You can no longer call the cops on black people period without risking a camera in your face and Twitter getting you fired

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and they actually broke into the pool too and where charged.

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Black people can't swim. This man was trying to help.


Why were Blacks in a pool? Blacks are to pools as dinosaurs were to tar pits.

It is awesome how these fucking bigots reveal them selves, so noble and righteous.

Only to blither and cry that that is not what they meant when the get the very much deserved boot.
As a supervisor years ago I fired more then one racist piece of shit with no other reason then there bigotry. Even kept most from getting unemployment ( could not make one of the hearings).

That is a complete lie.
Show some proof nimrod.

Good to see the true face of the alt right. Weak underdeveloped beta males with no muscles and a weak chin

>calling the cops on black people for trespassing is bigoted now
the absolute state of libs

what annoys me about that story is how the police officer was so codial to the guy. he finds out the guy had zero reason to the call the police and instead of lecturing him about abusing the public emergency service, "is there anything I can do for you sir?"
He seemed like a stereotypical dumb inarticulate officer too.

No they didn't. They were actually cardembers, problem is the nigger felt like she was singled out when the guy in question was known for asking to see someone's ID card if they were using the pool. Guy was part of the HOA, it was his fucking job. Nigger should have just showed her ID and left it alone but no, she's a nigger and should never be bothered because it would be racist

It's bait you fucking idiot summerfag

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I knew that and responded anyway

I love doing the same to SJWs. They inevitably cross some boundary that is grounds to fire them.

He wasnt just part of the HOA, he was the pool chairman. Literally his job.

You goddamn fucking cunts link your shit
So basically do your job, get fired because PR can't handle nigger media
Surely this won't backfire

The hell are you doing here if you're one of those brainwashed morons ? Get back to tumblr/reddit/facebook where you belong

If I were this guy I would fill the pool with concrete and shoot up the employer that fired me.

If anything will push whites into mob justice, not being able to call the police will. Lynching back on the menu in 10 years time, guaranteed.


Problem is that the police never should have been called in the first place. All the niggress had to do was show her membership card but following instructions is hard for niggers

This has to be some sort of witness intimidation thing. How are you going to punish someone who called the police? This is to intimidate people from ever calling the police. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

This is just more fake news for the masses. Watch the MAG break it down:


Respect the MAG - or stay dumb.

It's all fake - it's not supposed to make sense.

Those blacks were only trying to close the pool due to aids ): (and stingrays with aids)

I would not expect you to understand, it would take an IQ over 80

I've never had cause to do that, usually you can talk to them and save your companies investment in them. It really has a lot to do with mentality and morals.
You believe the drivel and tripe that most of these retards (and trolls) post and I'm delusional. Don't use words you don't understand, it make you look dumber then you are.

everybody knows niggers can't swim
what a good samaritan

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LMFAO Did none of them learn from each other's mistakes?

Niggers commit crimes.

Tyrone detected.

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That guy is about as white as Harvey Weinstein

its a free PR stunt libtards are retarded enough to fall for
no company gives a rats ass about niggers

Morning FBI. Pleasant day out. Hope you get some bites.

And i'm fine with murdering you

im pretty sure this guy can sue , he did nothing related to his job and/or representing his job, he literally just called the police.

>LMFAO Did none of them learn from each other's mistakes?

You have a Nazi meme flag and you haven't learned lesson one about niggers?

>fed posting intensifies

>forced into using proper English
>uses improper form anyways

Nigger opinion disregarded

No I think little pussy manlets like you call me a chad but, Tyrone will do.
You know I'm very much like the guy that laugh at you while walking away with the girl you liked. You remember the one that said you guys will always be "friends". And btw, she was laughing at you also.

His lawyer, John Vermitsky, told The Post that his client works for the Glenridge Homeowners Association, where he and Edwards live, as the pool chairman and board member — so he’s required to ask people for IDs on account of his position. “He had a pool member come to him and say ‘this person doesn’t appear to be a pool member’ and asked to check their credentials, as he’s required to do so,” Vermitsky said. “[Edwards] became loud and confrontational, and he wanted to make sure that the situation was handled properly.”

One of the officers on the scene on Wednesday can be heard asking Bloom if residents are required to carry a “swim card” of some sort, granting them access to the pool area.

“Yes! I have one! That’s how I got in!” Edwards says. “What can I charge against him for racial profiling?! Because this is ridiculous.”


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No FBI here. How many lives do you think you can ruin over PC BS before we start slaughtering you faggots?

I'll help.

Maybe you should stop calling the police every time you encounter black people, you paranoid little fucks? You're no better than women calling the police on single men just minding their own business in a park where kids play because "They must be there to fap to or abduct them!"

All niggers behave like this worldwide. Literally any protocol that's done routinely to everybody is considered racism in their eyes.
They also take any chance to threaten to accuse you of whatever to get some compensation like the Kit-Kat burqa lady.

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>uses an unoriginal insult
>still using improper form

Just stop before you make yourself look even worse. Dunning-Kruger brainlet detected.

lol I bet that gibberish meant something to you.
You clearly are a little upset by my assessment of your mental prowess. So your telling me your just a bit over 80....so 85ish. Right?

>push whites into mob justice,
its almost like our backwoods, ignorant racist ancestors that enacted Jim Crow Laws and the Klan actually knew what they were doing.....and....dare I say it....DID NOTHING WRONG

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If this were in Europe, everyone would be saying "EUROCUKS BTFO. HAHA DIS WUDLNT HAPPEN IN MERICA"

Didn't something like this happen in the turner diaries where huwhites can get arrested just for calling the police on niggers?

The Civil Rights Act was declared unconstitutional in 1883.

It's like a five year old telling people the ways of the world. Just pitiful.

This is fucking insane.

>blacks in a pool

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This explains why you are where you are in your life.

Mutt cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.

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I snickered.

Isn't losing your job in the USA a frightening experience that guarantees homelessness in a matter of months if you're White? What the fuck? What about his civil rights?

>No other reason then there bigotry
Than their...

I still make $10 an hour doing mindless menial labor, so your theory isn't correct.

It does. It is call hard work. I have all of what I need and most of what I want, so yeah. Try it sometime.

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>stop calling the police every time you encounter black people,
i call the police everytime I see more than 2 blacks congregating together
> phone in "bravo mike with a gun"
police show up
ask for IDs
niggers chimp out, argue and make things difficult for LEOs just because
80% of the time they have outstanding warrant, anyway
> good riddance

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If this were to happen in europe, the media would make a huge stink about muh racism and charge the batteries to civic nationalism while they're at it.
Fucking disgraceful

>Maybe you should stop calling the police every time you encounter black people
Well, it is so far impossible to call airstrike on them so cops have to do for now.

You get a curb stomp.

low-IQ roastie confirmed

> loses job
Wagies btfo

You will die all the same you stupid faggot. Get the fuck out of here and crawl back to tumblr.

He was being a faggot although I don’t understand why he was fired from his job.

>Adam Bloom


Niggers are unpredictable animals, so calling the cops on them when you see a group is just the prudent thing to do.
Protip: Niggers aren't actually people.

And? Constitution has been subverted by kikes and dindus. Wake the fuck up before it is too late.


u fucks deserve it

keep being racist see what happens

End result: more crime. Kek.

Swimming with niggesr ever.

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Alan Harper?

top jej

>multiple examples of black people chimping out and escalating things to unreasonable amounts over tiny slights or issues normal people don't even think to perceive
>guys why do you call the cops whenever you have to interact with peaceful dindus

I teach my kids to ALWAYS call the police to report suspicious black people.


Tow the line and stay away from political social media. Don't want to have a (white) stigma in the US society.

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those niggers could've been shot, he made the right decision

>those niggers could've been shot, he made the right decision
Why don't you shoot some?

No fuck you retard, that's what I am saying. The Civil Rights Act was declared unconstitutional in 1883 and the kikes just waited 80 fucking years and passed the same goddamn unconstitutional law that has gone unchallenged since (on purpose). Affirmative Action is systemic racism and sexism against white males.

If I see a black person in a white space I always notify the police to keep a look out. Black people can not be trusted and should be monitored.

Keep being a worthless PC tyrant and see how fast you get slaughtered.

Its already too late probably.
Endsieg motherfuckers

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We should create an app called Nigger 911 just to report suspicious black people.

White female cop at about 0:38 :
>My son is also black


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>don't call cops on blacks
>don't call cops on pedos

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All the bitch had to do was show her ID. More evidence that we simply cannot live together.

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In Nigger land, if she didn't prove she was part of the tribe she would have been beaten to death by an ape.


Internet tough guy here.
Moron here. Can't handle living and competing in this world.Nope, has to cry and blither that it is someone else is at fault. AKA a complete pussy.

Is that what you call this artificial, rigged contest? You wouldn't last two seconds competing in Nature.

Is that like an esoteric code?

Im not versed in such things

i won't do anything cia man but if some user wanted to, they couldn't go wrong with buying a burner and calling 911 on every nigger they see. just an OPINION

It's a post number... I don't have the screen grab on this devices, but Saint user got holy digits and his post said the End is Nigh, repent and seek Jesus.