Ethnostate is shit

You want to live in ethnostate?

I tell you a truth. I live in ethnostate for entire life


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Let em in boys

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Yes. this shithole will be better.

I mean, can't be worse

Maybe because you're in an ethnostate of Japanese people? I dunno, seems like a good idea for German or Italian people. Interesting conversation, hard working people, not very judgemental.

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You're like Eve in the garden saying "IM BORED OF ALL THIS PERFECT PEACE AND PROSPERITY! I WONDER WHAT THIS APPLE TASTES LIKE" Don't say such horrible things you already have what we will fight our entire lives to recreate. Don't take it for granted, Shinji.

75% European 25% Japanese DNA would be the true master race though.

The mankind should always strive for better future.

Bored user? How long left on your contract? Jet program?
American or Canadian?
Don't be embarrassed, you are a dead giveaway.

you let women vote and into the work place. you can fix it.

Immigrants don't count as citizens of an ethnologist, eigo no sensei.
When does your visa expire?

Ethnostate, damn auto-correct.

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how would a mentally inferior race be better?

Yeah I wouldnt want to actually live in an ethno state, it be kinda bland. Black people are actually pretty cool and it would really suck for the white women if they didn't have any of that legendary BBC to enjoy. My girlfriend's bull really makes her happy and makes her cum, unlike me. When I sit and watch her bull have his way with her I think to myself how great multiculturalism is for blessing me with that moment.

He can barely type proper English.
He’s a poo.

what if I am actual Japanese?

You have never lived in ethnostate and will not know how terrible to live in such country!

ohhhh japanese shokuret nom nom

post vocaroo of you best japanese impressiion

That's because you're not white.
Next thread

Have you ever been in other countries? Like, do you have anything to compare with? Have you ever been in Los Angeles, for example?
>"Japan is the best country in the world. I came to such conclusion by visiting all countries." - Artemy Lebedev

Do you smell it anons? It's OP's fridge.

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Here is what is wrong with Japan

well, I don't understand what do you mean by it.

I think ALL asian nation should open border toward foreiners as well as Japan.

Asia is too closed to be progressive. We are outdated

I grew up in one before we had the influx of mud people, it was comfy and far less complicated. There was none of this diversity, 56 flavours of mutilated cock they are trying to shove down our throats and people could say what they wanted without fear of being socially ostracized or thrown in prison.
Now it's all about openness and acceptance so you'd better keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you

nostalgia idiot

you feel less confortable because you are loser.

>Japan is the leading country in technology
>We should open borders, we are outdated
Careful what you wish for

You haven't been to the real shitholes fag you have it easy now stop talking and work for Japan and fuck the kikes also bring back the Emperor and crush China

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Opinion discarded.

100% European Sweden was better than current-year pozzed Sweden. It isn't even up for debate. Sage

Well, we are not.

In fact, most culturally technologically advanced nations are Germany and USA.

Both nations are far diverse than Japan. period

Fuck off

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i like my ethnostate very much, thank you.

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WAKE UP faggot before I come down there and seppuku your ass

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Yet both of those nations today are ridden with crime due to their liberal ideas, it is not a good sight to live among people that are not your kin

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Why is hitler on the phone?

Yes, your desire to live in non-violent, gentrified neighborhoods that do not have trash lying about and brown people slinging drugs on the street corner is just nostalgia, dumbass.

>He can barely type proper English.

Sounds like a proper Amerimutt to me.

me on the left in the tan jacket

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he wanted to live in a white country i guess.

Here be Solomon's VPN.

The american ethnostate teenagers are the most ridiculous bunch on Jow Forums. How do you bleach something that wasn't white in the first place?

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Reminds me of this.

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>When shitposting everyday on autistic pictogram site is more comfy way to suicide.

Why is is trush? Because all the Japanese give you shit for being a dirty foreign white man?

Germany wasn't diverse when it became a technological power, Daniel-San. In fact, alongside the rise of "diversity" we lost more and more brainpower over the years, and i can tell you: when the last "oldschool" STEM-ers died out, Germany will fall into complete and utter irrelevance. Our "Diversity" is responsible for 99% of all Gang related criminality in Germany - something that basically did not exist after WWII until the turkish/arab youth brought it to us. The police knows it, too. Apart from Gangs there also are Arab Crime clans (Arab, not "german"...) controlling parts of several cities. Dealing with criminal Arabs has become somewhat of the norm for our police.

And while they always were some dumb youths here, our current youth is doing it's best to imitate what german turks would see as cool - which means the combined attitude of "fuck work - state pays me anyway" and "smarts are for losers !!!", coupled with the most obnoxious, dumb sounding "german" accent imaginable. "Minorities" do not (or very rareley) work in the scientifical or technical fields which were (and are) the base of Germany's technological advancement - most have Restaurants or do low-key physical work instead - IF they even work (Arabs/Turks/Blacks make the relative majority of our welfare leeches). Our national agency for statistics noticed that 48% (!) of our german turks are not registered as receivers of payment (job related) - so they are either not working, or working ILLEGALLY without paying taxes instead (the latter one is more probable, since "nichterwerbstätige" do not get social welfare). So basically you get 48% doing nothing (or damaging the state with illegal work), and can add about 22% of German turks getting social welfare to it (turning it into 60% of combined uselessness).

If you go and study a STEM subject here, you will mostly see "straight white cis males" and a few Asians.

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It's still better than a multicultural state. No one is saying an ethnostate is going to be perfect, but it will definitely be less hell-like.

>no muzzies attack
>virtually no crime
>no nig nogs chimping
>high quality standards.
>robots soon
wew such a shitty place you live in, what a hellhole

Germany and the US were NOT diverse when they became technological super powers. They've only become diverse recently, and they're now going downhill bigtime.

You are disgrace to your nation