You bongtards really didn't think Brexit was going to happen did you?

Every person who has at least a bit of logical understanding realizes that changing an entire country's laws, regulations and policies is a bureaucratic impossible task that would have costed trillions if it was implied.

The only thing you bongs have achieved is to weaken the UK's position within the EU.

Can't wait for the world cup finals, so you bongtards get owned twice by a non-country in less then a month.

Attached: _90385858_johnsonhandgetty.jpg (976x549, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Brexit sounds like something a human would do in the morning after breakfast
Am I close?

Look, face it sprout.

Without us, you are fucked.

Without the EU, we have people lining up to do trade deals.

At this point, we don't even care about the economics of it, thats ALWAYS in flux.

What we do care is we can say



And go about our business.

>Johnson resigning means Brexit WON'T happen


The resignation of two Cabinet members in one day means that there is enormous pressure on May to resign or be ousted, because she isn't delivering Hard Brexit.

Which means her replacement will be a hardline Brexiteer.

The delusion is strong in this one.

Dont bother, he's a sprout.

Probably living in a muslim conclave like Molenbeek

Got any proof?

When the EU collapses you'll have to go back to chocolates and tobacco runs.

When we leave, your contributions will have to go up.

Looks like that game of paying in a tiny amount, while forcing other countries to carry your lazy workshy load is going to backfire soon enough.

The sheer amount of wealth distribution which just last week shows the EU wont ever be honest with the books if their MEPs wont even keep expenses.

I mean, those mont blanc pens are needed to sign such great documents as Junkers wine bill.

Get bent you cunt, clueless sprout who's going to get a rude awakening when the EU falls apart.

I mean its not like Italy, Hungry and Poland are telling you to get fucked and the polling in Sweden says they wont be long behind.

Attached: EUNetContributionCombined.png (1100x850, 22K)

>He thinks people care about the British after what they did to themselves

Attached: 1526267854069.jpg (125x92, 3K)

>When the EU falls apart
Except it won't, and Brexit made extra sure of that. It's really funny but sad at the same time to see you guys hoping for something that probably will never happen topkek.