This crazy old bitch is seriously thinking about trying again in 2020! Check out the story on Drudge...this is why she's been staying in the spotlight. Does anyone think she would have the slightest chance?
Say It Ain't So
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They don't want to waste Harris on a failed 2020 run
She may think so.
Hollywood may think so.
Remember to keep your Clinton meme bombs dry... She gave us much meme fodder in the last 2 years. She tries it and we'll meme her so bad she'll crawl back onto her pingpong table.
Exactly according to plan. Dems have no message, no direction. Resist trump same faces same players. Will be absolute failure so many skeletons in Clinton crime family
>if I keep jumping off this building, I won’t break my leg like the last 3 times I jumped.
It’s all so tiresome
ofc she won't because all the evidence trump has against her. She will be in jail when it is time to expose all satanic order.
Please! Let her run again. This time she can get her ass kicked by an incumbent.
This memo kills any chance she has
I sent this memo to Trump last week on the 3rd and he confirmed he received it. Now I am going to share it with you all.
>Does anyone think she would have the slightest chance?
lol, no. The footage of her getting chucked into the van on 9/11 is all the ammo anyone needs to put her down.