Reminder that all the races on pic related are considered white, even the m*diterraneans. No exceptions.
Sage all you want but it's true
Reminder that all the races on pic related are considered white, even the m*diterraneans. No exceptions.
Sage all you want but it's true
Atlanto Mediterranean/Gracile Mediterranean here. How do I get closet lesbians to leave me alone and how do I get real lesbians to stop hating me?
Can i be white? Im pretty cool when you get to know me.
Sorry, no Koreans allowed.
whiter than you all europoors!!!1
Can I be white? I'm Aryan and (((they))) want to bomb us.
Sorry, no third world allowed. Move to a different country and I may reconsider your membership, fellow white person!
If I move to Israel, will I become (((white))) and your greatest ally?
east nordid mustard race
Yes! Israel is our greatest ally and it's the best! Fuck yeah!
>Jews are white
No, neither are Sicilians or Greeks.
Hello fellow white person! I see that You're educated!
>even the m*diterraneans.
t. portunigger
Where are the Japs? Honorary.
or other Italians, Iberians, Occitans, Bulgarians, Albanians, Macedonians, Serbians, Montenegrins, Dalmatians and South-Central/Southern Ukrainians. We can claim they are, but any evaluation of their genetic purity and continuity will show that they are not really European
Hello my Slavic friend! Unfortunately, I cannot talk to you since You're not white! A shame, really, but it's okay!
How do I get a cute Norwegian bf?
I am a filthy eastern european with light brown hair and hazel eyes, am I white noug for Jow Forums? are we going by varg's standards of white?
>the Dutch or let alone them Portuguese abominations being more Huwhite than Russians
p.s. the Brits got plenty of dindu because those “White Britons” with Victorian times medshit and jewish ancestry were allowed to be tested as if they were the natives too
Who cares, there would be a lot of "in-fighting". Even if all pro-whites settles in some undiscovered, phantom continent; all breeds of "Whites" would want to be the "top-dogs" of the ethno-state.
Why want to be countrymen with people who surrender what few rights they have? Bin your freedom.
that's why all or most significant ethnic groups shall have their own state, for you Americans, it's a bit harder since you don't have your own ethnic group
>an authority on race
Tell me more about how quarter and half Jews are Aryan. You can actually say that there is American ethnic group like mostly English Scottish people with some German, Dutch, Scandinavian and Irish ancestry
Why are North and south Europeans the only good looking ones?
mostly European hybrids until Cultural Marxism started in the West.Media encouraging race mixing got things 56% in libtards areas of the country.
White Americans are different, but we are still white.
personal bias.
Why do us whites care so much about purity? Blacks obviusly ruin all genes, regardles of race but someone who's maybe a quarter arab, middle eastern, hispanic, jewish, is considered non-white yet all of these groups are okay with their members being partly white, why?
how I read "honorary Aryan", is Japs are like allies; but realistically they aren't huWhite.
Bullshit fantasy. This isnt what happened in any of the colonies. Everywhere that europeans, particularly northwest europeans, have gone, whether the US, Australia, South Africa, Iceland, etc, theyve consistently blended together and started along the path to forming a new ethnicity like Afrikaaners. There are exceptions but this has been a stromg and consistent trend.
>and south Europeans
this brother. best looking people without any signs of inbreeding or mixed background whatsoever
>is considered non-white yet all of these groups are okay with their members being partly white, why?
Because they don’t have genetics worth preserving to begin with and subconsciously they know it obviously. You know that being even one eight Ashkenazi endangers your genetic health? Being fully European is not only a spiritual matter of ethno-cultural legacy, but a medical concern as well
They want privileged. White= gibs, in their minds.
so most other groups want to be white deep down and if they were white, they too would be incredibly racist?
The Christians "blended" with the European pagans really well.
Each European country are distinct for a reason, kingdoms didn't want to mix, for some reason.
Irish and Italians formed their own sects in North Eastern America.
The French Canadians haven't blended with the whole of Canada.
Because whites acknowledge beauty.
are we talking honestly racist because of them having some white genes, I doubt it. It wouldn't be surprising if sense of either pride or shame came from being part white.
then why does North Italy have one of the highest IQ's in Europe is they are not really European? Serbs are not european??? ive seen tons of pictures of serbs and they always looked 100 percent white
east nordid reporting in
meds are not white. by that logic northern indians are white too, because they have the same amount of indo-european admix. by meds i mean northern meds, n. italy, northern spain. southern meds and balkaniggers south of serbia are basically arabs (eef+chg)
they're all Caucasian but the Nordic type is the exemplar of the Caucasian race.
we were developing into a distinct ethnic group until the Jews ended it with their hordes of useful boomer idiots.
Show me a face and I'll tell you if they're white, it's really that simple folks.
these guys aren't White?
>Mediterraneans aren't white
Fashwave artists stop using Mediterraneans' art. And 1488ers stop quoting and source their philosophers.
Need I go on to show the irony?
>want to be white deep down and if they were white
Depends on the group? Some spics and arabs sure do want to appear White
>they too would be incredibly racist?
all ethnic groups are racist as it is already, and a good portion of modern Western Europeans is simply not racist enough. Otherwise you wouldn’t get see paki London mayor and mongrel Royalty
Are we walking genetics or IQ tests? Not European and IQ doesn’t help
>and they always looked 100 percent white
Liv Tyler looks White, but she is part nigger and part American Indian. Some Serbs are fully Slavic and Dinaric, but those are a minority in Serbia unfortunately, so it is safe to say that modern Serbian identity and Serbia in general are not White
Mediterraneans started the Renaissance, but Mediterraneans are low IQ, non-Whites.but 1488ers want say the artwork is White.
3rd guy doesn't get into my ethnostate without a DNA test.
He's Greek
nailed it.
>Mediterraneans started the Renaissance
Which one? Because even 14-15th century Renaissance was dominated by Dutch and Germans
With your logic you can post a list Indian and Japanese scientists and claim that they are European too since they have a few accomplishments as well. A bloodline is not something you can earn your way in
Who are usually NuAmerican mongrels that believe in “all European dwellers are White cuz they live in da Evropa”
No DNA test needed. Greeks are Armenian, Iranian and Ehtiopian mongrels
No one denies that mediterraneans are non-whites except retards, although we agree that there is a hierarchy among the "white race"
They were white, then they got mudded to various degrees.
>Even m*diterraneans.
Meds are one of the resons white race is still a thing.
Do you think nords kept the west save from the horde?
>European = white
Wrong. All whites are Europeans, but not all Europeans are white.
>Do you think nords kept the west save from the horde?
While you were allowing the converts to stay in Iberia; Russians, Austrian, Croats and Poles actually stopped the turkish and mongol invasions, so yes, it was proper Europeans to defend our continent
Romans didn´t had straight thin blonde hair.
There where nords in the Roman empire, obviously, but if you think pale skin and mongoloid noses where a good trait, you are very far from truth.
If you look Euro and you can tan, you get it better than if you get lobster red.
>even the m*diterraneans.
No thanks. I am lombardo, not a wh*te subhuman
chinks-Jew mixture
The US,white immigrants stayed rather isolated until modern transportation and Culture Marxism.
As the other White countries did, but some more than others.
here we go
>chinks-Jew admixture
None and none. For the latter you are thinking of the Poles. Russians have a good chunk of North Siberian and Finnic ancestry, but that’s about it when it comes to ‘asiatic’ descent
Slavs are not white
Russia is the mutt on the level of Eastern Europe.
There is no such thing as white.
Fuck off Vee.
What in the ever living fuck are you talking about
Colonials I’m the British colonies where always treated as a lower class than those from the homeland
The Spanish colonies where a hotbed of racial strife between the various castes that were created based on race and how “white” someone was.
Fucking whiteboi needs to learn his history
Iranians don't belong in the west. Kys.
Here is where you are wrong everybody belongs in Europe no matter their ethnicity.
Forced meme
>Be tuscan
>No Africa
>No Far East
>Only Etruscan, Roman and Lombards blend
I look pontid but I'm technically Hungarian.
What do I win?
A one way ticket to Hungary.
Daily reminder for the "people who they aren't white"
Say the 14 words and you can be honourary
There's not a single white group but many various white people actually, of course a south european compared to a nordic wouldn't be as white because they're from different groups.
I see a gross looking, low iq, mentaly unstable shitskin that doesn't belong in the west.
t. mongol rape baby
So swedes and poles are genetically close?
only tosk albanians are white
WE ARE NOT THE SAME , we are a diverse group , swedes are different than germans which are different than finnish which are different than spanish etc etc
Thats why whe should preserve european diversity not let those inmigrants come or fight between us like jews and moors want
Wow it's almost like the swarthy race of Turkroaches and Semites who now occupy the Mediterranean are not related to the artists of ancient antiquity.
Also the Renaissance was degenerate
Swedish, German and Finnish are much more similar than Spanish which are not white
Filthy moor rapebaby
cope more white subhuman
how does it feel,white boy?
you weill never get those land back because your "men" are too effeminate and faggots.
>will never get those land back
>Italy is conquered by Brussels and can't even pick their own cabinet ministers
>Renaissance degenerate
Try harder Jew. Nazis mimicked Italian's classical art style.
they literally waqnt brown people likes us in the whole Europe
Only kikes, useful idiots, and completely uninformed brainlets use the pejorative term 'Nazi' to describe the NSDAP.
This isn't a formal setting, and you clearly understood the context.
Hey nigger, half the countries you mentioned as non white are doing better than you economically and socially. If your country is this fucking example of 14/88 amazing white people then why do you have aids and murder rates comparable to south american and african countries.
Isnt it weird how the further you get from Africa the fewer brown features you see?
based luxembro
Funny when arabs and nafris try to make everybody believe they are people of light like the europeans
giv pontid gf