Is he benevolent? Does karma exist?
What good is to have faith in God if he isn't benevolent? Why not be smarter instead?
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Because you deserve to die.
the real redpill is existential nihilism
there is no god, you phaggot
I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the father but by me.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked; that which a man sows, he shall also reap.
Don't we all
>there is no god, you phaggot
There might be God, but why have any faith in him if he's not benovolent?
There's so much empirical evidence that God doesn't care about us, both in good or bad ways. We kill animals and still lead on good lives, don't we?
The true redpill about God can be summarised into one sentence: "When I am not, God is not."
If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.
Also, this...
Whoever blasphemes against the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven.
*forgot picture
Karma is your actions, nothing more.
all of this is unrelevant Johnnie. Just trust in your Jews & Dollars.
I feel that karma is more about balance as apposed to revenge, which has nothing to do with kindness and love
Why do we make the false, naive, assumption that the universe exists in such a manner as to be fair to living organisms? In other words, why do we assume that if there is a creator, that there has to be an afterlife because any alternative wouldn’t be nice to living beings aware of their own mortality?
It may seem like a very cynical way to look at things, but it is logically more likely than an afterlife, even in the presence of a creator. Our lives are already a gift infinitely better than eternal nothingness.
Imagine someone sacrificed their son to save your life, and then you reject that and say, "I don't care, that doesn't affect me."
>Is he benevolent?
Yes. He gave us free will to screw ourselves as we see fit.
>Does karma exist?
Though God's will, sure, why not?
>What good is to have faith in God if he isn't benevolent?
If he's not fully benevolent, he's not God.
>Why not be smarter instead?
Why think at all?
It's like this. You can choose if you want to believe in God or not. Since he is benevolent, you will become benevolent following his ways. But some people are too gangsta for God's ways, so they decide to walk their own paths. And God is okay with that, he will let you go, since he's benevolent, but you will then answer for your own mistakes. If you harm God's other creations though, you will spur his wrath against you and will have to answer it. And if one day you finally see that man is a petty little creature who can't handle himself in the universe, and you turn your ways back to God, he will take you back in, since he is benevolent. But you will have to repent and the greater your failings, the harder it will be, since if you honestly follow God's path, you will have to submit o his standard of benevolence in morality.
>Yes. He gave us free will
This doesn't necessarily mean he's benevolent, though
>This doesn't necessarily mean he's benevolent, though
How is giving you freedom not benevolent?
>Gives you freedom
>makes your life hell
nihilisms of various sorts are obviously true. The only metaphysical question that isn't laughably retarded is what consciousness is, and the most reasonable explanations imply nothing to do with any sort of meaningful transcendental.
>Gives you freedom
>You go and go against God's creations acting like a nigger
>make your own life hell
Don't blame God for being a piece of shit yourself, user.
It's true in the sense that by limiting your entire worldview on solely what you can understand within your own limitations, you'll go mad.
As OP said, why not be smarter?
Where did I imply the person was at fault?
You christkeks are quite unrealistic.
Real life is filled with examples of people who are perfectly nice but that have very shitty lives, while at the same time it is filled with examples of very evil people whom live quite well.
He's disappointed
Free will doesn't exist you doofuses.
>How is giving you freedom not benevolent?
But there is so much evidence against freedom / free will, isn't there?
Your thoughts aren't yours, you are shaped by people around you, the water you drink has chemicals that affect your brain and your thinking. You can't choose to be happy or to be sad on any given day. Things simply happen to my life and I'm not in control.
>Where did I imply the person was at fault?
Nowhere, that's your problem. Of course you're not at fault, you're you, you're awesome, you don't need God, you're just fine on your own.
>Real life is filled with examples of people who are perfectly nice but that have very shitty lives
>while at the same time it is filled with examples of very evil people whom live quite well
A question of standards.
If people would be nicer in general, nice people wouldn't have shitty lives and evil people wouln't be in power. Also you can't just another's life unless you know them. From who I know, those who don't believe in God, well-off or not, are generally more miserable than the simple God fearing people with their simple lives that they cherish very much. But again, a question of standards.
Not realistic, and even then, the people who believe in god may be mistaken about the deity proper that actually exists, you haven't solved the problem of why a good god would allow incredible evil to happen to those whom are good and why would he/she allow the evil to be fruitful.
Moreover you think belief in god is the stupid notion of picking a religion and risking your eternity as if this were a casino, you're a brainlet.
when you die there is nothing op
This is a memo I successfully corresponded with the President on the 3rd
>It's a god thread
>if god is real, why do bad things happen??
You are thinking of it backwards. When people don’t have the idea of god, they then try to play god and become god. That’s when people do especially evil and stupid shit.
Free will isn't an answer.
>Your thoughts aren't yours, you are shaped by people around you, the water you drink has chemicals that affect your brain and your thinking. You can't choose to be happy or to be sad on any given day. Things simply happen to my life and I'm not in control.
Sounds like fatalistic nihilism to me. Why even live? Maybe to seek what little fiber of freedom?
>you haven't solved the problem of why a good god would allow incredible evil to happen
But I did. It is our own making. Do innocent people suffer? Yes. Do evil people get away with evil deeds? Yes. Do people resent that and wish it weren't so? Yes.
In all honesty, Christian doctrine states this life is already flawed for it to be fixed, lest God chose to do so. Why wouldn't he do it? He gave us freedom and now we have to live it it, if he'd take it away just just to fix our own mistakes, how would we learn the consequence of wrongdoing?
>Moreover you think belief in god is the stupid notion of picking a religion and risking your eternity as if this were a casino
I'm not risking anything. I myself firmly believe in the benevolence of God. If someone else thinks it is a risk, let them do the opposite and if they're right, we're all equally screwed.
It's not an answer if you can't accept you own failures, user. Let alone the failure of our entire people throughout human history.
>you'll go mad.
you won't though. believing in any sort of transcendent meaning is a form of mental illness in the first place. The result of an emotional and undirectedly associative state of mind
>Don't masturbate also enjoy your 4 year old son dying of bone cancer :))))))))
Cool fucking god you have there christcucks
>be humans in ancient times
>holy shit man, the gods are cunts, there are thieves and murderers in the streets
>life is flawed
>I know man, it's our fault
>*invents city guards*
>holy shit, the gods are wonderful nao
You're not going to read anything more interesting or significant then that memo over there
>That’s when people do especially evil and stupid shit.
But how many people think they're doing good to the world when they're really doing evil stuff without realizing it? How does God judge that.
Does God only acknowledge the bad that you are concious about?
Christkeks cannot even fathom the possibilty of god existing but not being the jew god
It depends on how far you take it and what is your own relationship with the transcendental. Sure there are many fanatics in religion, but religion itself doesn't make them so since countless others are rational believers who use faith to improve their lives and state of mind. Saying that having faith in something far greater beyond human understanding is the same as being mentally ill defies human history and is a very narrow minded generalization.
Your thieves and murderers are men, your city guards are men. What are you going to do with nations of child sacrificing religious zealots though? They say the blood of children given to Baal gives you power. Tell your countrymen they're lying.
Have you ever thought that maybe god doesn't care about good and evil?
What's the difference between a jew God and a Greek God? I'm looking for a punchline for a joke.
He made humans live without the benefit of technologies we now consider essential for life, and which we would consider it cruel to deprive anyone of if we could give it freely... and yet people ask if he is benevolent. If I'm to be objective, I don't see how I could argue that there is a benevolent god. It would be interesting to hear a counterargument though.
mentall illness as in 'detached from reality'. I understand very well the instrumental or pragmatic uses of religion, both for the individual and for an entire society.
For your average person religion is necessary to convince them to behave in a productive way.
Gotta go to Israel and find out the deal. Plan your vacation today.
the jewish god yahweh is a volcano, if that helps
You know exactly what I mean, do not change the subject
From my experience I know, if there is a God, and I believe he is, he only cares for what is best for us and the people we care about. Doctrine, tradition, religious texts, especially the Christian ones, and their wisdom help us increase our better values and be kinder to each other and more understanding of people's flaws so we could together fix them. I could ramble something about Christianity helping build Western Civilization, but on Jow Forums that would be redundant now.
I saw a kid today, he was retarded, not the correct word but it will do. He has to be fed through a tube, will never lead a normal life. Why does death have negativity with it?
Karma means simply that if your intension are negative, you cause negativity yourself. That's why you should not get angry and you should not hate. Simply do what is necessary, but be as you want all a times.
GOD is figurative word. GOD is energy, source, consciousness that includes everything and beyond. You are also part of it. All the religions are teaching about this truth, hidden within words to those who are ready to see. Are you ready?
With these you can enter the rabbit hole. This is most important redpill. Redpill of life.
>the bible
Yeah, not a honest comment, it's biased towards tradition without any actual basis on reality.
I do know. I feel sorry for you though. But it will all be alright if you have a good heart, user.
You don't understand, user. This reality of ours isn't the end-all, be-all. If it is, then we really are in a unsolvable mess. You preach religion as a slave control tool, but I preach religion as a way for yourself, no matter how wise and good you are, to be wiser and 'gooder' in accord with the people who followed the benevolent God for thousands of years. To learn from their mistakes and their victories in forging their spirits.
Why is it okay for an all powerful being to take the life of a child so young?
But what is your reality, user? Where does it begin, where does it end? I can guess your reality has very many limits, but my reality is eternal in God.
>Karma means simply that if your intension are negative, you cause negativity yourself.
What if my intentions are negative, I enact them however reject the negativity that it tries to cause to myself? Cause harm to people and not think about it?
Does God have something to do against that?
>then we really are in a unsolvable mess
we are.
>You preach religion as a slave control tool, but I preach religion as a way for yourself,
No I said it was both of these things. I said both for the individual and for the society.
The majority of people have a kind of spiritual module that regulates many of their other actions to some degree, and it needs to be filled with something. The Christian God proved a very good fit for this, the Chinese had their own version, Tao or whatever, im not up on Chinese religion.
Our reality may not be everything, in fact i would guess that it is not. But there is no reason to think we have access to anything beyond just because of the subjective experiences we have of a beyond, experiences which can easily be put down to delusion.
>Cause harm to people and not think about it?
Have you ever heard anything about the sub-conscious mind, user? Honestly I wouldn't even think the way you do anymore. One day you just might wake up not caring about anything at all, including yourself.
So your faggot holy ghost is stronger then God or Jesus? What's the point of worshiping the minions then when I could just worship Casper directly?
Imagine a sand demon demand you sacrifice your son and then just change his mind at the last minute lol jk Abraham.
>Sounds like fatalistic nihilism to me. Why even live? Maybe to seek what little fiber of freedom?
It is fatalistic nihilism, but it seems much more likely than a benevolent God. When you chew it down to the bone, and try to think with pure logic, nothing really makes sense and the presence of God in this world is extremely questionable.
I want to believe in God, I truly do but since he has zero benevolence and does not interject in this life, why should I bother at all. I do not believe in afterlife after all.
You can find passages to back anything up in the Bible it contradicts itself left and right. You can find passages about keeping immigrants out or letting them in. The Bible was written by kikes to subvert the European through his empathy and the Quran was written by kikes to whip the Muslims into being fanatical zealots to fight the Christians they already made classic kike Hegelian dialectic of thesis counter thesis then the synthesis of oh just let us jews rule and arbitrate for you and lend you both $.
I think I see your problem, user. You think of religion as a pathway to some greater mystery of the Universe that science hasn't broken yet. And maybe there is, I'm not that much of a scholar. But I use religion in everyday life as a constant improving tool. I read my Bible every day and study what I can whenever I can to make my faith in the benevolent God as strong as I can.
It's way more practical for everyday use for yourself. The greater mysteries of the universe won't be revealed to just one or two people studying on their own. I'd imagine we would need to agree on what we want from the universe first, then join together to figure out how to make it there. I know what I want and so does Christ.
I got nothing
He is so it's good
nietzsche would disagree
"are we content? I am the god who created this farce. Sing me a new song, the world is transfigured and all the heavens are rejoicing." - nietzsche, Turin, 1889
I am personally acquaintanced with God, as in I have personally experienced how it feels to merge with god in divine extacy.
Having this in mind, I will ask my questions again:
What makes you think god cares about good vs evil or about behaviour?
And I just worked out you're talking about yourself? Sorry
I agree with you in the sense that I believe I could spend my entire life trying to figure out how I should act and I wouldnt find as good a way of acting as Jesus did.
Unfortunately i don't believe we have that much control over how we act. Jesus was just like that, and I am just like this, and efforts to the contrary are mostly futile.
God's obviously RPing a dark game this time it gets boring being Good all the time your followers just get more dependent and whiny you have to teach them a lesson sometimes.
Because you stop at logic and the 'bare bones' part, user. Faith is beyond reason. It is what you truly want, what is truly the most reasonable to believe in beyond everything there has ever been in the world. It sounds very much 'out-there' I can see that, but I think that is where a deeper truth lies, what do you want in the end? Benevolence or random chaos? Like another user said, this alone can lead to madness, especially if you think over such matters and intoxicate yourself with the depths of the universe. That's why it is essential to strive for a normal everyday life and the joys in it. The greatest mysteries are by and for God, but we must learn to toil the soil properly first.
Jesus is a Mary sue and God is a deus ex machina.
7/10 for part one
2/10 for part 2 (too much cucking Jewish propaganda)
>I am personally acquaintanced with God, as in I have personally experienced how it feels to merge with god in divine extacy.
>What makes you think god cares about good vs evil or about behaviour?
Why ask me ant not him, then?
All I can say that God doesn't much care for evil and cares everything for good. And he wants us to be good, but lets us be evil. Why? I would imagine so we would learn what evil truly is and how much good is truly worth.
In that case I can only suggest to try and imitate Jesus in the best way you can. There's this thing called the Jefferson Bible, where Thomas Jefferson took the New Testament and cut out all the supernatural stuff, leaving only Jesus and his human teachings. I want to read that someday, I'd suggest maybe you to try it as well. Maybe it would help you be the best person you can be.
The only thing I got clear from god is that though he opposes evil, evil is not something like touching your dick or failing to keep some alleged divine commandment but rather evil is being part of hell's army.
God is very liberal when it comes to people's behaviour.
As for your insistence on christkikery, tell me how it is not stupid to follow a religion as opposed to seeing if you can find the actual god that is out there.
>what is truly the most reasonable to believe in beyond everything there has ever been in the world
I want peace, yet it's impossible because I have to kill animals and plants to eat and survive. That in itself is cruel, to take away another being's life, strip it of its joy and pleasure and harness it for myself, for my own power. That mechanism in itself is not benevolent at all, why would God design life in such a way? That's one question I ask myself often and I've had no answer to it.
I guess you're a closet gnostic
Following a religion is meant to strengthen your spirit in the the faith you possess. I follow Christ for I believe in the benevolent God. The only other religions that I know that preach the same thing, but to a lesser extent are Judaism and Zoroastrianism. Judaism and Christianity have their history, not the best one and Zoroastrianism is just too mysterious for me. Christ claimed to be the Son of God and lived a sinless life, preaching kindness and justice for the soul beyond our flawed world. Every doubt I have in the faith, I keep to myself and solve them trough study. I have done well with that and my faith has never been broken. But I understand some people might not have been able to overcome their doubts. All I can say to them then, if you just can't be Christian, at least study the words of Christ and be a good person.
I sent this memo to Trump last week on the 3rd and he confirmed he received it. Now I am going to share it with you all.
It seems the only difference between Gnosticism and unfiltered nihilism is Conciousness being of spiritual nature rather than generated from matter
You're too sensitive, user. Honestly you don't have to kill animals, if killing plants is hard for you, I commend your appreciation for nature, but I highly doubt a tree mourns loosing an apple or a bush loosing a berry. Animals themselves are mostly sinless, since they follow their nature. There are abominations out there and now, but not all life is designed to end other life, quite the opposite. Our world is heavily flawed, but we must press on. We're always sinners and we must repent, but God will forgive. As to why he made the world as it is, that I can't say, but that maybe it is a test to forge our spirits. But what is important is that you don't think that life is just horror and pain. There is much beauty in our world, untainted forces of nature, sprawling life that we humans suffocate o our leisure. But with a little effort we can still preserve something, I think.
>All the religions are teaching about this truth, hidden within words to those who are ready to see. Are you ready?
good stuff. I agree all the religions are teaching this truth of nonlocality of consciousness. It is amazing to me that for some decades all the pieces of the puzzle have been available in the open, and yet it is not 'news', all it takes is a month or so of study and then a month of meditation retreat. Will mankind continue on the path to Idiocracy or will this puzzle be taken up and taught?
Following a religion doesn't make sense.
A religion may tell you that god is this or that but it will be ultimately false because it won't deal with the actual true god.
In short, you aren't meeting anyone in heaven after life, you'd be going to hell and it will be your fault despite your best intentions.
But see, you thought you were doing good.
This was a surprisingly good thread, anons. 10/10
God bless everyone. I love you all.
If we don't meet in the afterlife, then nothing changes. If we do, I'll give you a hand o the right path, user.
God is not benevolent, but you cannot outsmart him, he doesn't give a fuck and is enjoying watching unfettered chaos as he refuses to intervene.
God is benevolent but it's not possible to realise his nature without actually realising it.
And yet you still kill the animals
>it's not possible to realise his nature without actually realising it
Well, yah
>Is he benevolent?
If life is a good thing that means God is benevolent. If you hate creation you won't see God as good.