>There is no bad pick, >mfw someone can say this when 1 of 5 of the choices is literally a mystery box >mfw this is being said after this same situation resulted in shit being in the mystery box >mfw no face dumbfounded enough
this is great stuff but everyone knows poos dont like africans or hispanics, has he ever ruled against indian H1Bs? i agree generally but high performing low trust immigrants with a fierce in group preference are much more dangerous in the long run - i am less concerned about lawnmowers than I am about indians running all of our companies and lobbying the government to import millions of their coethnics to staff the corporations they take over
Dominic Nelson
At this point a picture of Theresa May hosting Trump at 10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace will probably be the last straw for her government.
Juan Smith
I Curse every Man, Women and Child of the Deep State. Madness, Sickness and Misfortune upon them. youtube.com/watch?v=lzbRSD_rM1A
The legalization and welfare-ization of abortion single handedly caused niggers to not only breed like wildfire but become even bigger niggers than ever before. Kill gibs, kill Roe, suddenly every nigger becomes Clarence Thomas because they can no longer afford drugs and gangbanging.
Xavier Richardson
If you think a black woman who receives government assistance is going to be responsible about her womb then I have zero words for you
Jace Lewis
I'm never here for the mornings though. Well, besides today. I'm just not a fan of this gay ass Mickey shit.
Christopher Morales
Gen X here, and yes I am laughing daily at all these guys.
Anthony James
>Amul Thapar rejected an asylum claim from a woman from El Salvador. He said, “You’re required to establish that you are are will be persecuted for being of a particular social group.” >The woman kept appealing for asylum over and over. >Thapar said, “Her proposed social groups have expanded and contracted with each appeal as she searched for the right fit...Novelty is not often rewarded on appeal.”
imagine telling evangelicals they have to abandon their most important issue but still vote conservative "principled nazis" are pretty stupid
Christian Mitchell
Reminder that dems and other liberal groups like Planned Parenthood is making billions and billions off the lucrative practice of baby murder.
Henry White
Notice how they were responsible BEFORE welfare and abortion? How they consistently voted R in every single election BEFORE a certain opportunistic democrat fucked everything up?
Jeremiah Martin
All butt pirates are shills
Aiden Morales
>oy vey, the golem stole our slogan
Joshua Hughes
we should take the abortion pill more seriously
only dumb women use abortion, literally culling their genetic legacy on their own, trash taking itself out
>dead kike on a stick worship abortions should not be free, I agree with this
jim crow enforcing a standard of behavior was a huge factor in that desu
John Morris
No, what I'm saying is that, despite being one of the considerations, it's not the only one. Not that I'm saying that any of them have this over the others but, for instance: personal loyalty could be a big factor.
See: Sessions and his track record before coupled with his recusal
Logan Perez
Gen X'ers are the parents of the Milennials, They didn't really give enough fucks about anything to be united about anything. Mainly just pissed off that the world was nothing like our fucking boomer parents taught us it would be like, and spent the last 20 years hating life.
Jason Smith
Merkel stronk! gizzi btfo!
Isaiah Turner
Does big man Gizzi have a time machine?
Juan Jenkins
I see two options on Rouhani. He will step down and some young "reformer" Mullah will take control, or one of the generals will overthrow him. Probably the one that said the Jews were stealing Iran's clouds.
Ian Turner
Well the removal of welfare is about 10000x more important than outlawing abortion.
Liam Thomas
Then don't post it.
Julian Anderson
>pathetic ad hom that holds no root in realty that runs off me like water to a ducks back you're a funny gypsy
Dylan Carter
>FLUMPF IS POOPY MAN, POOPY POOPY MEANIE WEENIE his political intellect is just humbling
>In United States v. Agyemano, in 2015, Thapar rejected a motion to dismiss a charge of resisting deportation in the case of a noncitizen who came to the United States from Ghana on a student visa in 2003 but never enrolled in classes. >Edward Darko Agyemano had been convicted already on a similar charge, and the court delayed his sentencing until Agyemano’s administrative challenge to the removal order, based on the immigration authorities’ failure to notify him of his right to appeal it, could be resolved. >During that delay, federal agents again tried to deport Agyemano, and he was again charged with resisting deportation. Agyemano argued that it violated due process to charge him for violating the removal order because the order had been suspended while his challenge was pending. >Thapar disagreed and ORDERED DEPORTION of the man with an appeal pending. >Thapar acknowledged that “[i]t may seem harsh to force Agyemano to obey a removal order while his appeal is still pending. But—save for extreme cases implicating constitutional protections—it is not for the courts to moderate the choices that Congress has made.”
Is Musk going to win the Nobel prize for saving these kids?
Liam Foster
Trump should just skip the UK government and go golfing in Scotland with Nigel
Nathaniel Thomas
He posts it, I just react. But you've got a point though because I'm probably doing more harm than good. Just wanted a good laugh at the absurd.
Cameron Anderson
I heard he threw it away. $80 of uncomped sushi.
Dominic Peterson
its not murder, its stopping a crime from happening
Daniel Russell
Leo Cooper
Some fag was screaming 'we know where you live' at Turtleman. Not sure how Police didnt deem that a threat.
Adrian Green
I dread it.
I always felt Trump would pick the woman, because he likes to value "good PR" which he wont get regardless. So yes I fear that Trump will pick her despite the 20 feet red flags just because she's a womyn.
Aaron Roberts
>Gizzi is the secret puppermaster of Washington DC, pulling strings only because it'll make good news stories Honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Luke Ross
That retard is going to get fired purely for the amount of shit he's bringing down on the place
Jordan Brown
(((they))) better be nervous
Caleb Lopez
This is missing the most important part:
>Stephen Miller threw the $80 sushi in the trash after being berated and walked out like a boss.
Lincoln Robinson
>Lynching a darkie isn't murder. It's stopping a nigger from happening. what a truly despicable and stupid jew
Oliver Allen
Or rather, you post it.
Matthew Ortiz
>Abortion = feminism = SJW politics = destruction of the family What's going to be the destruction of your family is a bunch of niggers who can't handle their womb having 7 nigglet children without fathers grow up to be thugs murder and rob your son