Now this is pod-racing

Just waiting for some 200iq comments will keep you all posted

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Other urls found in this thread:

took them long enough to start infighting


lol, i'm actually getting tired of winning now. damn this timeline.

When the trannies or whoever came up with their own flag I was waiting.

Some level 99 mental gymnastics going on here. Might make a throwaway and stir some shit, see how they react to some wrongthink :^)

Jow Forums strikes again

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Forgot piccy

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it was always going to happen. Imagine being a feminists and having a man in a dress telling you what it is like to be a woman. Imagine that same man thinks it's bigoted for lesbians to not be attracted to him. Of course it's not like anyone involved will appreciate the irony of it all.

Lesbian / Radfem protest 'disrupts' Pride in London (7/7/2018)

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What a relief, they're attacking each other, this must be what it feels like to be a jew.

don't forget the part where those men enter the girls bathroom

they are biting at each other's throats, who could have predicted this....

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Move to South Africa.

The oppression olympics are always great fun to watch

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Well I need a boat that will cross that distance. No way in hell I can bring the fun with me any other way.

Really, imagine want to bond with women and talk about being raped and Johanna is demanding hugs and getting a boner
Surprised its taken so long
Women are retarded however

Feels so good. Just wait for the real final sollution.

Q predicted this

Oh.. Look! The Regressive Left is eating itself!

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The mainstream meteor is not going to like this

Make sure you watch, lulzy as

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I'm surprised it took this long desu. I had a friend in high school who later came out as gay. He said he was perfectly fine with LBG but thought trannies were disgusting and should be excluded from LGBT shit. Before becoming redpilled, I agreed with him. Now I hate all LGBT.

Lol truth

Hahahahah oh fuck. Thank you nigger

Oh man... The references... You've made my day user.

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wait how did pol do this?

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A lot of biological women don't like trans women and having to share spaces with them. Expect more of this.

How much longer is this insane crap going to last?

I keep thinking RWDS are inevitable but noting ever happens.

Jow Forums created the terfs

>middle aged 2nd wave cisdykes

I smell counter revolutionaries

Top kek. We’re the jew now. Fuck these Goyim.

just like the whole "drop the B" movement. bi-sexual is indicative of two genders, so it's inherently sexist. it should be lgpt (p for pansexual, not pedophilia of course)

God his voice is so fucking annoying. Why do faggots do that FUCKING voice?


38:50 is the best part, "girl" with a burly man voice yelling at them that he is a real woman

>more as it comes from Pride in London
*voice breaks*
>more as it comes from Pride in London
>more as it comes from Pride in London

Jesus christ it's infuriating, what's wrong with faggots? When I don't have any contact with them for a while I start to feel that they're basically OK, but then I listen to one for 30 seconds and my blood starts boiling. I swear to god it's a genetic response.

So to summarize, trannies are upset that lesbians don't want to fuck them and the rest of the LGBT is upset because lesbians choosing real women over former men is discrimination.

>have functional friend circle or enjoying a hobby
>trans person wedges into it
>all sane friends abandon the ride until it's nothing but liberal freak-positive echo chamber
>trans person becomes the center of all attention
>abandon friend circle or hobby to find another
>it keeps happening

legitimately considering suicide at this point

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We didn't.

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Infighting Good.

Requesting a "let them fight"-chink pepe.

Thanks for saving me the hassle.

Tranny/TERF war when?

The lives of a thousand goyim are not worth even a single Jow Forumsjew fingernail.

Russia paid for this

Its a beautiful shitstorm of chaos, and we didn't even have to start it.

10:23 the protesters lay down in the way and block the march, 21:45 the fag streaming interviews the protesters

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>women learn to weaponize their greatest asset for good

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Trans activists are people that have no other identity or depth other than the fact that they are trans. That's why they try to infiltrate and co opt any and every other fandom, but only the easy ones...

You don't see trans people in surfing, downhill MTB, motorcycles, cars or any extreme sport in general, the same way you don't see feminists and trans people demanding inclusion in physically demanding or high health risk jobs.

There's still a lot of good hobbies for men out there. Unfortunately, the "cushion ones" will always be invaded my trannies and TERFs.

Nah. There has always been a "Consented pedophile should be LGBT" debate, which most of my faggot friends oposse btw but one of them says "huh I mean yeah sure if the kid wants to, why not". Always fighting each other if pansexuality exists or not, too, etc.

Holy shit that's comedy gold, Jerry! GOLD!

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I picked up a local gay newspaper called the Sydney Star Observer in 1998 and there were articles, by people who called themselves Queer, about how social acceptance of homosexuals was ruining their whole thing. Since being Queer is meant to be outrageous and upsetting to normies, gays being accepted was stealing the Queer oxygen and fuel they need to be the social irritant they think they are.
Remember, that was in 98.
That was about when i started to think that pissing people off, but still appealing for decency when people snap and smash your face in, is all a bit much. Now i get the feeling that all activists, left, right, rich or poor are just drama queens with few ideas.
Then that Julian Assange fool, with the aid of that tranny drama llama in the military, reveals the names of spies in the name of freedom of information. As if he didn't know that somewhere, a spy with his cover blown is getting his eyes removed with a vacuum cleaner.
I'm still not redpilled, but holy fuck, the first group to push for quietly living a decent life is going to win my heart, easy.

Gender is not a costume.
They went insane when then had born males running and winning in female races. How do you think the females that worked really hard at that feel? women of the year is a man, how does that make any sense at all

Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.

How dare those bigoted lesbians do such a thing!? I am a masculine-presenting transgender lesbian.

Its a goddamn meltdown.

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>"tired of winning" while every white society is the BLACKest it has ever been since recorded history, while white births keep falling and while the bankers keep getting richer with the average white getting poorer, sprinkled with degeneracy being normalized in schools

It really looks like you're losing quite hard but hey that's just me

I'm sorry, I'm just a brain dead retard who can only comprehend 2 genders.

So it's biological lesbians protesting trans women who claim to be lesbians?

Just trans women who like men?

I don't quite get it

reddit spacing though I've never posted there

>How do you think the females that worked really hard at that feel?
I bet terrible and cheated, but don't forget that virtue signalling is strong in women. They take a long time before they finally snap

Yeah m8 i'm a horny little teen lesbian in the body of a big hairy MAN and anyone who tries to stop me being so special is as bad as Stalin.

This is a good idea, shows all the gays and lesbians sick of trannies co-opting their movement that these hate crime laws will be used against them too if they commit wrongthink

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They're lesbians angry that they're now expected to have sex with men with dicks that identify as women, since according to transactivists the "women" with dicks are real women so lesbians should be attracted to them. They also don't want men in womens bathrooms.

Not really. They acknowledge that trans women are abnormal filth and that only biological women are real women.

They are staying true to their convictions, men are not what they want and that includes not wanting the feminine penis.

Remember the meme "sucking a trans woman's penis isn't gay"? It's the same for lesbians -- sucking a trans woman's penis doesn't make you hetero. They know it's a trick by cultural Marxists.

Do not be mistaken, many of the L and G and B fucking hate the inclusion of the T and would if given the chance remove them.

Nothing new there. Even lesbians like to go take a piss in peace without sharing the toilets with some mental patient in drag.

Tbh I prefer Lesbians to fags.
I have Lesbian friends and I treat them like male buddies. This works.

No, there has always been strife when it came to trans.

They also dont like the bisexuals. Its only normal because they are different and have different interests, they were just lumped together for propaganda purposes.

The bathroom is a false flag, the real issue is claiming female privilege

Best strategy in Doom.

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I don't think they can help it DESU. I do know some of them absolutely hate it and take elocution lessons to try and drop it.
A gay guy i knew who was part of an online gaming clan said there's a lot of self loathing amongst gays. They really can get snarky about voice or mannerisms.

Not really. There are two types of feminists. One is your retarded blue-haired bitch that loves throwing around the long-winded LGBTQWFKDSKFKD+ shit. The other type of feminist hates that men are becoming women. They think it's a threat to women and a plot to erase a woman's identity.

See, the first group is a lot more vocal so they naturally believe that they are the only ones out there and for someone to call themselves a feminist or a lesbian and not accept trannies just blows their minds.

>Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.
>Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.
>Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.
>Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.
>Lets meme these protestors into a hate crime charge for transphobia.

THIS. Getting them arrested would give their message a big signal boost, sowing more division and infighting on their left while also proving our point about these hate speech laws being Orwellian dystopian nightmare hellscape tier.

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Gender and sexual identity are two different issues and people should stop confusing them. Like most male to female trans people claim to be lesbians. Did you get that? They we’re born with a dick and want to fuck lesbians.

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Terfs are the only feminists that have any sense to them

That's because you live in Eurostan where you guys don't even have a word for 'win'.

Doesn't what I wrote apply to your country specifically? What's with Americans trying to turn everything into us vs Europe, are you really that insecure? We're both fucked here

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Womens bathroom (outside of some pubs) are female privilege.. Have you ever seen how much nicer they are inside? Some dudes need to learn to aim but some need to learn to not shit on the seat.

They been infighting loads
But the target has mainly been Bi or Gay men
So its easier for the left to ignore it

Now its women, so left cant blame men

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This makes me wonder, is there a way for Jow Forums to Jew /LGBT/? Is it possible for us to subvert the whole board? There's already a /clg/ "Cis lesbian" general that the rest of the board hates.
>inb4 raid
This isn't a raid, just an exchange of Jow Forums ideas and /LGBT/ ideas. But with a deficit on the /LGBT/ side. How can we weaponize our /polgbt/ autismos against the absolute faggotry of the autismo /LGBT/? Is this viable? Been tried before? In anycase it would be fun.

Just by having them speak to the public. I know a gay guy who frequents pol and freaks out lefties IRL with conservative views. He openly voted no in the gay marriage debate because he hated the fuss.

Radfems have always been against trannies, they don't think it's real and they see it as a way for men to gain more influence and control over women.

It's funny as fuck, let them all eat eachother. Fucking freaks.

Yeah, I see your point. They can get away with a lot more irl. But not in America. I remember seeing this video on jewtube of a bunch of gays for trump being physically assaulted by straight allies. Because they were gay white men they were treated like shit, it's interesting to watch this loose coalition of victims shake itself from cohesion. The "allies" were lauded not so much as heroes but at the very least true allies. I'm sure it helped redpill those fags even more. Since I have you here, do you think it'd be possible to actually change a fags sexuality through the redpill? Or would it just lead to suicide? I'm not saying either or is bad but just a thought.

I made a post. Not necessarily going full in like but just giving them subtle pills.

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Thoughts and prayers my man. We're wishing you the best. Have you tried reaching out to US Christian groups? If they can get fucking Somalian child sodiers over here they can probably sponsor Boers.

Only insofar as typical feminist man hating is mental gymnastics

They hate men, and trannies are men invading their space, nothing too complex about that

Somebody shoop a bunch of Subarus into a Swastika.

There is a non-zero chance that Trump will come for you if shit kicks off.

>but thought trannies were disgusting and should be excluded from LGBT shit

Trannys SHOULD be excluded from the faggot alliance - they are a group that wants to change their genitalia, not have sex with something abnormal. It isn't the same sort of thing.

>most of my faggot friends
You shouldn't have even one of those. Wtf happened to Spain? You guys are worse than Sweden.

Really flying under the radar there bud

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I was hoping to manufacture some easy (you)s to garner attention. Alas, these lesbians are more preoccupied with monster drinks and hitting on each other.

The only problem I have with TERFs is that they of course blame white males for pushing the tranny agenda to erase women.

Of course the ones pushing the agenda are (((white males))) and virtue signaling shitlib white women. I don’t even see fags in general pushing it.

>subtle pills
>"Jow Forums was right again!"

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A little flare goes a long way. Besides how many of these dumb sluts do you think have heard of the minoans?