>fucking goy! Stop making me not pay people for their work!
Fucking goy! Stop making me not pay people for their work!
that guy is a pedo.
never interned and have a nice job lol
We should start referring to Slavery as the "American citizen internship" for Africans.
I have no idea who this is
Unpaid internships are lethal to social mobility, they should be banned, the minimum wage is there for a reason. Also I don't know who this man is but I bet he's a Jew.
It's amazing that the goyim have accepted the notion of working for "experience" over pay, when you used to get both.
LMFAOOOO I love this.
>Well actually, what you slander in such harsh, angry terms was actually an International Internship program with the soon to be established United States, which obviously benefited African blacks far more than staying in their own tribes would have.
the worst part is most of it isn't even experience
>goy spend 6 months doing menial engineering work for no pay
>6 months later
>you failed goy get out
just an excuse to get free labor
What is the percentage rate of interns getting hired? I doubt it's very high.
>If you really want a cool job, you have to do it for free
Why would it be a "cool job" to work in a company so shitty that it cant even cough out $10 for some kids. It's not a dream place to work in the first place.
>Audition and Opportunities
One of the classic tricks. The replace the batch with newer interns when they have to actually hire them.
Didn't this guy rape some bitches? If so two thumbs up.
>if you don't work for free no-one will ever pay you
Or job positions simply ask for paid experience :^)
This why minimum wage is a bad idea. If you can go in somewhere, work for little to nothing, gain skills, become more valuable, then the world would be a much better place.
Imagine wanting to be a carpenter. You have no skills. Not worth much in the biz. So you say hey I'll work for you for a dollar or for free just so I can learn all your valuable skills! This is illegal in today's minimum wage society.
Unpaid interns? Not very high. Unpaid internships are more often than not just a cost cutting initiative by organizations. Generally paid internships are the ones where the company is interested in potentially hiring you at the end of it. Its seen more as an investment in a person where they are able to pay you less during an evaluation period while you learn how to do the job.
>this is why having to pay people literally anything is a bad idea
Literally fucking kill yourself you fucking boomer garbage
Its called an apprenticeship you twit.
I suspect Soros pays you clowns 10 cents per (you) right out the gate, right? Living the high life.
What do you do for work?
Also a notorious benzodiazipine and opiate addict who will in all likelyhood facilitate the ODs of more young rappers in the near future
According to US laws if you impact the company's bottom line as an intern you have to be paid at least minimum wage. He is asking for an investigation into his work.
Interns in America aren't allowed to do work that makes a profit for the company they're interning at. This rule is almost universally ignored, but why should someone have to pay some snot-nosed kid to not do anything productive?
i have no job, fuck working its stressful
You're getting compensated with the experience you get that will allow you to get an actual job in the future.
These people think that independently wealthy people would work for free to potentially get a
Do you know how hard it is to get apprenticeship? Much more efficient to just ask to hang around and help out.
If you don't have the skills that would make it profitable for someone to employ you at minimum wage you kind of don't have a choice. You can stay on welfare for life, get some education or intern for a company.
>don't have the skills
Niggers sell drugs, boomers get on oxycontin for their back. They live well off the public.
You faggots are the same people saying college kids come out with no skills, so your second "choice" there is bullshit.
The third is bullshit for obvious reasons.
Ever wonder why the welfare rolls keep bulging? The problem is you.
Yea sure. The problem is the people telling you what to do so you won't end up on welfare. Fucking retard.
You don't need to go to collage to get educated (or you can go to a cheap community collage) and you don't need to major in liberal arts. You know that right?
>TFW you realize you have zero value to a prospective employer
What did you say you did for work again?
Just don't do it don't ever work for free it shows your willing to compete with immigrant labor for lower wages. it's a race to the bottom. Spent 100k on worthless college degree to work to work for free for 10 years to gain (((experience))).
Because as you say the rule is bullshit. You can't force people to work for you for free and then turn around and say oh that engineering work he did was useless Uncle Sam! Kys
Who's forcing anyone to work for free tho?
Please, continue showcasing your bad English. If you can't make money without Jewing people, your business model is flawed. If nobody can make money without Jewing people, the economy is flawed.
If the government gives me money for being alive (c.f. ubi) and that's more than what you would pay me to do work, I'm getting that free money. Clearly you don't touch financials and are some kind of laborer (trolls are laborers).
Tell us more about the 50s and how a firm handshake was enough to score a job at the city bank.
All jobs I apply for REQUIRE experience. The only experience I can get us unpaid internship. Maybe if my dad was rich I could go work for him but some have no choice.
>non-zero present value to a prospective employer
>zero present value to a prospective employee
You don't touch financials either. What business school did you go to?
>I just want shit for free without having to work for them
Off to the chopper with you you filthy fucking commie.
worse than hiring illegals
> wants to raise minimum wage
> doesn't pay workers a cent
This is the left, folks.
Engineering interns are paid. Better than median wage.
It's a better deal than yours. Deal with capitalism, faggot.
Who's forcing you to apply to places where you need experience (also it's not uncommon for employers to just stick that in the requirements without it actually being a requirement)?
Deal with starving in the street once you run out of other people's money you lazy piece of shit.
Search for any job you Boomer faggot. I apply anyway and get rejected for no experience. Fucking boomers kys
I will never run out of other people's money. It's the law.
They're not even funny to start with. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Then go get an unpaid internship or go to work at McD's.
Only slimy Jew scum would endorse the concept of apprenticeships.
Only literal communists wouldn't tho.
So then I am forced into an unpaid internship. Glad you agree with me. It's a bullshit system that needs to be destroyed. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
>you shouldn't be allowed to get a job if you won't be a literal slave
Wtf suddenly 90% of the population is commie and now you're fucked!
>he didn't know those are regulated by minimum wage laws
What we're talking about are unpaid internships.
0/10 kill your colleagues first then yourself
Unpaid internships are pretty hard to get too. Usually reserved for daddy's friends kid or some slut to help daddy get over the divorce. I seen some bullshit.
No you're not. You can also go to work at McDonald's. If however you want to work in a specific field however then yes you're probably gonna have to get some qualifications under your belt. But again no one is forcing you to want to work there. You want that job and you're whining that you don't meed the standard. It's something you need to fix not everyone else.
>realizing that the white race is dying because libertarian faggots incentivize people to vote democrat because the short term interest in not starving outweighs the long term interest of not getting BEANED
I hate libertarians so much, literally just the capitalist equivalent of marxists
You're not a slave tho. You're working there of your own free will and you get compensation in the form of experience in the field you choose.
>no you're not
And then the communist revolution occurs and it turns out most people disagree with you.
>all internships are unpaid
the absolute state of 15 year old yankees
>you're working of your own free will
>except you need food to live
>also we're not going to pay you
And then 90% of the population is commie and you get lined up against the wall and shot for being a turbojew who is so shit at business you can't even afford to pay your workers.
And then they all die because they can't even figure out how to efficiently grow food in one of the biggest agricultural nations on the planet.
Do you have a citation?
I'm also curious how that technically applies to pharmacy interns, as a requirement to get licenced as a pharmacist was 1900 hours of slave labor.
>realizing that starving people only give a fuck about the next meal
Welcome to babby tier psychology, bud! Where did libertarianism come into play? There would be no statist welfare in a libertarian system, faggot.
Where do you find these people? Are YOU butthurt unpaid interns? I wouldn't hire any of you even as trolls for free.
And then you remember that right after you line up the dissidents the most hardcore revolutionaries get lined up right after.
Wow so now I realize you're genuinely this retarded and not larping
Go back to jerking off to your ron paul 2008 posters, your ideology is dead and you're literally autistic.
thats some 1st class heresy right there.
Wow. Just wow. So you're not much of a libertarian then huh? Why should someone else be entitled to my labor. Sounds awfully a lot like commie talk
You don't need to work for free. Never said that. You can work or not work for whatever compensation you manage to negotiate.
I interned at a local sports radio station in college. I got to meet a shit ton of Baseball players and seen like 100 free games lmao id do it again for "free".
He's not. You can give it to him if you wish though.
Unpaid internships is basically saying I want to weed out all the poor kids and only hire kids with connections/rich families
>this user is literally so retarded all he can do is cry that literally every revolution has occurred when chucklefucks like him decided they could fuck over the population
Okay then, 1776 was a tax revolt. The next revolution will be anti-internship. And you get shot and I enjoy restoration of an actual free market where people get paid for their labor. Of course your asshurt signals you're actually just a fat neet with delusions of wealth so there's that.
Once again you agree with me that unpaid internship are necessary. How is that not forced to give it to him. Goodness you're a retarded Boomer
Why are you posting this terrible ESL student's tweets?
>free market
>limitations on employment
You can only have one.
>you don't need to work for free, but if you want money you need to work for free
How fucking stupid do you have to be to think you're being clever with this shit? Working for free is working for free, trying to jew people with "b-but you chose to do it!" when the system is designed so getting an actual job first requires unpaid "experience" isn't going to fucking fool anyone?
It's like you think you're smarter than you actually are, but you're really just a 100~ IQ turbokike.
We should enact an intern to citizenship program of 7 years.
>free market
>also you don't actually get paid in the market
Slavery is literally anti-capitalist you fucking cultist faggot
How is having the ability to give or not give someone your labour forcing you?
Then go work in a different field. I heard McDonald's is hiring.
You stupid fuck you spelled college wrong. A collage is for like photos an shit. Learn into spelling you half wit fucking boomer.
You get paid once you can actually make a profit for your employer. Until you're an unskilled entitled retard that won't happen.
>being this new
Because in order to get a job that I already trained for through college, i need to work for free. Inb4 you tell me to go-to McDonald's again. Also I did STEM so inb4 useless degree too. Fucking boomers
But that's the problem.you admitted yourself. The employers DO make profit of unpaid internships.
>unpaid internship
Why not start your own business?
Tbqh, do some menial labor. It's fucking relaxing and masculine. Literally get yourself into some shitty fulfillment center. It feels really fucking good after 4 years of brainwashing.
>waaaah, i don't want to take risks on employees that i can contact and send off whenever i want because i can't deal with temp to hire!!! Wwwwwwwwwaaaaah!
Internship should be legally no longer than three months, where you work for free to learn the basics but it's legally binding that at the end of it you get hired at the extreme least for a year and three months, with no chance to get fired even if you rape the boss.
I.e their meant for “nice Jewish boys”
same. must suck for these others not to have any skills inherent to their character
I'm a scrawny little nerd. Plus I'd probably go insane too. not knocking it,labor is really important but my point is why shouldn't I be able to at least get a min wage job in a field in demand without working for free first?
They're* I’m not a retard I swear
Why should I care what this asshole has to say?
I have 11 years of experience and still employers only offer me internships.
spoken like a true non-neet
>Not worth minimum wage because labor supply in my field is astronomically higher than demand
>Can't get a job in that field for no pay because unpaid internships are banned
>Have LESS social mobility because my experience level on my resume stays at zero
Wow good job.
Unpaid interns are a price signal to stay the fuck out and pick another career. Both you and this faggot on twitter are wrong.
This is just an indication that an economy needs to have intervention so it serves you, the people
>no one is forcing you goy just become homeless