Half man, half goat. We know that the mother was a goat, but due to having many possible inexplicable fathers, this new species is now one of the few middle eastern children to be raised by 12 fathers rather than 12 mothers
New human sub-species found in Middle East
this is the new age of furries,isnt it?
>source: my ass
It’s true, I’m not bullshitting you
Allahu Akba-a-a-a-ar!
Gee......I wonder how that happened .....
H M - M M r m m M M M n n M M mm MM
Skinwalkers coming soon
And yet they wonder why people call them goat fuckers.
That's my uncle Jim. Please don't shoot him. He is a harmless drunk. Is he mumbling about the void of nothing being alive again?
I know people more hairy than this, no need to look for new sub-species
That doesn't even seem like a goat it looks like a deformed baby cow
t. goat farmer
You want 2 see weird shit try google image search for india deformity...
Super rare photos of the day that this species was made.
yeah project your own infidel filth on noble muslims
Honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if some of you autistic shitskins succeed in impregnating a fucking goat
thats just a goat with Holoprosencephaly
Fuckin lol’d man. Quality post.
It's obvious you lost half your brain cells from fucking that goat last night.
your hate and butthurt fuels my will to live
>He makes a funny thread that I actually like
Kek. I had to screenshot this with my phone because im browsing pol on a wii u.
Based Islamic goatman.
Baphomet will be president of America one day.
i'm not a goat man
Half-monkey, half-human
Are you sure? I read that 10% of you can claim goatperson status now
what timeline is this
a potato nigger openly mocking me
who do you think you are
you'd never say that to my face
I'm going into town later, swing by the pub, we'll leave a trough out for you and I'll say it to your face then. And feed you oats
U avin a giggle ya nib hed?
Are you part English?
Where's the goat genome? Test yourself, then a human as a control
His favorite band is Whaaaaaaaam!
'm more human than you potato nigger will ever be
Try getting a president into the White House then you can mock us potato negros
1% west African! Does your herder know?
>wasting education on these retards
It's just fun you neckbeard lighten up
good eye
the same white house that had that nigger obama or the retard trump?
no thanks i don't think that standard is worthy for us
that's noise, fuck off, do the test and you'd get the same
If you calm down I'll stroke your chinny chin chin
By Sigmar...
Goatboy come back I miss you...
no you're a bully
But it's just baaa-aaaantz
you know what
the average goat is better looking and has more class than an average irish woman
call me a goat fucker all day, in the end it's you who should be ashamed, irish fucker
Couldn't agree more! That's why I only fuck Arab chicks and the Chinese
Out of curiosity, how hot is that goat in your pic considered back home? Please rate, on a scale of kebab to wife
So this is what happens when you fuck goats for centuries.
Hey, hold on, I never said you were a goat fucker. I said you were part goat. World of difference
>no middle-easterners are attract-
how can regular girls compete with these goats
You just grab their horns and hold on for the ride of your life
Fuck your stupid thread, but I have a story kind of like this.
>be me
>be in Iraq
>foot patrol on a calm day
>stop by house to interview locals
>knock on door
>hear weird goat noises
>door opens
>there is a guy squatting and making goat noises
>goatboy’s brothers start beating him
>no language of any kind from goatboy
>only more panicked goat noises
>brothers grab goatboy throw him in a closet
>they slam the door
>one brother uses his back as a barricade
>we decide to leave because now goatboy was banging on the wall quite loudly
>mfw you could tell goatboy was crying at this point by his goat noises
I wouldn't worry about it.
Poor goatboy.