kys for supporting child trafficking.
Democrats are pedos
why are they white?
What does that mean?
This. The kids should be brown with absent minded expressions since they don't have the intelligence to understand what a family is our that they're being detained.
you're a perfect hooman bean
walshartian low iq huuuuwite muttardo
I'd love to be that guard. Look at that fucking badass
hypocrisy :: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel
His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.
; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness —Lucius Garvin
2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy
a keen awareness of one's parents' hypocrisies
>the parents didn't commit crimes
>false equivalent
Thanks kike.
Which US laws did the parents of the cave kids break?
Wow, these situations are definitely similar and not different at all! Thank you - very intelligent comic artist - for showing me how heartless America and this Nazi administration is!
Obama’s Auschwitz: Bean Burritos are wrapped in tin foil before being put into the oven.
"never let a crisis go to waste"
They should be back with their families in their own country
you know if you oppose kids being held on custody the best course of action for you would be to join the nationalist movement
you see, the current situation happens because leftwingers keep encouraging people to jump the border illegally, but if everyone told them to "fuck off we're full", they wouldn't bother trying to cross in the first place and stuff like children imprisoned at the border for committing a crime would not happen as the crime would not be committed
tldr: stop encouraging them to commit the crime of border jumping and they won't end up in a cage
Tfw Thaliand parents didn't break the law but mexican fuckhead parents did.
Why the fuck does the media keep giving constant live updates on the thailand boys story?
>white children in the cages
Why would they have the news on for kids? Kids like cartoons, that's probably why they are crying.
The Left does not think rationally on many issues. They make analogies and then shitpost about how 2 very different things are exactly the same based on a single similarity.
The methods, asshole. That's what's wrong.
So low intelligence wastes of air can say 'look how much better thailand is than america'
really makes you think!
so what do we do, put the kids in prison with their "parents"?
If Facebook bans me for posting memes, is Facebook guilty of separating me from my family?
My family is friends with me on Facebook and I use it to communicate with them. Can I get a judge to make Facebook reunite me?
>giving those parasites free TV
Don't citizens pay like a hundred burger tokens a month for that over there?
Not, Powerful. Criminals are always separated from their children.
You didn't care about these methods when they were happening under Obama.
Why would I believe that you genuinely care now and aren't just using this as a platform for the usual vapid leftist virtue signalling?
>The methods, asshole. That's what's wrong.
no its the pedophiles in our government that are wrong dumbfuck.
Yep, but having the latest iPhone is considered a universal basic right by niggers.
The funny thing is that they prolly wouldn't let them watch TV
like they can read...like they can read English...
Goblinos aren't human, mate. Go live next to a nest of them and you'll understand.
Their hatred for Trump is what has them paying attention to the news again.
It wasn't a matter of caring about it when it was happening on a larger and more frequent basis under Obama because leftist were not paying attention to the news about Obama.
Obama got away with this as well as killing US citizens overseas, going down as a drone strike president. Obama increased the depoyments in Iraq. Completely ruined North Africa with his policies in Lybia. The list goes on.
All of that should have had your average never-trump(er) up in an outrage but Obama always got a free pass.
>The methods are wrong
I agree, they should just shoot the families on sight of crossing the border. Fear of death is the only way this stops
>Cucked a whole nation for 8 years
Myabe their parents shouldn't have sent them unnaccompanied over the border illegally.
Whiteys took kids to da fuckin concentration camp. Fuck laws and borders and shit.
Can you shill any more obviously?