G g guys there’s a white van outside my house

It’s 1 am here on the west coast

>be me
>research Pizzagate
>post on voat
>start new website and recruit anons to join to help expose joohs

>white van is now parked outside

>14 year old sister yells at me to check out what’s in the front yard
>sees lights inside

Looks like fbi vehicle

Are the joohs gonna kill me for being an autist?

I make a lot of posts on here about pic related

Attached: B292A4E3-FC99-444F-82EA-9F7D4E5478E1.jpg (300x168, 8K)

youre already dead. rip

we're here for your little sister, this has nothing to do with you

Pic related is van

Should I go outside?

Attached: 74AFF561-0B3B-4F00-93E2-934E0CBC5F5D.jpg (3264x2448, 772K)

Dew it for the memes user

walk past the van on the sidewalk and grab your crotch at them, do a michael jackson "OW!" spin around on your toes, flex your asscheeks so they know you're not fucking around then repeat the process again so they know not to fuck with you.


stream it
go knock on the door with a couple of bottles of Aquafina

Don't you have a gun?
Start livestreaming everything

I have no gunz what will happen when I get vanned

I don’t want to get raped and killed by the Jew.

I’m 21

I played college sports so I can run fast but idk the Jew will just van me