What denomination?

What christian denomination best fits my views? I like traditional gender roles, no infant baptism, strict modesty rules, traditional values, no to abortion, and no to fags and trannies. I’m thinking Pentecostal would be best, but what do you guys think? Also, don’t say catholic, orthodox, Lutheran, or baptist. Just don’t say them.

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Fuck off /leftypol/

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>i want a religion that fits my specific views so i can continue believing whatever arbitrary ideas i subscribe to while now having divine authority!
just make up your own like the other protestants do

Pentecostals are crazies. My ex was one, they believe in these strange spiritual "gifts" like speaking in prophecy and tongues and such, and they often do just that in their services.

If you need to pick your version of Christianity based upon what YOU want, instead of what God wants, how the fuck can you even truly call yourself Christian?

Jehovahs Witness. Bonus: no women elders.

By definition christianity means one god, so nah Mormons are not christian lmao no matter how bad they want to be

Eastern Orthodoxy.

How are you supposed to choose a religion, then?