Everything four or five threads in the catalog has them as a point of discussion. Even threads that have absolutely nothing to do with them will eventually manoeuvre in that direction. Why is this?
Why do you talk about blacks so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
The desire to bring endless suffering to them
Why do we talk about anything?
America (mostly) has serious self-esteem issues and so hates anything that appears below them in an attempt to make themselves feel better. Even after WW2 and all that America still took ages to end segregation. And not saying it is all America but they have over representation in any thread talking about blacks.
Blacks are the most consistently low IQ and violent group in the world.
Blacks are also the ugliest race with the strongest genetics.
Blacks are not only a major population group in the US, but are flooding into Europe and the rest of the world and will soon be a major population group in other countries outside of Africa and the New World.
Degenerate nigger culture is mainstream and probably the most popular cultural influence in the world by output and percentage.
Black population in African ALONE is projected to quadruple by the end of the century from 1 bil to over 4 bil by 2100.
They're the biggest threat to all civilized peoples in the world. The worst race, the strongest genes, the most violent and degenerate, and the most reproductive. And if you think blacks have a cultural hold now, wait a few more decades, when their world-wide population is 3-4x what it is now and see. We are living in the age of the nigger and it's going to be hell.
Fuck off, nigger.
Leftists are subjugating them to cultural marxism as their civil rights movement for reparations. They're unknowingly laying down the ground work for sharia law, all because of a huge chip on their shoulders.
literally the age of the orc
Because having slightly elevated levels of melanin in your skin clearly makes you inferior and scary at the same time.
Womp womp.
Not just low self esteem... Thee absolute lowest self esteem on the planet. Do you know how fucked up you have to be to irrationally project all bad things on black people? Its a serious trauma that gets polacks so furious at blacks. Lets start with the basics. Problems at home(single mothers, divorcees etc). Lack of female companionship(loniliness turns to bitterness) and ofc, the elephant in room. Autism.
You have no idea how many times Ive chatted up these hate filled sociopaths, let them spew their verbal diarhhea to better understand my fellow man. How many times they will inevitably out themselves as having autism. Eventually you will just be able to read who has it and who doesnt.
>Lots of complex words used out of context
>Run on sentences that require multiple readings to comprehend
>Edgy rage(Kill everyone yeah)
>Be patient.
Take pity on your fellow man, for they know not what they do. Big racist=Stupid parents= shit life.
Why do you niggers always bring up skin color like that's the reason people hate niggers? Stop being a strawmanning nigger everyone hates niggers because 99% of them have the same shitty recurring behavior that usually involves speaking English like they just started learning it yesterday, being drug addicts, being rapists, being thugs that shoot and rob people, being low life scum, being violent, being murderers, etc etc etc
Can’t really talk about them anywhere else without liberals freaking out and trying to get you fired from your job or banned from gay websites like reddit
Whatever you say, nigger apologist.
Seek gf non-competitor
Lmfao, you're going to pass us soon, so don't worry, nigger.
Hmm how about niggers stop being violent animals instead?
t. brainlet OR nigger/mutt
Why are you such a nigger apologist? Is there a reason you choose to blindly ignore statistical and objective evidence that thoroughly proves the claims I've stated?
it's not us making those threads, theyre being spammed
t. lonely
How about you stop being a coward and approach women.
You are angry because you p never enters v
Why does nobody love you
If they'd gtfo, we could focus on advancing our people again.
It's like you asked someone with a massive malignant cancer why they won't stop focusing on it.
I'll link him for you, user:
It's observable. The world would be leagues better without the nigger boom we're experiencing. The crime rates are a huge issue, but ironically, they're probably one of the least of our worries compared to the population boom, migration, and cultural captivation coming out of these orcs.
>t. lonely
Projecting much? I bet I have and have had more successful relationship than you, civic nationalist nigger apologist mutt.
I've been robbed at gun point by multiple nogs.
I've seen and experienced so much fucked up shot you wouldn't understand.
I care about my people.
And nogs kill, rape and violate far more people every day than I could ever help.
If there's one thing I do not lack for, its self esteem.
If it was so successful why is it over.
This is actually normal. Your censored world just can't rationalise it.
What kind of question is that? There's a million reasons.
For a plethora of reasons mostly out of my control. Have you had a 5 year relationship though? Because that was my longest.
Besides, I'm currently in the best relationship of my life. Better than even that one.
What about you, pathetic civic nationalist?
Using statistics to paint all black people as evil is just as stupid as hoteps calling whites devils etc. Its the same thing. Its insanity, getting cucked by the sin of wrath.
Because white women don't want to date forever alone virgins who spend all day inside shitposting on Jow Forums
>all black people
Nobody is saying EVERY single individual black person, so much as black people as a group.
But it's a bigger issue than just low group IQ and high group violence. It's everything from degenerate cultural output, repulsive genetics, population boom, etc.
What we CAN say is that the world would be better off without this population group.
>in the UK blacks are 3% of the population.
>Whites are 86%.
In the USA whites are 56%... Keep telling yourself that burger
People, don't let your children "grow up" to become this.
Freudian jew logic is not welcome here.
fuck off christcuck
You hate me. You want to kill me. I just feel sorry for you. Youre like a rabid dog that was beaten by its owner and now you bite everyone.
>why do you constantly discuss the literal biggest social issue in the entire world?
Unlike you I am universally loved by everyone in my life and always have been. You on the other hand are a nigger apologist who ignores objective and statistical evidence that proves my claims. Stop being a disgusting nigger apologist.
Because it's summer and you need to gtfo politely.
Yeah we can agree that Jewish influence isnt healthy on African americans. But instead of being patient and saying bro, your culture is being subverted into drugs and crime. You just make a joke out of MUFFUGGA BIX NOOD NIGGER. Real helpful. Fan the Zog flames.
Because niggers are worthless animals. It is our God given right to subjugate you, you're lucky we've let you live your pathetic existence.
Because whenever some horrendous news article describing foul events appears, it generally has niggers, or jews as its instigators.
Black people have large communities in poor neighbourhoods, which often correlate with violence and street crime, and before you say they are poor because they are black; that is true but not for the reason you probably believe, that they are naturally uncivilised. It is because they have until shockingly recently they were oppressed and segregated and so couldn't rise up to positions of power and wealth as easily.
Is this why black chicks with "white" face (not monkey mouth) are more attractive than the rest?
Your claims are arbitrary and meaningless. Experience>Sheltered Probability
Oh fuck off with that muh poverty causes crime crap reddit.
Even libshit sources like WaPo admit it.
Here's one of my favorite statistics, you fucking monkeys rape us for years by the tens of thousands because you're disgusting subhumans who can't control sexual urges. You niggers also do this because you think it's the right thing as pay back for slavery. We've treated you subhumans too good and you repay us like this.
Im not black but its funny. Before frieza was defeeated by goku, he repeated "Y-youre nothing but a monkey"
You live in that perpetual state.
You must be new here nigger, go back to the main page and look at the stickied pic related, you'll notice that "anecdotal" is a form of non argument and that personal experience does not dismiss statistical and objective evidence that proves me claim. You're literally a stupid nigger, good job.
t. sub 90 IQ ape
Okay Dylan roof show me the full spectrum of autism.
You have to leave
You can cry all you want. Pretend I am a nigger. Rage and hate me. But at the end of the day you are sexually frustrated and lack game.
FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.
More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.
Are you honestly comparing child cartoons to reality? Seeing how niggers have never beaten any European power in war I don't think this is the bets comparison to be making.
t. sub 90 IQ ape
>goku is a nigger
>super nigger
I'm ok with this
FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.
FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.
Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.
And what about black on white violence in general?
– FACT: Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.
“Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among black Americans cannot be denied,” wrote James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their widely cited 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature.” “Every study of crime using official data shows blacks to be overrepresented among persons arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for street crimes.”
It’s clear that the greater propensity for black people to commit violent crimes is a driving factor as to why blacks are becoming involved in more violent confrontations with police than their 13% population figure suggests they should be. If the 911 calls are coming from black areas and are related to black people committing violent crimes, then of course black people are more likely to be involved in violent confrontations with cops.
Does that justify police brutality in cases such as Freddie Gray, Walter Scott or Eric Garner? No. But it does demolish the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative that the general trend of black people being victims of violent encounters with police is solely down to the fact that cops are racist towards black people. Racism is a factor, but the statistics clearly show that it’s by no means the only factor, and some would argue not even the dominant factor.
But aren’t all these statistics undermined by the fact that black people are unfairly targeted and framed for crimes by police officers in the first place? Don’t higher arrest and conviction rates of blacks merely prove that police are racist? This argument is debunked by looking at the proportion of offenders identified – not by police – but by victims – as black. The National Crime Victimization Survey shows that the number of blacks arrested generally correlates with the number of offenders identified as black by victims.
Because blacks and women are literally the reason why we're turning in to a shithole
Studies suggest that the reasons behind blacks being more likely to commit violent crimes are the dual issues of poverty (which exacerbates family breakdown) and a sub-culture amongst the black community that is tolerant of and glamorizes crime and violence. In the aftermath of the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, we saw the white metropolitan liberal media further legitimize this violence by openly justifying and even endorsing violent unrest that targeted mainly black-owned businesses.
This is true racism – by encouraging blacks to loot and riot, the white liberal media is helping to keep black communities in a cycle of destructive behavior that will lead to more police brutality targeted against black people.
Police brutality is a huge problem within the United States, and anyone that denies that fact is a part of the problem. But until we acknowledge and address the equally important issue of violent criminality within the black community, and until that becomes part of the national conversation, the issue is never going to be resolved.
Is this the power of sub 90 IQ apes? They just run away like roaches who fail to present a single legitimate argument? Good luck trying to change anyones opinions here when you cry like the little nigger you are when presented with factual information.
oooga booga bix nod get back to your blacked threads
And by failing to make these facts part of the conversation, black political leaders, protest organizers, and the white liberal media is complicit in perpetuating the chain reaction of violence that makes more police brutality against black people an inevitable outcome.
So what lol. People die everyday. Did they kill any of your loved ones? Face the truth. You got pulled into a DC psy op like Dylan Roof. You think youre sooo special. The greatest story never told!
Suckling hate juice from Zog titty.
>American whites
The black question is actually one of the most important of our time. Right now we're not even allowed to have an honest discussion.
Just work on yourself and the girls will come friend.
Copy pasta booomer llol
It's okay nigger I'm already more educated, better looking and make more money than 90% of American's. Niggers LOVE the BWC and were born to be COLONIZED.
Niggers are the greatest current threat to humanity's long-term success. They're a bioweapon that has the ability to lower humanity's intelligence such that we enter a dark age lasting hundreds of thousands of years.
You're arguing like a woman. Literally.
No wonder though, you're both mentally inferior to the autists on this site.
Even if they did make it part of the conversation you would just jump to something else. BIX NOOD MUFAGGA. You dont want to help them or fix things. You just want to bully people because your own lives are miserable.
Who released it, maybe the Russians, or the Chinese or even the Jews?
Why are you on this board you stupid nigger?
Are you sure? youtube.com
>Image clearly shows all races leading back to a common ancestor, including Africans right next to the common ancestor
You're the one being dishonest.
Dylan who?
There is no helping niggers in any way that isn't genocide or repatriation back to Africa.
>You just want to bully people because your own lives are miserable.
Yeah living around god-awful niggers makes me miserable.
So you have a fetish for black women. thats nice.
That's incorrect. The US has "technically" around 77% white population as of 2014. The youth population is 56% white.
Of the babies born in the UK, only 65% are white British. You're heading down the same path, and if you don't think so, you're delusional.
Where do you live? Whos stopping you from moving for anywhere in the 80+% white cushy midwest and seeking new oppurtunities? The US is full of white enclaves that are basically ethnostates themselves.
The paper actually talks about how wealth is linked with levels of incarceration. Also the paper only talks about incarceration not arrests, so all it claims is that black people are more likely to be jailed for their crimes than whites or hispanics in the same wealth category.
It's never going to happen, so it's nothing more than some kind of LARP scenario... but...
If there was a race war, I would kill niggers with no remorse, yes.
Why? Because I can place aside emotional barriers in order to make the world even just a fraction better than what it is now in the long-run.
And YES, cutting the black population would probably have the greatest positive influence in the world than any other action.
>Muh Jews
Niggers are dogs, and that's not because of Jews.
>Leaving your homeland to be destroyed by the nog hoard.
Deserters get the rope first.
that's a yikes from me boy
Fuck off nigger.
There are more poors in prison cause there are way more poor people than rich people dumbass. And of course niggers tend to be less wealthy but again, they're more likely to wind up in jail than poor whites.
You can't even into per capita.
No such places exist. The places that often get called such are actually Jew enslaves. There are absolutely 0 100% white neighborhoods.
No lol, you will just be reborn as one 5k times so your soul can learn from the mistakes its past life.
No I just can't keep all these niggers off of me because they love cute White boys with BWC. Niggers hate their own race, even niggers realize that other niggers are worthless monkeys and want nothing to do with them. This is why they seek out White men so they can stop fucking their subhuman ilk.
who hurt you. It was a girl obvi
If you watch dragon ball you're definitely a nigger with shit taste
>black people are more likely to be jailed for their crimes than whites or hispanics in the same wealth category.
So wealth isn't the problem then...it's just niggers.