My gf cheated on me

>my gf cheated on me
Why do men expect loyalty from a woman that they are not married to?

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Oh don't worry bud, even married women cheat.
In fact, perhaps more than just girlfriends.

>He needs to look good to slay

Let me guys tell you of a site that has changed my entire view of women:

It's Reddit, but "Redpill" is not meant in the sense of being enlightened about degeneracy or the jews.
Someone who is redpilled knows the true nature of a woman, that is evolutionary-inclined unfaithfulness.

The reason you aren't fucking women left and right is simple,
you think that your looks are much more important than they really are.
Women love handsome faces, tall statures, strong jawlines and brows.
These things you cannot change.

But do you know what many women also love in a man?
Muscles work for them as tits and asses work for us.
They might not be as open or aggressive about it, but lifters definetively have the advantage over daddy's rich gayboy.
The first discipline of the redpill is to workout at your local gym as much as you can possibly fit into your schedule.
Arguably something that's more important, too many fit men lack confidence.
Lack of confidence or lack of control is a sureway to tell your plate (your woman): "You may now leave me in a discreet manner.".
There is a little story someone wrote about this on the same website.
I don't remember the link's name, but it went like this:
Redditor met a short Roman with average looks in a foreign country and started talking to him.
Turns out, the Roman was getting laid left and right with a simple trick:
Quantity over Quality.

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What did he mean by that?
It meant that you should no longer seek for that "special one".
Ask a girl you find mildly attracted and well kempt out. Maybe you find her sitting alone on a bench, maybe you've spotted her in your disco.
She is your prey.
Approach her, don't think about any artificial pickup-lines and simply ask her two things in a CONTEXTUAL manner:
"How are you?"
"Let's get to know eachother better."
The second one is more of a demand, when she has submitted to you in the conversation, you basically take a dominant position.

Now the most important part:
She rejects you.
This is guranteed 99% if it's your first time trying.
What Roman has done is simply,
1. Ignore - Treat the woman like a child and mostly ignore her presence WHILE avoiding getting emotional
2. Reflect - Was your approach faulty? Did you boast too much about yourself? Did you fail at any of her shittests?
Roman has asked out THOUSANDS of girls and has also gotten THOUSANDS of rejections.
The trick is to keep on trying, as to FORCE percentual success.

Don't orbit.
NEVER orbit.
What exactly does this mean? Whiteknighting is forbidden.
Always only pay for your own meals. Never wait for her like her personal puppy.
Only pay attention to her when she has earned it - this usually applies after the first few days of meeting.
If she stops fucking you, show her you lost interest.
Women love subconsciously being told "You are worth less than me", which is why they'll start using their body as their most precious asset.

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Because they don’t beat the living shit out of their girlfriend to keep them in line. It’s really that simple.

>Get married

You want to pay the loan for your ex-whore-wife and his children who are not yours?
Marriage is a mess in our time.

You don't want to have just one girlfriend. You want several at the same time which is why we call them "plates".
Is this amoral? Probably, but you are not looking to settle down like a roasty beef sandwich in her 30s. You are looking to improve your slaying abilities.
Women love having alpha orbiters and beta orbiters around them, which is why they will more likely than not already have several plates on their own.
You can be monogamous and still fuck several women at once.
Remember, their quality drops while yours can only increase in this game.

For the last part, it is important to also read up on STDs and pregnancy.
Let me tell you one thing, STDs are much less scarier than they are presented.

Herpes - you have to deal with it once a year, then it's gone.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia - Similiar STDs. They can be treated and you won't see them again for a good while.
HIV - Scariest STD of them all, luckily also the rarest you will ever get to contact in.
HIV is rarely ever contracted through vaginal intercourse. It gets scarier if you don't use condoms.
It's also rather uncommon in women living outside the ghetto.

Pregnancy - The scariest STD you/ or rather the woman can have. Guilt, loss of custody, having to pay half your paycheck, loss of visitation rights, more people that hate you/ more people to hate:
Trust me, this is the reason why you wear condoms, not because of HIv, which realistically speaking, isn't actually that hard to live with nowadays.
If you're still young, hope to god your plate is going for an abortion, because that toll is going to ruin your life you could have spent partying more.

Now scroll back up and visit that subreddit, you beta cuck.

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He knows!

Why do you need a government-funded ritual in order to be loyal if you so desire?

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I would wager yes. After the first 6 months of marriage the chances probably increase a compounded tenth for every three months after. Increase rate is reduced based on number of children.

Get them pregnant early and often while they're still ripe

But user, even without being married you will get sued for child pension you know that ?

yeah, I'm fucking a married woman right now. Easy pickins.

>In fact, perhaps more than just girlfriends.
Why would married women cheat more? What are common reasons for cheating?

>In fact, perhaps more than just girlfriends.
citation needed

>Increase rate is reduced based on number of children.
It's not, most people are worthless pile of trash without honor men and women, they'll cheat even with kids.

Let me guess? Your co-worker?

>Biblical Reasons Why I Support Marriage Licenses

nah, met her online. Women that obsess on social media are dangerous. Would never marry one.

You fucking retard.

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If you get her pregnant 4 or 5 times why would you care if she cheats? You got what you need out of her, who cares what she does after that?

Well why should the expect loyalty?

You'll never be as chad as Jared.

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because they are under the assumption that women are logical and rational beings...aka: men
women are not men and are not capable of living up to the expectations that modern men put on them (due to modern men believing the kike lies that women are equal to men)

>1 post by faggot OP
>off topic
sage and report


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its self-evident and doing so disqualifies her for marriage

Try this one on /b/ or Jow Forums This is not politics


bone em
don't own em

That she had sex with you before she was married should disqualify her(and you) from marriage

Because decent humans don’t cheat only degenerates who can’t control their desires

Decent humans don’t have sex with someone they are not married to
You can’t cheat on you bf/gf

low test

>yet fucking someone else because i didn't put a ring on it is fine

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>caring about that shit

id rather be a grandmaster archwizard

Dating is an audition for marriage. If a woman can't even remain faithful for a couple of years then there's no way she'll last a lifetime.

Because, in the past, if a woman cheated she would be completely ruined, both financially and socially, if not outright honor killed. Part of that mentality has still remained embedded within men, yet modern society will now forgive any woman, no matter how despicable she is. If she's a single mother in particular, she will be showered with money from child support and state welfare (i.e. money stolen from other men to pay for her mistakes), so cheating has become not only a realistic option but a sure and safe benefit.

Just common sense, usually when you're married it last longer so women (and men) get bored and barely fuck each other so they cheat when they don't want to divorce for whatever reason (debts, children, etc)

Yes you can.

That is no more degenerate that having sex with her bf

Your choice, man.

>le internet gangstar
we all know you are cucked by the women in your own haus. Did you buy the bread already cuck?

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I'm ashamed of the degenerate I used to be but when I was younger I fucked married women all the time. Many of them from church. As far as I know, their husbands never found out. Marriage means very little to women.

You can’t even expect loyalty from your wife nowadays. Marriage has become a complete joke.

This kind of thing makes sense with couples that only have like 1 or 2 kids.
Maybe they should have as many kids as possible so the wife doesn't get bored.

>Dating is an audition for marriage
And if she has sex with you that means she is not saving herself for her husband
>Because, in the past, if a woman cheated she would be completely ruined, both financially and socially
It the past it would have been the same if she was just having sex with her bf

there is a difference between faith and dignity

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just be kind and make connections with lots of women. girl friend is just a title like marriage. do what works for you.

When I fucked married women, most did it because they felt neglected by their husband. So basically because they're attention whores but lack the spine to simply leave or even talk to the guy. I'm sure the excitement of potentially getting caught was part of it. Marriage can get boring if an effort isn't made to make it otherwise.

This. I’ve done debauched acts with girls with boyfriends and married women. Women do this shit and their husbands or boyfriends never find out. Even if they do find out, the women escape all forms of punishment and are actually rewarded by the legal system with 50% of all assets, despite the infidelity.

You're worse than a nigger.

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Probably, people should also marry for actual deep love, and religion being in their lives would be nice too.
But you today's marriage is what it is

No you cant
If you are not married to her she is not yours to have sex with
How is a woman sleeping with a man she is not married to ever dignified?

how do i get into this? where do you find this women?

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Other reasons though. Women are pretty much wired to get alpha male semen into them in their fertile days. Plus you can take a look at the graphs at how an increased number of sexual partners increases the divorce rate in women

OP thinks wives never cheat.

Everyone point and laugh.

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If there's one thing I'm 100 percent certain of is that my gf will never cheat on me.

She has a phobia of naked strangers and since we've been together she hasn't really made the slightest effort in the looks department (she's not fat, if you're wondering). Part of me feels disappointed because I'm not competing against other males and it's just unsexy as hell somehow.

In the past, there was no such thing as "bf". Birth control didn't exist, so only a completely idiotic woman would ever fuck a man she wasn't sure he would stick around. That is why the vast majority of women remained virgin until marriage.

I never said that
I would bet 90% of married women that cheat were not virgins when they married

I mean, if he's single what does he have to lose ? It's her responsability for saying no or not trying to get with other guys
He's still worthless for fucking married women but they're whores too

>Hard Preaching Against Fornication

True, fucked a milf for 5 years while she was “seperating” (sure took forever) she had 4 kids. Eventually she got the divorce and now remarried to some guy who likely has zero clue.

you are free to believe whatever you want, that's non of my business
but if you can't keep things out of your hole will i m not around you aren't worth my time

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Don't get too comfy with this idea user, even the perfect girl will eventually cheat on you.
All of them are whores.
I've never been cheated on and I hate infidelity but you should be prepared for this eventuality

why do you expect a product to work before buying it... fucking retard learn to think

>i m not around you aren't worth my time
Again why should any good girl give herself to you before you commit to marrying her?

I almost understand cucks (I’d never be one), in that they figure “well i’ll be cheated on anyways, may as well jerk off to it”

>He starts relationships with roasties

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Good luck with your virgin fantasy bro. You are a prisoner in your own mind.

How many times does it take for you to try out a women?

Well duh, to see if she's loyal. If she is willing to cheat on you while you're dating, then she'll be willing to cheat on you while you're married, except if you're married she also gets cash and prizes. The entire fucking purpose of dating is to find out if she's trustworthy enough to marry and raise your kids.

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>tfw dating a latina Janna Duggar

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>people should also marry for actual deep love
women aren't capable of loving a man as deeply as a man loves a woman
all a woman cares about is (((feelings))) but they are all surface feelings
if she doesn't feel loved/needed enough, she will find that feeling somewhere else
woman is only capable of loving her children deeply...and even that is just instinctual and doesn't effect all women
women will kill their own unborn children for vanity, for fuck's sake
the sooner men admit that women aren't equals, in any way, the better for society as a whole

If she is willing to have sex with you before she is married she is not being loyal to her future husband

Why would you have a relationship, propose and have children with a girl who fucked some dudes while you payed for her dinner? Kill yourself, cuck.

How do they get away with it? Don't the husbands realize that their wives have been gone for a while? Shouldn't the women be at home all the time with the kids?

how are you supposed to get married if you can't expect loyalty?

The sad thing is, once married many women raise their standard, they arent the same, what I mean is, while bf/gf maybe she was ok with you watching sports every sunday. Why? Because she wasnt being herself to get you to marry her.

Then, after married, she becomes “unhappy” that you watch sports every sunday, because her friends husband doesnt, etc etc. then this unhappiness becomes her mental excuse to cheat on you because she’s really the victim in all this in her mind.

-and I really dont know how to avoid this occurring to me.


well even you have to admit that it's ridiculous that we need lengthy posts dissecting male/female relationships. Shit is so unnatural and tiresome

why don't they just voice their disconent to their husband instead of keeping it to themselves and being a traitorous whore.

learn to properly manipulate your woman

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Right you are missing my point. You put pussy on a pedestal and are having unrealistic expectations of women. Most people today have been led astray by the Canaanite culture of degeneracy. Many, including men, are not virgins these days as a result and even if (YOU) were to meet one you don't deserve that opportunity and would doubtlessly find a way to mess up your own marriage. I have proof in the fact that you make bait threads on Jow Forums about "hurr u should marry her user and den she wont cheet on u bud meg zure she is virgeen virst!"

tl;dr this is bait and you are a virgin.

In mine case the girl I was fucking went through different methods

1) they were “allowed to see other people” (their marriage was that fucked)
2) when she didnt want to seem like I was slamming her that often, she would “be going out with her girlfriends”
This was her favorite since she could dress up fancy for me to fuck her.

Oh they’ll do that, but if that happens they’ll expect you to do what they want, no compromise will be enough, that’ll maybe buy you a years time.

>I mean, if he's single what does he have to lose
His manhood. He violates the law of brotherhood, and therefore is nothing but a self serving traitor. Women don't understand loyalty, men do and is therefore necessary that we expect men to behave like men, not women. The nigger might as well castrate himself, he's worthless as a man, lower than a nigger.

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>not honor killing gf for cheating on you

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And again, if a girl cheats on you she certainly isn't "good" to begin with
your choice, your responsibility


Does Jow Forums not realize/acknowledge that men cheat on women because they are always the ones getting cheated on/cucked?

Rephrase that because I want to be sure I get what you are saying

>"hurr u should marry her user and den she wont cheet on u bud meg zure she is virgeen virst!"
If she is not a virgin she should have at least repented and committed to celibacy before she is married
Same with the men

because men don't understand that it's literally all about how she feels RIGHT NOW
if she says
>you watch too many sports instead of taking me to bbq's like Stacy's husband
she doesn't want you to stop watching sports, she wants you to take her places to show her off and make her feel like you think she's sexy/worth showing off

Ok but why is it any better for her to have sex with you before she is married?

I'm older than most here so my stupid days were back in the 90s before cell phones were common. That likely made it somewhat easier to get away with cheating since there was no expectation of being in contact all the time. Even with that, on more than one occasion a woman would call her husband from my home to check in. Caller ID existed back then but the woman knew if they had it on their phone line or not. Quite often the guy was at work. Evening work was pretty common for these guys.

Good read

this guy gets it

Ha...says the Frenchy.

>50% of all assets
Why do people keep marrying trophy wives? Are Americans that stupid?