Shame is the most powerful weapon against a woman. If her femininity has not been reduced and converted into a misconception of androgynoustic proportions, then shame is the most powerful weapon. If a woman has gone full batshit roastie ANTIFA (ROASTIFA) then you need to kick the shit out of her or disengage. The goal here is to help turn those feminine and submissive women that still exist, and are being tempted, away from that perverted lifestyle that ultimately results in the decay of man and of society.

Gentleman, before you embark on this journey, you must understand a few things:

1. If you’re addicted or watch porn and engage in many instances of casual sex, then you are a part of the problem.
You MUST reconfigure your brain and sexual preferences. Years of cucking yourself and releasing semen (which holds the equivalent nutrition of about 6 liters of blood) has poisoned your mind and body. At first you must practice no fap for at least a month, then return to healthy masturbation sans porn while simultaneously engaging in physical training and mental stimulation.

MGTOW is a Jewish psyop meant to instill hatred in men towards the contemporary culture of women without providing beneficial constructs and paths towards rebuilding the respect we have for ourselves, for our women, and for our society.

Attached: Anti-Roastie General.jpg (4544x5420, 1.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:


We must understand that many men, women, and children have suffered and died at the hands of Jewish Zionist perversion. We are approaching Weimar levels of degeneracy and Weimar levels of suffering; which is unprecedented considering our abundance in resources and technology.

This is for our future and for our children. A world littered with single mothers, their children, and their decisions only means pain and money being drained out of our society.

Abortion promotes a degenerate lifestyle and the institutions that support it also benefit from it. Planned Parenthood donated $30 million dollars towards the 2016 election, while simultaneously selling aborted fetus’ and baby body parts for a profit. Roe V Wade hopefully will be overturned but we must shame women until they believe it’s not an option

Attached: Why is Porn Bad for Society.jpg (752x564, 132K)



>My Wallet, My Choice,
No Hymen, No Diamond

>You Are Not Man’s Equal,
Unless You Take Responsibility for your Actions

>Your body, Your choice?
My borders, My choice!

>How many kids missing in NY?
How many late term and post term abortions?
NYC women hate kids and hate our future

>Brain Damage? If only she knew...
End Hormonal Birth control

>If only she cared about her brain,
Like how she cares about her body

>Millions are being poisoned by Birth Control in the water supply
Our Children need clean water and a clean future.

>If she can’t take a punch, then she’s not my equal!

>Which of these kills more babies?
1. Single Black Women
2. Clinton Foundation in Haiti
3. Herpes from Jewish Rabbi metzitzah b'peh

Attached: Pornographers Must Die 2.png (2550x3300, 987K)


Attached: UK Women will not be sent to prison unless they commit a serious crime.jpg (845x1457, 413K)

TRP doesn't hate women. It's just pro men.


That OP pic is ironic. All the ebil immigrants attacking the poor defenceless white woman. Forgetting that all of this only became possible after the wahmyn got the vote. Its directly HER fault that the West is so fucked up. Yet everyone here wastes years of their life attacking the symptom. Nothing, NOTHING will change as long as we have white knight cucks (typically within the alt-right) pretending that it's always the niggers or Pakis or Arabs. When you're ready to confront the Eternal Thot, let's talk.

Best way to get off porn?

Women are biologically designed to be altruistic fuckhead, its what makes them better at caring for kids.

This is the fault of weak white men who gave in.

No feminists too?


Perfect breeding age. She have the mom help out in the first 3-4 years while she studies

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cut your dick off

If you REALLY have a pornography problem (1-5 times per DAY), then do this:
1. Enable all restrictions on your computer and phone that have images referencing nudity or sexual acts. If you surf other websites besides Jow Forums, then it'll be easier to hide porn.

2. If you enable all of these measures, and it still doesn't work because you're on the chans, then you you must rely on your WILL desu. You know watching and getting off to porn is wrong. Your brain can and will heal, you must give it a chance.

3. Every time you feel the urge to fap, do pushups, situps, squats or pullups. Engage that perverted sexual desire and replace it with real beneficial action. You can barely do a pushup? or Sit-up? or pull-up? Then do just one. Or hold yourself in that position. Disengage your desire and engage your potential.

4. Read and run. Your brain desires stimulus and often when men get off of an addictive substance (porn, video games, smoking, etc) then they end up taking on a new addiction. Your need for the type of dopamine rush provided by porn can and will be replaced.

Most importantly, if no one believes in you and you barely believe in yourself, remember that some group of random anons do. People who've never met you care a lot about how you're doing desu.

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Kys pusy flaps
Women should have never got the vote. Every fucking altshite YouTuber is starting to call for patriarchy. I have seen a steady march in this direction but recently things have picked up. Even the faggot Black Pigeon did a call for patriarchy.

>pornography problem (1-5 times per DAY)

That's not a problem, retard.

Attached: addiction.jpg (1203x1000, 294K)

This thread seeks to expose men to societies contemporary (read Jewish) values on women from childbirth into adulthood and why this is detrimental.

The Red Pill subreddit (which you'll go back to after this post you fucking slime) promotes degeneracy among men and an engagement in the dance of societal destruction. TRP promotes railing roasties and spinning plates. That's not what /ARG/ is about

Imagine not reading a word in the OP post and just looking at the image in the OP pic. You've basically typed out in a less elegant way what the purpose of /ARG/ is

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Finally a general just for me

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>meme flag
>low quality meme
>not understanding how pornography and the brain works in tandem
Thanks for the bump faggot. It makes total sense to deplete your natural creative fluids, which are worth way more than some of your other body's fluids, to another man fucking some used up nasty roasted "ADULT ACTRESS". Give me a fucking break schlomo we're trying to make better men here and open some eyes

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bumps from furries are appreciated. However, your brain's will be studied after all of this is over because how the fuck can a man want to fuck a women in a costume before fucking a real women. That's the type of porn that starts when a kid was only 8 years old.

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>deplete your natural creative fluids

Wow, Shlomo got triggered. I bet you have more of your horror stories.

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The person in this costume is a Japanese man. Lmao

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MGTOW for life! Marriage is a suckers game

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>posting on forums etc.
thank fuck for that


>still using a meme flag
Listen here Schlomo. You're advocating for a wholly JEWISH controlled industry (porn). You're saying jerking off to men fucking women that you'd like to fuck while you hold your dick in your hand is somehow beneficial to us and not a problem. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU DIDNT READ OUR OP WHICH OBVIOUSLY STATES:
>1. If you’re addicted or watch porn and engage in many instances of casual sex, then you are a part of the problem.
You MUST reconfigure your brain and sexual preferences. Years of cucking yourself and releasing semen (which holds the equivalent nutrition of about 6 liters of blood) has poisoned your mind and body. At first you must practice no fap for at least a month, then return to healthy masturbation sans porn while simultaneously engaging in physical training and mental stimulation.

If we were advocating for an ONLY NOFAP Program, you would be right. However, in the OP, it doesn't state that. It states to practice NOFAP to retrain your brain, and to resume normal healthy MASTURBATION once you can resist porn or nude images. What a kike shill. Anyway, thanks for the bump schlomo

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Jesus Christ name fag, how does one even become a furry? What entices a man to want to dress up not only as a WOMAN, but a FURRY WOMAN?!

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>wholly JEWISH controlled industry (porn)

And I'm sure you got the stats to back it up.

Treat your Jew Derangement Syndrome.

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>Jew Derangement Syndrome
You're not even trying to hide it anymore. Get out of this thread jewish shill

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Attached: Pornographers Must Die.png (2550x3300, 1.01M)

>"Jews control X"
>"Prove Jews control X"
Excellent argument

Wow, now blaming men. You showed your true face, Shlomo.

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Yes, yes, we get it by now.

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Lots of misogynistic posts on Jow Forums today. I like it.

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Sources from 2002.


One written by Johnathan Demon ("International Fellowship of Christians and Jews") the other written by some cunt.

Holy shit, you're desperate. Another proof that you have nothing.

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>Years of cucking yourself and releasing semen
I don't think cuck means what you think it means.

Here you go jewish shills took me half a minute in between my workout: returnofkings.com/115977/the-hidden-agenda-behind-interracial-pornography

Men are to blame as they are responsible for their actions and for their societies outcome after they turn at least 18-25.

Provide a more coherent counter argument schlomo jr. All I see is debasing and condescending remarks without any attempt to disprove what we are saying. Try harder please

Yes completely ignore the fact that Jews do control a majority of the media and the porn industry. Don't look up any of these facts on your own goy. Be a good goy and masturbate to porn

Pol is anti-kike general and this is ANTI ROASTIE GENERAL but here is an infographic so you can better understand Jewish Control and Over representation

Attached: Hard Proof of Jewish OVERRepresentation in Positions of Power.jpg (1651x4679, 2.43M)

Is letting a man fuck the women you desire and watching a man fuck the women you desire not in the same boat desu?

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fucking commie

>search for mgtow
>Shame roasties thread
>this is not mgtow

Actually based OP for not associating us with his whatever it is he is doing.

>If you’re addicted or watch porn and engage in many instances of casual sex, then you are a part of the problem.
>You MUST reconfigure your brain and sexual preferences. Years of cucking yourself and releasing semen (which holds the equivalent nutrition of about 6 liters of blood) has poisoned your mind and body. At first you must practice no fap for at least a month, then return to healthy masturbation sans porn while simultaneously engaging in physical training and mental stimulation
scratch that, not based. Just a (vain) attempt to control men by their blue balls lol.

>Men are to blame

Yes, we get it, you're a femishit ranting against men and against porn.

>Yes completely ignore the fact that Jews do control a majority of the porn industry

I am still waiting for your proofs.

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No, it's the opposite, retard.

Attached: cuckreason.jpg (1121x465, 183K)

>people having discussion on a thread about a subject

>a new meme flag has joined the thread
Wonder who this could be? Meme flags give it away Shmekelstein. MGTOW is the Jewish psyop meant to push men towards simply degrading and berating Roasties, not trying to make a change in society to remove the outcome of Roasties all together. You my desu, are a faggot. Either contribute, debate, or get out.

Men aren't responsible for their actions and nothing they do contributes to society? And we are the femishit? This is some reverse jewjitsu at its finest

So as pic related says, you can alt-f4 anytime and we agree with that. Men who suffer from this addiction cannot, and most of those men would not be able to simply hit alt-f4. Also, as one of these previous posts' we made before states, most of these young men who are addicted are introduced at a young age; as young as 8.

So I would like to ask you a question. If not outright banning porn all together, would you be in favor of banning porn for children or placing restrictions? Are you in favor of preventing pornography addiction in children? Do you not care at all? We would appreciate responses to these questions.

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Discussion should be relevant to what others are discussing and you should have read the original posts. They would have answered your questions or raised new questions for us to discuss

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>Men who suffer from this addiction

Which, among billions of porn watchers, is a tiny tiny minority.

Not like it's all there fault though they turned into thots. Our fore fathers allowed (((them))) and there media to infulence them. Also most woman didn't want to vote. Some blame for this is on our race, I think you hit the nail on the head perfectly though with the white knight syndrom that plaughes us. We need to start shaming eachother to become better. btw srry for spelling working on 3 hours of sleep

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>grown women cant be held accountable for their actions
literally gas yourself

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Oh look its a fucking pathetic shill

I wonder how soon until someone shoots him in real life

Probably not much longer

Very effective. Good going

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Women are stupid.

Think about it. I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her. And then she chooses a 5'6" spic instead of me (a tall Aryan male who is attractive). This makes no sense. Why would she betray her heritage.
Why would she corrupt her bloodline. Why would she want someone that short? Doesn't she know her kids will be short? They would be tall with me. Each day I lose hope that I may never be with her.

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Exactly. Women need to grow the fuck up. It shouldn't be up to a man or society to do it for them , yet it is. Modern women are pathetic

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Almost a nice haiku desu. They're getting easier and easier to spot as they go through all of the threads on this board

You hit the nail on the head. Britbong user is saying that it's all her fault in the OP pic, which it clearly is not representing. It's showing the detrimental effect DIVERSITY has on civilized women. White Knighting is essentially what is holding many roasties and cucks back from being responsible for their own actions

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Fucking this this this

Why do you think? She did it to screw you over. Why was that then? You exemplified the father archetype, so that's why she wanted to screw you, to get back at her father.

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Obvious copy pasta from other MGTOW, women hating/supporting pasta

We agree with you 100% which is why this thread was created

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I'm very glad! Thank you for listening to my shitposts!

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There's got to be more to this story. But yeah wahmyn should never have got any kind of freedom. Giving the wahmyn freedom is like giving penguins blow torches, they don't know what its about and they'll only destroy everything around them.

>It's showing the detrimental effect DIVERSITY has on civilized women.
It's actually not though. I mean, am I the only one who notices that the woman in the image is Europa, the personification of Europe? It's not meant to represent real women.

Anyway,s top being a pussy worshiper.

pirate flag is mgtow flag

I dont give a fuck about your sexual communism incel schemes. MGTOW for life.

What about trying to get into the positions of power that would allow one to dump chemicals into the drinking supply that reduce women's innate sexual urges?

How could this be done?

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>pirate flag is mgtow flag
>sexual communism incel is not the same as incel MGTOW because instead of getting no pussy and worshiping women now I get no pussy and hate women.
Fucking kek. As usual meme flag provides no counter points or arguments and goes for (((semantics))) instead. MGTOW is really sexual communism incel lifestyle

Agreed, which is essentially what being a whiteknight is. Being a white knight defends the irresponsibility of women/men.

I see why you brit's need a license to post. This obvious old copy pasta from many other threads. Lurk moar faggot

Attached: When you have to hold her like this at night because she steals.jpg (640x561, 35K)

>What about trying to get into the positions of power
self-induced cringe
(not sure why, but I had to do the captcha about 10 times for this post)

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sexual communism is this
>d-dont fuck more than one woman people, o-one for each man! From each according to his inceldom/to each according to his sexual needs!

I hope you guys manage to find the women you're looking for. Personally, I don't think I've ever met a woman that is marriage material; I'm in an extremely religious part of the US and all the women here were roasties even in highschool. I've mostly given up on marriage.

Porn is pretty nice because it lets you get off to what really turns you on without having to lose money or time. It's probably not good for people, and it definitely inhibits you from getting laid. But I enjoy jerking off more than having sex; condoms feel like shit and most women have STDs so you can't go bareback, so who gives a fuck. I'd rather just jerk off to women I could never get

I only look white though so there's no pressure on me to help you all out by having kids, I hope the best for you all.

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you really fucked up the green text there bucko. nice try though

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this is so pathetic..

Saved your meme desu. Your proposition is counteractive to the benefit of humans in general. What might deter sexual desire in women may increase or decrease other faculties within men. Water should be clean, purified, and filled with vitamin and nutrients. Getting into a position of power to enact positive change is a must for any man trying to make a positive difference and to reduce the scurge that single mother roasties and roasties in general.

Our contemporary ideologies promote men engaging in hyper competitive goals and practices in order to pursue money, power, and pussy. Nothing is wrong with holding wealth and power, as long as the man that holds it is responsible and focused. Men who allow pussy or the pursuit of pussy to gain control of their actions will belittle and berate their fellow man as to "beat out" the competition. Putting your brothers AND sisters down for self-gain diminishes our society as a whole. It all stems back to White Knighting pussy worship versus Self-Love and respect. A self-loving, respectable man wouldn't try to JEW his fellow man; his habits have been formed towards promotion of the self, community, and those that seek to improve it.

Attached: When you get what you want in your struggle poem.jpg (1000x1333, 283K)

yet you still respond and gave this thread some bumps. Thanks again schlomo

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Appreciating the female body is different than watching a man ravenously fuck the women you desire. Female Aesthetic is mirrored in nature and men should appreciate and cherish it, not WORSHIP it.

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well glad you fullfilled your life's goal with those bumps lol.

Based anti-pornographers. Death to degenerates.
Many serial rapists became degenerate through porn.
>this, but in text en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Miyazaki
> also criminalminds.wikia.com/wiki/Tsutomu_Miyazaki
>another one - youtu.be/BCKG61Do3iM
>this in text en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bundy
Just search "porn" in the articles about the criminals. And those aren't some "random criminals", those are some of the worst serial rapists known to mankind.

>"a femlae victim (posed by model)"

what is spellcheck

Imagine being so dumb that you can't think of anything more complex than getting your stinky penis wet.

its very obvious that your shill from all this flip flopping from OP is a jew to OP hates jews to this. you're doing a great job exposing yourself and we're very happy the lurkers are here observing this

Yes based ruski, thank you for posting these. Will be saving this information you've provided and will be using it in other threads

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>meme flag
>shilling for porn jew

Fuck off kike

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This is actually very good advice.

Here you go.
Please look up the ethnicity of the owner.

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yea please oh great faggotry jew in the sky, bring down to the 56% muttish USrael the biggest and blackest cock so everyone can suck it and pretend that we are still white nation.
PS. If something will go wrong we will blame man and porn...

Yea go with that, unironically good luck

Based Sven dropping links

everyone can see you. get off of your proxy

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I thought poles were catholic

>If you’re addicted or watch porn and engage in many instances of casual sex, then you are a part of the problem.
Beta as fuck.

>Please look up the ethnicity of the owner.

Please tell me the owner of XVideos (biggest porn site) and the ethnicity of Mindgeek's owners (second largest pornsters).

Pot should be made illegal. Just give these people hard labor and use it to build great pyramids, dams, a 5 mile skyscraper. Put them in chains, and have them do something useful. PLEASE.

Before anything else, never, ever compromise on these potheads.

And before you make wanking bad - make women chaste first user

Fix the problem with women being harlots that chat up 50 guys at once. Throwing away tons of serious men

Then, avoiding porn will be a small feat.

You're saying the right things - but in the wrong order. Fix women from being whores, then we'll talk about outlawing sexbots and pron.

Women became weak after men did. If we fix ourselves we also fix women

>If we fix ourselves we also fix women
Go fuck yourself

You can't depend on these OCEANS filled of beta male simps waking up and not enabling these whores.

If you don't make a framework beforehand, you get nothing.

You're not thinking into deep enough. You're acting like your discipline will somehow be enough to get a doped up addict attention whore out of their stupor.


You fix women FIRST.


Lol. Fix women first.

Just like we get women off the sinking ship first. You think backwards.

>You fix women FIRST.
And how do we do that? It's just as impossible as fixing hordes of beta males. Women are trend followers while men are more susceptible to shaming. If we shame basedgoys, leftists and other faggots we will start fixing men, and women will follow all on their own.
It has always worked that way

>Just like we get women off the sinking ship first. You think backwards.

How do you mean? How does that analogy fit?

>Women are trend followers while men are more susceptible to shaming. If we shame basedgoys, leftists and other faggots we will start fixing men, and women will follow all on their own.

How is that going to work?

You dont think right. Go back...

What is beta as fuck is wasting time fucking random whores (which you may perceive as 9's or 10's but are actually skanks) instead of using some of your time to learn useful skills/maintaining fitness and looking for a possible waifu. That doesn't mean you can't have sex with your current gf or have to only have one gf throughout your life. What needs to be focused on is the intention to build something through mutual love and affection. Sex is a big part of a successful relationship and if it doesn't work out because of that or other factors, then the relationship will not work. Every decision may not be the right decision even if your intention is the right place. You must take responsibility for your actions and learn from them. Continue to look for a suitable partner to build and share your life with, even if the relationships you've tried so far haven't worked out.. Degeneracy degenerates aka wastes you away desu. We must aim for the best life and the best we can do. We must regenerate as a community

Attached: Pepe best anime waifu.jpg (255x255, 19K)

Women go to male dominated spaces duh. When a large mass of men get their shit and resources together. Women always find a way in.

>If we fix ourselves

Fuck off with your beta displacement behavior.

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Sex isnt a big part. Thats jewish bullshit.