Why would I care ? You will see soon little white boy, you will go extinct just like the Tasmanian tiger. You cant fight, you cant win a war against even a bird the Emu. And White boys in Europe shit themselves at the very sight sight of a Muslims, white gigs beg to date Ahmed.
Thomas Barnes
When China unication will happen?
Michael Baker
>proud chick insect >Has to move away from own shithole You arent even fit to be used as fertilizer.
Jonathan Parker
Still he dominates all the whites ever, go cry in a corner.
Colton Peterson
LOL @ this coping little Hapa faggot.
Lincoln Richardson
>posted from my wife's African boyfriend's iPhone 8, courtesy of the Swedish government
Jack Smith
I heard the canadians have a very welcoming prime minister, friend. He can even let you fuck his wife!
Andrew Wood
Just don't go pissing in everyone's cola.
Blake Gutierrez
Have you considered not being a fucking coward, OP?
I'm moving back to Vancouver in August, hit me up once you get there chinabro. Will you teach me your language?
David Miller
I don't think they want more CPC spies.
Julian Price
my mercedes with red leather
yes so very good
Kevin Cooper
Please only come if you bring your woman. I love Chinese immigration. The guys work hard and provide money to their women, while I supply the white dough roll. Chinese chicks love the white meat.
Nathan Wood
Fuck off we're full
Jayden Foster
Taiwan #1!!!
Jayden Martinez
>tired of how expensive and crowded things are here >wants to live in the most expensive, crowded city in Canada at least stay in Richmond so you'll be taken out by the thousand year flood that's coming
Hunter Martinez
I had some Chinese asshole "social worker" try to fuck with my Dad's life. Tried to isolate him and manipulate him. He made like he was going to kung fu me because the cops would come if I did anything to him. Tell me things I can say to piss him off.
Joseph Ross
This thread is all the proof we need to scrub clean of all you worthless immigrants.
Juan Cook
Why not move to one of China's many ghost cities?
Liam Rogers
Z scheme shell corporations don't really work out too well in a deserted ghost town
William Hughes
hey fellow hong konger
shits getting so crowded here in hk bc (((they))) are shipping in jungle niggers in by the boatloads and the un folks takes years to process all the asylum applications while the seasians mooch off gov handouts. just look at west kowloon, its full of them
kick out the illegals and we can get our city back and lower property prices
David Wood
Most immigrants and foreigners in HK are anglos, in my experience at least.
Brayden Hughes
Perhaps if he weren’t an ugly chink insect clone, he could enjoy his own life instead of trying to manipulate people. You see, bug people have no self reflection or self awareness, their mode of being is to live in relation to others because they are a hivemind. I mean think about it, if you were an ugly bug fucker would you want to go on dates, go to the park with your girlfriend, or fly kites and things like that? No, because they are fucking ugly bug clones and there is no inherent value to their individual lives. They don’t even understand what an individual is! That is why they try to manipulate others.
Michael White
Probably because we are in communist Hawaii and they wanted him to say he was scared of me to put me in jail and he wouldn't so they threatened him with homelessness, they said they were going to make him homeless if he contacted me, and he wouldn't and this chankoro scum gets in my face and tries to make like he is protecting my dad from me. If I even swore at him, I would have the local cops arrest me. I need zhongguo phrases I can use to piss him off.
Hudson Jenkins
Visited Kowloon just a few weeks ago. Holy shit were there a ton of Africans and Pakis. Run for the hills, boys
Jose Reed
great post
same shit with those chinks, their faces are as flat as their asses
Chinese in China, they are literally all the same. Just a bunch of bug clones. I wouldn’t care much about life or other people either if everything as far as the eye can see is just a bug clone.
They must not have heard about the part where Einstein wrote that the women look like the men then. Ugly like all Chink females, who by the way look like Chinese males with a wig
they are clones. they lack any sort of human qualities that exists in the caucasoid race. they even lack sexual dimorphism, where the men have enlarged cloacas and the females have bodies of boys, never developing pronounced secondary sexual traits as seen in whites
whites breed extreme beauty, variety, and quality. locusts just spawn clones of demonic misery. they, along with poos and enablers must be culled permanently for the good of humanity
Nolan Ward
what prevents other people from buying it up? do they have some kind of special chinese magic?
Tyler Diaz
>Fucking nonwhites can't compete economically always need welfare and are lazy fucks bringing down the economy. >Fucking chinks outcompeting is economically, always causing inflation because of their high incomes and good work ethic causing an uprise of the economy. Which one is it white boi?
Jaxson Reed
Here are some ideas
Talk about Tibet genocide And why the government lies about it, when he defends them say he’s a liar too
Ask him why Chinese girls like white males so much
Ask him why Chinese worship monkies
Accuse him of trying to steal your dads organs and sell them to the CCP
As for Chinese words, call him a xia bi or chankoro
Christian Ward
Chinks I knew didn’t even work hard. All they do is cheat and steal, lie to make it look like they worked, and go on vacation while they paid the one smart chink to do their homework
Isaiah Gutierrez
Canada sucks. Why would you go to a place that bans loli manga?