Daily reminder that the Holodomor was not directed at Ukraine but was in fact incompetence of the commie government to allocate and seize resources that also caused millions to die in Russia as well.
Daily reminder that the Holodomor was not directed at Ukraine but was in fact incompetence of the commie government to...
>Take all their food.
>Opps! Sorry you died.
the state of Canadian thinking.
Please leave uneducated burger
>Daily reminder that the Holocaust was not directed at Jews but was in fact incompetence of the Nazi government to allocate and seize resources that also caused millions to die in Germany as well.
You're fucking retarded. They took the land from the farmers and worked it themselves killing the owners.
>Hurr durr just incompetence
You're a retarded fool
Leaf: did you know that people die when they have not food to eat for a year?
I'm hoping he's being ironic.
You're right, let's just start calling it accidental genocide
So, rather than maliciousness it was raw stupidity that ten million died? Well Hell, that makes everything okay, then.
>A fucking leaf
The Holodomor happened because of the stupid peasants who did not want to join the collective farms so cut their cattle and burned grain. When there was a crop failure and drought they died first and those who entered the collective farms all survived.
it's almost as if the (((commie government))) had a deep seated hatred for both the ukrainian and russian people.
Hello, Shlomo Sheklegoldbergmanstien.
Fuck this faggot commie. Let me tell you about communism. My family is from Western Ukraine, our region did infact align with both the pro-Monarchists in 1917 and Nazi’s during WW2. Here’s why.
Imagine you have a good bit of land. You work your land, raise crops, livestock, have children etc etc. You’re a religious minority, Baptist to be exact, your church is filled with family, either by blood or marriage. Your congregation grows through these marriages, new people take up the faith, former drunkards, outlaws, become deacons, pastors, missionaries. You live a life of spreading the Gospel. Then 1932 comes along, Stalin’s being a bitch, ruining his shit financially, thinks stealing church relics will sell highly, nope. Bolsheviks becomes even more frustrated, can’t bring Ukraine to heel, especially those pesky Protestants. Begin manufacturing genocide through grain confiscation, kill any who resist. My great great uncle resisted first, he along with my great uncles (11 of them), decide the next time NKVD officers arrive they’re gonna kill em, they do. Commies are butthurt some farmers destroyed an entire investigatory force, send in the Cheka cunts. Cheka beheads great great uncle in his own field, his blood seeps into his own land. This can not go unpunished. Family and church makes a pact, kill all commies who come into our lands, whether it be NKVD, Cheka, etc, doesn’t matter they’re marked for death. Spend the next 8 years from 1933-1941 engaged in s gorilla war of sabotage against commies. Nazis arrive in the regional city, Rovno. Set up capital there of occupied Ukraine. Nazi soldiers help family build new church that commies burnt down, family sees Nazis as friendly, Christian, yet don’t trust them fully. 1943 Nazis become the hunted, war takes a turn, lose. Spend the next 50 years under butthurt commie rule, continue ambushes, assignations, road side bombing. My family loves killing commies.
the peasants themselves actually declined to be incorporated into bigger farms and business and they pretty much fucked themselves then
>collective farms
It's a tool to feed millions of russian pigs. Of course they didn't want to join, retarded katsap.
This is true though.
They intended deportation.
But once surrounded by enemies, to release them would mean seeing a million of them back as enemy troops and collaborators to their destruction.
In the final months, they couldn't feed their own troops and people, let alone the enemy POWs.
All their infrastructure was in ruins, they were broke, their allies had fallen, their cities were blown out rubble, their railroads and highways were lined of bomb blasts for endless miles.
well that makes it all fair and square, now let's talk about every other hunger which immediatly followed every implementation of communism.
Hard mode - in place bigger than a village
Literally hazi propaganda to justify an invasion of the ussr, later used by america to justify the same thing.
The fucking irony that the few actual photos of hunger in russia were from the 1920s when the invading US/Brits/Canada etc tried starving out pro communist populations.
You have no idea how messed up the world order is. How much lying there is.
>Just dissolve your inheritance and legacy goy
You must be one of the Russian Jews