>muh white master race
Muh white master race
did you accidentally post unrelated pic?
Waiting for the motherless link to their videos kthnx
She looks like a hapa but her mother isn't asian
nor white
Problem solved itself out.
>>muh white master race
Jews will never get over how a German guy had the audacity to claim that the somebody else is superior "God's Chosen," the "smawt people." Eternal kosher salt.
>Finds a bad white person
But seriously if you wanna talk about whites vs other races then for every nutcase white article you could probably find ten nigger home invasions where they raped and killed everyone but the dog
why is it always long-haired dudes that do weird shit?
Guy got cucked by chang then had "incestuous" relations into murder-suicide as revenge.
If wouldn't be news if it were in any non white country
And now they haunt the Ocean House Hotel
he looks spic anyway
Surprisingly cute. Usually girls when it comes to this shit looks completely fucking trashed.
If only they moved to New Jersey where it is legal.
Yes, I am familliar with the idea of crime and taboo amongst my people.
This problem solved itself, unlike Muslim inbreeding, which is costing the NHS in my country millions a year to keep their sickly consanguineous mutant-spawn alive.
In their own countries they just expose the borked ones on a hill and start again.
noticed how this is condemned by the white community instead of a bunch of us demanding he be freed and that he dindu nuffin? that's the biggest cultural difference between whites and blacks. we call our retards what they are
the daughter was cute, in a down syndrome kind of way