The research and statistics demonstrated that most of the people involved in erecting the monuments of Confederate...

>The research and statistics demonstrated that most of the people involved in erecting the monuments of Confederate icons were not necessarily erecting a monument to the past, but were rather erecting them to demonstrate an anti non-white sentiment deeply rooted in America's foundations

Attached: 34633.jpg (946x535, 57K)

NAACP was created by Jews to take control of the Negro movement.
SPLC is run by Jews and its propaganda can not be trusted.

>ancap flag
>caring about what people do with their money
This should be a banable offence, as should Australians who can't bant.

>caring about what people do with their money

If someone spends money to cause harm to you, you probably should care in some way.

How does an inanimate object cause calculable harm? If it's not a legal damage, please shut the fuck up.

>People not afraid of celebrating their history want to celebrate their history
>This is racist

They are built to have psychological effect to certain individuals living in its area. Like daily reminder to not forget ancestor's ideals aka wreck niggers and maintain interpretation of christian values from that time. Symbolism in environment can cause you to perform certain actions.

They were built to show love towards era of slavery.

>They are built to have psychological effect to certain individuals living in its area.
Yeah, people are assholes. You're welcome to boycott them by fucking off, if you don't cause an impact maybe it's obvious why they didn't care about your feelings?

>Symbolism in environment can cause you to perform certain actions.
Only children aren't responsible for their actions due to emotions, are you so racist that you believe these people have no self discipline?

You're disgusting.

>we can tell all this by the year a monument was built alone
>why no, we never asked their motivation, nor bothered researching it
Typical leftist claptrap

>Source: Southern Poverty Law Centre

Environment will influence you even as adult. But you're basement dweller who gets triggered like commies over internet stuff.

Why do you Arabs care about this? What's your profit in this?

>brainlet doesn’t understand most of them came FIFTY YEARs AFTER THE WAR WAS DONE. Not because of the founding of the naacp

we need to build the arch that Hitler was going to build, these idiots need to be taught a lesson on why tearing down our monuments will only make them 10 times as tall next time we put them back up. have fun trying to tear down a general Lee statue as tall as the Statue of Liberty

Attached: 51-xiHmYH+L.jpg (329x500, 35K)

You can build it.

>ad hominem
Done losing?

You didn't disprove first part of the reply.

See >Only children aren't responsible for their actions due to emotions
A lack of discipline is absolutely no excuse for an adult. You've already lost this one M8.

all I see is a bunch of monuments erected around the time most of the survivors of the civil war were passing away, and then it's nothing.

you are fucking retared


>They are built to have psychological effect to certain individuals living in its area.
So you're basically saying that erecting statues breaks the NAP

>built to have psychological affects
Let me translate
>my emotions are all caused by other people and aren’t my fault. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So we can start tearing down black monuments? MLK signs? No? So you just want to take down some peoples monuments?
That’s racist.
See. You’re the real racist.