need for Schadenfreude. She wants what her little sister has, fine, but she made choices not to get there. Tough luck. I also don’t have a family and I was never a degenerate Chad going out fucking girls. I had 3 relationships, one when I was 17, one when I was 28 and one when 30. All brief, the longest for 3 months. Am I complaining? Nope. I understand I am not material for a family despite having a good job and making top money and being atheltic.
>I've hooked up with guys and I'm not ashamed of it
That's her first problem. When a female has sex even once or more than once it really hurts her pair bonding ability with a man.
There's no who hates women more than women.
He has an unsullied woman
It gets worse as the n count increases