Is there a better term for when a white woman white knights a black woman? I'm assuming she isn't doing it to get laid.
Women White Knighting?
It exists.
It's virtue signaling.
You didn't need to make a thread for this leaf.
Semantic fallacy
It's a wonder blacks can even speak, semantic fallacies are to be expected.
You're not the thread police faggot.
Virtue signaling covers everyone. Women need their own term.
black women call it "wearing their oppressive feathers" or something along those lines
Trying to speak for them when they have no business doing so
not sure if there's a term yet
Women virtue signal.
Men white-knight.
White Kiking
How about Pussy Patrolling
Example, "will you stop pussy patrolling by twitter feed you dumb cunt!"
White Savior or White Savior Complex. She has to make an excuse for anyone who is not white. She is saving them from the cruel, wretched fate of being oppressed.
Men virtue signal too, it's only when he wants to get laid that he's a white knight.
Men can have white savior complexes too.
A specific one for women is needed.
Perhaps, White Heroine. You could interject in any conversation where a sniveling white woman starts defending anyone who is pitiful: Here comes the White Heroine to the rescue. I guess those brown people really aren't our equals after all. The can't even have a conversation without their White Heroine.
yep, this or just suckup when they write in a pitiful manner. trying so hard to be black they beg for approval of black sisas
What does any of that mean? Is this why they get advanced degrees? To make nonsense more nonsensical?
>I welcomed them and got laid
So once again, we agree that the only reason to have women around is to fuck them
>They say they have to power when the legislation gives them priority.
like fishing
Pretends not to be a filthy casual but then references hex spaces?
For you normies, hex spaces only exist on the board game, the original card game, the bread and butter of mtg that existed for many many more years has no hex spaces
I dont care who this fake ass attention seeking nigga pretends to sleep with, but hes not a real mtg fan
fishing for likes
like hunting
virtue attention seeking
PC police
white-knighting is a specific form of virtue signalling.
"I insist that a word people usually use to mean something means something else!"
Why do they do this? I will try to understand. For any word that meant something of substance, this would not be an effective tactic. Redefining a word would just make people stop using that word and use a different one:
"OK, fine, then I am against racial prejudice, not racism. I am opposed to what I take racism to mean, not your new definition."
But this is not effective. Why? Because the conditioning behind the word "racism" is what gives it power, not its meaning. In essence, what this tactic proves (once people sit down and think about it enough) is that people basically don't care as much about "racism" as they appear to. So I predict that over the course of the next few years people will care less and less about this word. In fact this has already happened to a small extent.
I can’t even read their nonsensical blather...
Day of the Rope needs happening
Oh hey look, we got a regular Florence Nightingale over here.
Perversion of Mind control tactic. All cults do this.
what did he mean by this?
Yes, exactly. But I will add that I think they have made a mistake here. It reveals too much about how things really are and what they are trying to suppress. What they should have done is make a language rule about art or something only tangentially connected to race (they used to do things like this) so that the effect of putting an internal control inside people's heads is still produced, but people do not realize that the act of the rule's invocation contradicts what the rule says.
loog at me bol
I make thread about weak wymyn
bcuz im sbart sdrongk huuuuwite male