The benzodiazepine Jew

How the FUCK is this shit legal and why are doctors, despite cracking down on opiates and stimulants, still handing benzos out like candy to anyone who walks through the door? I stopped taking Klonopin three weeks ago after being on it for a year and my brain feels like mush now. I feel zero emotions, can barely string a sentence together, and my IQ has easily dropped by 30 points. I feel the same exact way OFF Klonopin as I did ON antidepressants--like numb, retarded dogshit. This shit has ruined my life and I'm only twenty-two, and there are children and teenagers all across the world taking this doctor-endorsed poison every day and becoming zombies. When will it stop, Jow Forums?

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>How the FUCK is this shit legal and why are doctors, despite cracking down on opiates and stimulants, still handing benzos out like candy
because you live in a slave state and Trump is the drug overlord

Did you stop taking it cold Turkey? That's probably why you feel like shit. But I agree the stuff is nasty and ruins lives. I'm almost off of it so well. Been doing a slow taper

Give it time user. Your mush brain will recover. Give it a few weeks. I was on klonapin and ambien for about a year 5yrs ago and know exactly how you are feeling right now. It gets better.

Benzos are the fucking devil. I've seen them ruin the lives of many, reduced into dementia ridden zombies. Don't fuck with them, especially xanax

dangerous stuff
took me three years, on and off every few months, to finally admit it did more harm than good for me

takes time

>everything is Trump's fault
How is he responsible for the pharmaceutical industry? He's been in office a year and a half.

>i did so many drugs i ruined myself

Kill yourself

Yeah, I did it cold-turkey after reading around and hearing that some people struggled a lot with tapering down, so I figured I'd rather get it over with quick in one go than risk backing out and turning this into some prolonged, multi-year affair. It didn't help me fix any problems despite making a genuine effort alongside it and going to therapy twice a week. I really hope I didn't permanently JUST myself with this garbage as some people seem to have done.

A prescription drug I've taken as prescribed by my doctor, you fucking moron.

This shit is as dangerous as opiates.

I had a panic attack in mid 2013. Was on Xanax for 6 months. One night said fuck it went cold turkey. Worst withdrawal I’ve ever felt. Holy fuck.

America is a big corporation. Medicine is engraved into dumb Americans from birth. You have toddlers taking adderall wtf. Money money money

Second. Neuroplasticity is a thing and your brain will recover given enough time. You can encourage that by eating healthy, sleeping enough, and not doing any other drugs (including alcohol).

Idk user, eat some more processed food, and take a sip of that good estrogen water, nothing to worry about mate.

And by using Brain Force by infowars, I heard it does wonders for neuroplasticity and recovering benzo addicts

implying the pharamagarchy is less potent than carteleños

They didn't permanently ruin themselves

They're just too weak to face reality without it

T. Alex Jones

Cholinergics open a whole new door to hell

It seems like you're healing but you're just overclocking by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase

When you stop that welcome to derealization

Hey guys!

This gave me a fast recovery
1. raw GABA ( bulk supplements )
2. passion flower extract
3. lemon balm

Also, if you can find actual "passion flowers", like the buds ( which should be growing in most places in the US now ), you can smoke them for pretty near instant relief of withdrawal symptoms.

I also stack this with anaracitam, which is a neuro plasticity enhancer. I use one from "brain nerd", but just research anaracitam and how to use it and you should be good.

I did this for about a month, was able to get my mind back and firing on all cylinders.

I carry a passion flower cigarette in my wallet and smoke it if I'm having any kind of anxiety.

Attached: 1530901574749.jpg (477x730, 69K)

>How the FUCK is this shit legal and why are doctors, despite cracking down on opiates and stimulants

Same reason Testosterone is illegal in every form but Estrogen pills, creams and patches can be purchased no questions asked from just about any pharmacy.

The purpose is to make people meek, docile and domesticated. They do not want you to take mental or physical performance enhancers such as amphetamines or testosterone because that would undermine (((their))) power.

Reminder that Benzodiazepines were INVENTED by a Jew. They literally eat away at your brain over time.

Would much rather be addicted to Opiates made during the Nazi era by respectable scientists than the Benzo Jew. Most addicts fear Benzo addiction like the devil, it lasts almost your whole life and withdrawal is years, you don't have as much brain function left afterwards.

Aniracetam is useful for inducing brain fog and messing up your cholinergic system

Gaba doesn't cross BBB, lemon balm and passionflower are placebo

Try CBD and theanine buddy, the research is real

Adderall + Ativan is the greatest high of your life. Try it.

Let's take two drugs that cancel each other out!

Dude so high lmao

You almost killed yourselves dumbass. Never go cold turkey off benzos.

>How is he responsible for the pharmaceutical industry? He's been in office a year and a half.
he has the power to stop them and does nothing

You're not supposed to use benzos daily. The tolerance level is off the charts.
Here it is subscribed for anxiety attacks or panic attacks, and very rarely.

>cancel each other out
That's not how it works

and let me remind you the fentanyl crisis is very much a genocide against whites, 70% of the people dying in Ohio are dying from the same cause fentanyl, they are 95% white

Ativan was nice for managing comedown anxiety from Adderall but after a few months on Adderall I didn't get anxiety on come down.

What if your life is a contiuous panic attack (as it is for most modern weaklings)?

You aren't supposed to take it every day.
I've been using Xanax, Rivotril, Vallium for years. Not addicted because it's not a habit.
t. Pharmacist

>my IQ has easily dropped by 30 points
Your answer

you sound like a fag and your shit is all retarded

Then you are admitted to a mental hospital for extensive therapy.

Nascent iodine? Hydrogen Water?

currently been on xanax for 5+ years,

It has helped me deal with all the unstoppable fuckery that this world has to offer.

It has made you into a retard, son.

All that shit pre-dates the trump admin

>Try CBD
too expensive for what it is, RSO much easier to find and much cheaper

>All that shit pre-dates the trump admin
if trump was truly different he would stop the genocide against whites, he instead hires Sessions the number one pill pusher to be Attorney General

>I really hope I didn't permanently JUST myself with this garbage as some people seem to have done.
Hopefully not, after being prescribed it for years, I experience a lot of discomfort and pain, I have permanent damage, I struggle leading a normal life. If the pain and discomfort continue i'm probably going to an hero at some point. Now that you know what it does, stay away from the benzo-jew.
Checked, this.

Attached: benzo brain damage.jpg (844x430, 91K)

Im making 75k a year with a 1.8 gpa, I think I'm doing pretty decent

sounds pretty decent, well, besides the impending benzo addiction and early dementia that is.

What do you do? Sales?

I've been on 10mg diazepam for ages now. I'm certainly not going to take more though.

>Computed Axial Brain Tomography in Long-Term Benzodiazepine Users
20 people and it doesn't say major damage compared to alcoholic people.
That's a better source. But it's done with old people who are somewhat fucked up already.
If you read that it says young people recovered after 6 months of abstinence. The brain damage comes with chronic and abusive use. Think of several times the prescribed dose for years.
Problem is most people who abuse benzos also drink on them too, then there's a high chance they use other drugs too.

Attached: Study.jpg (1070x1675, 476K)

because benzo's make you forget everything and become an easily controlled mongoloid

yeah, I run a mom and pop tire shop

>Withdrawal symptoms
>Hey OP you should try this drug/placebo instead to feel better!

This is what is wrong with the world.
OP please limit processed food intake, sugars. Sleep 8 hours at night and start going to the gym instead. You'll feel better in 6 months

>Trumps fault that something existed for decades exists during his first term
You better be pretending to be retarted faggot

>I'm having my 10 mg placebo for years.
>What is benzo tolerance?
Benzos are only useful in acute anxiety episodes and should be only prescribed for 6 weeks max.

Say hi to all those suicidal thoughts and secondary effects induced by Xanax

I have thought about them, not much on the suicidal thoughts, I have more thoughts about the world ending then I do about killing myself.

I just take more xanax when those thoughts come.

I'm prescribed 60 1mg pills and fill them when I start to run out and take .5 every night and it puts me right to sleep.

Visit your doctor and say you are thinking on a drug reduction scheme. While you are on it start with CBT or DBT.

What does that mean?

You don't wanna just cold turkey a medication like Klonopin, my dude. After one month, you're already dependent, after a few months, you can be addicted and going cold turkey can have some severe and even deadly side effects like seizures and coma. My newest psych tried to put me on Klonopin. I filled the prescription, but haven't taken any. I question the competence of this guy, having written a prescription for a medication like this after only several minutes of seeing him for the first time.

I was on Lexapro (SSRI) for nearly a decade. It disabled my emotions, left me incapable of feeling anger or fear or anything really and even shut down my adrenal system. I was incapable of having an adrenaline rush. I also developed Non-24 Sleep Disorder. It completely nuked my circadian rhythm. When I went cold turkey on that crap my circadian rhythm spontaneously fixed itself in 36 hours and I could feel everything again. Now I also get adrenaline surges too. For about a month I had weird withdrawal effects, mostly disorientation and "brain zaps" (a sensation of your mind jolting/zapping, but not actual electrical pain, just weird sensations). I'm fine now. My emotional state on vs off Lexapro is unchanged, except I can actually get angry when I should or feel fear when I should or get an adrenaline rush when I should.

You shouldn't take psych meds unless you are truly psychotic and really need it. That shit fucks you up.

Was on lexapro for a year, didn't have any zaps only made me fat and when I stopped taking it was smooth reset.

I've been seeking psychs that specialize in alternative therapies like DBT/CBT and hypnotherapy. Every fucking doctor I go to just wants to chit chat for an hour about nothing, they never help me actually address my issues, and then they offer pills. I swear it really is like a conspiracy to just get everybody doped up on meds. It's been hell trying to find a competent doctor.

Basically he's recommending reducing dose or swapping meds while going into mumbo-jumbo type of therapy.
I personally have bad experiences with therapy. It's not shocking more like the people trying to help me are incompetent and act like a stuck up hysteric school teacher.

2months for rebalance after addiction

Im currently on cymbalta (ssri), helps a bit with the pain I have in my and stabilizes my emotions, I still feel sadness and anger and all of my normal range of emotions, I have a few zaps here and there (i think thats what I experience) but for the most part im enjoying it, I have put on some weight but im not obese.

Same experience I think current therapy isn't aimed at adult men.

president=/=unlimited power
there would be a corporate coup if he used executive orders to impose restrictions on the pharmaceutical industry.

worked in a psychiatrist office. Can confirm this shit makes people fucking retarded. I would see the downward spiral of people from month to month. Going from a normal tone of voice to sounding like a literal retard, talking really slow and me having to explain shit to them multiple times. Psych meds, not even fucking once.

I feel like people start talking like dumb fucks when they take too much, take a decent dose and you will be fine.

or live normal the hard way with diet and exercise and plenty of water

Ativan is gods gift son
Your patient flinging shit or screaming like a retard cause you won't give them more diladudid? Just give them some Ativan. Got some pissed off alcoholic going through withdrawal? Load them up with Ativan for the next few days. Shit is great

>How the FUCK is this shit legal
Because we live in a society


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ackshually that's an SNRI

CBT is a meme, my dude, at least for anxiety disorders in my experience. DBT, however, is significantly less of a meme.

Literally this

Attached: howitworks.jpg (973x632, 96K)

sorry, you are right thats what i meant

What kind of shitty country do you live in that you can get estrogen over the counter?

This message is to OP and anyone in here that is taking benzodiazepines for an extended period of time:

NOTE: Never stop taking benzodiazepines abruptly. This will result in extreme side effects and potentially increase the time it takes for your GABA receptors to recover substantially.

1. The only effective way to discontinue benzodiazepines with minimal side effects is to switch to a long acting medication.

2. Look up the Ashton Method. She is a successful doctor in the UK who has more experience with this than anyone. Print her guide.

3. Explain to your psychiatrist that you would like to discontinue benzodiazepines. They will likely try to taper you off in 3-4 weeks using Klonopin. REFUSE.

4. Tell them that you want to do the Ashton Method and if they are unwilling then ask them if they know any specialists who are comfortable using this method. My current psychiatrist has never done the Ashton Method but I convinced her and am almost done.

The Ashton Method essentially makes you switch to Valium in the equivalent dose to whatever medication you are on right now. e.g. I was on 1.5mg of Xanax a day and switched to 30mg of Valium a day. I tapered 2mg every week or two until I hit 10mg today. Now I am tapering 1mg every week until 0mg.

You can do this!

Attached: valium-1024x455.png (1024x455, 439K)



You got addicted to Benzos, more than that you were taking Klonopin, one of the longest acting with one of the longest half-lifes. It's going to take more than 3 weeks for you to get off of them completely. Literally the bare minimum of research would have told you this.