God I LOVE being black in Europe. It's like paradise here...

God I LOVE being black in Europe. It's like paradise here. European girls just love BBC since it's quite rare here until recently.

I get laid so often I've lost count. I even fucked girls that had white boyfriends. The white guys are just as easygoing. They all want to be my friend since they think it's cool to be friends with a black guy. They must have watched a lot of American TV and listened to American rap music lol

Anyway, if you're black I highly suggest coming to Europe. I'm in Germany right now but I'm thinking about moving to Scandinavia.

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thats russia you idiot

BASED black man living the dream.
I ain't even mad at him - if I were in his position, that's what I do.

Why do you think they are literally coming in Europe by the boatload?

My experience with blacks in Russia is very positive, considering they only come for study or business, and rarely stay.

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They think it's cool now, but they will find out. Also look at that goofy nog.

the majority for pussy and gibs obv
a minority maybe is more motivated than just to want gibs - maybe wants a career and to earn good money. still wants all the free white puss though.

like I said, I don't blame him, he just wants what we all want - money and pussy.
It's not their fault lots of white women lust after BBC now. We all take every advantage/slice of luck we can get. They're just taking advantage of the [[[CONDITIONING]]]

it's the politicians, the puppeteers, who are to blame for the chaos

let see badly the larp is...
where in europe

Why are meme flags even allowed to start threads?

Thanks for understanding.

Oh boi I'm so mad at your post lel xD

Those who stay are pretty interesting too (picrelated fight for Russia against American-brainwashed hohols)

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Why? White girls ain't got no ass.

Don't get me wrong, just as I understand they want to look after their interests, the natives are fully justified in looking after their interests. They are totally valid in not wanting them here, in wanting their women and jobs and houses and taxmoney for themselves. It's not 'racist' or 'bigoted'. Totally justified in wanting to send these 'refugees' back.

But I step back and recognise that this situation, this zero sum game with competing interests, has been deliberately CREATED by those ABOVE....

If you come home and see a leak/flood, you don't fight the symptoms. You don't start mopping and absorbing the water from the floor, because the water will keep coming. You go straight to the tap or the pipe to stop the flow. Then you clean up the mess. The 'refugees' are the mess.

plenty do, ya virgin

imagine having to cope-post this hard

What an awfully executed larp

What always makes me wonder about the "white women lust after black men" think is that even if 5% of women are really into black dicks why do they have to rape this much? Remembering those article where refugees claim they had to rape because they couldn't get a girlfriend.

its not that many... do you know how difficult it is to rape a woman? you literally can't do it to most women if they just close their legs

i'm not even joking

> russians more cuked than germans

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I wonder who's behind this (((post)))

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russians are literally like niggers in every single way lol

this is why refugees knock the women unconscious

shit copy pasta. kys

A girl does that and you flip her over on her stomach and take her from behind. The more she struggles and clenches the bigger the chance of serious damage, most of them know this from their boyfriends so they just relax and take it.


Cause most white women find niggers repulsive and you just felt for the bait. sage

Doesn't matter if 90% of euro women hate niggers, 10% is enough for them to get laid and that's why the come by the boatload
Nobody wants stinky purple monkey pussy

LMFAO you are actually retarded if you think you can just flip a girl onhger stomach and take her from behind
even if you are 10 cm taller than her and weigh 25-30 kg more this won't work, she just has to close her legs and move around and you'll not penetrate shit

it's not possible, you can't do it . if you knock them unconscious mabye, but most rape cases are literally without physical damage

the truth is, these women are most likely fucking the refugees by their own will , which makes it worse

>1 Post by this ID
why do people falk for this?

BASED black man: Subway edition


why would anybody blame niggers for wanting to leave? i've been to serbia once and i would take a boat to leave that shit hole, too LOL

Not at all. It's just that Germans aren't only cucked, but also hypocritical and irresponsible.

You blame niggers, when in fact it's noone but you who create Rapefugee crisis on both exit and receiving point all along.

Such is the state of western cuck. No matter what it is, he always considers himself to do no wrong, being a highly moral victim, and everything being someone else's fault and responsibility. In that Liberal western cucks and nationalist western cucks are the same.

>Black man
Go home burger

>i've been to serbia once and i would take a boat to leave that shit hole

> Serbia landlocked
> switzerland landlock
> leaving with a boat.
Nice try albanian nigger.