Why is DMT and the general umbrella of psychedelics considered "degenerate" by most users on Jow Forums...

Why is DMT and the general umbrella of psychedelics considered "degenerate" by most users on Jow Forums? Could i get a true explanation besides "its degenerate and makes you see demons" since i and no one i know has ever had a experience where we saw "demons".

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Success in life and the development of good character generally bear a direct relationship to your ability to deny yourself sensual pleasures like drug use

Please take this to /x/
we have a board specifically for the supernatural.

This is not appropriate for Jow Forums

Unearned wisdom is dangerous

This, living a good life is thousand times more better than using drugs

I think your confusing psychedelics with drugs in general, there is nothing sensual and pleasurable about a psychedelic experience, infact i would never do a drug that has no use besides making you happy and feel good.

In fact most of the phisical effects of DMT include:
-changes felt in bodily form (ex. hands feel smaller/bigger)
-changes felt in gravity (body feels lethargic and heavy)
-discomfort in ones skin (similar to not finding a comfy spot in your bed)


Tge wisdom you are taught is generally only applicable to ones self. I.e learning to be more mindful of your surroundings.

Most dmt users abuse drugs, theres a saying: when you get the message hang up tje phone.

If there is a god he will cheer the one who lived as a good human and not the one who used substances to gain insight to a world he was going to know anyways after death

What is a demon anyway? Why would God leave us a plant that gave us the capacity to communicate with other beings if he didn't want us to? I don't understand why religious folks are so afraid of a little scientific research it's like they are afraid of what is outside of their self imposed intellectual prison.

And to add to , psychedelics bring you out of your comfort zone, theres nothing fun about a trip, its the lessons you implement later that are the reason people ude them.

There's a reason DMT isn't sold on the streets, people only do it once or twice in their lifetimes since that's all you need to get the message, if it made you happy and feel good you'd think more people would abuse it right?

Canada is degenerate, but dmt looks promising, ayahuasca might be something to consider in a Shulgin scale perspective

My experience with psychedelics has generally been characterized by sensory pleasure, even if that pleasure is just being fascinated by the novelty of it rather than coke-/MDMA-tier pure euphoria. Acid, shrooms, Salvia, 2C-X, DXM, the high is weird and interesting and pleasurable and definitely "of the flesh" in how it makes me feel good.

You got a source for that? Also try not bringing religion into this since that would imply your is right and that's a topic for another thread.

Your body is making drugs right now simpleton. Some people are born with too little or too much of a thing - there is no cookie cutter regimen for all of us no more than a pair of pants fits us all the same.

>unearned wisom
How did you "earn" any wisdom your parents fed you when you were a child or did you crawl away from home as an infant and teach yourself everything you know?

Some of you really are some deep thinkers.

Have you done higher doses? A 8 gram shroom trip definitely does not feel pleasurable

Just to add most people who have done DMT, know you alan watts is (the person you quoted) and know very well to hang up after the message, once again that is the reason most people only have a few DMT experiences in their lifetimes.

Admittedly no, haven't tried DMT either. I've tried to keep it at the "fun with friends" level rather than shaman-tier dosages

We don't need policing here. DMT is political.

fear and inexperience. anybody who's actually done hallucinogens knows they just amplifiy what's already there

reminder that you are high on deemsters anytime you have a dream.

This, DMT is anti-addictive and only lasts 15 minutes before you start to come down to baseline, its a natural chemical that is produced in the brain and there for doesn't damage it either. The only thing stopping people from trying is fear. And it almost stopped me too.

Biblically? There's a reference in Isaiah that calls them Rapha, which was a tribe of giants. This is in concord with the Book of Enoch which claims the giants, heroes from the pre-flood days of myth and legend, died but their spirits were earth bound. This also coincides with the Greek belief that their ancestral heroes, and their word for god was demon by the way, who the early Christians saw as synonymous with the men of renown, could be worshiped. This assertion is further backed up by Peter when he says the angels who sinned in the days of Noah were thrown into Tartarus. This is drawing a direct comparison between them and the Titans.

In short, according to biblical and closely related extra-biblical sources demons are the spirits of old 'heroes' from long ago.

You cant discuss dmt without talking about the spiritual. Find out who is actually using these drugs, hippies and drug addicts. It is not natural and it is a major stress for human psyche.

Used once or twice under shaman supervision? Sure. A good way to find out more about the nature of our existence. But still, a life lived sober and as a good human beign is worth 1000x any tripping dmt junkie

Well, do you know what religious scholars actually believe in Jerusalem, the whole burning bush? They believe it was the acacia bush which is rich in DMT. And they think the metaphor of the burning bush was actually a psychedelic experience. And that Moses during this psychedelic DMT experience came back from the other dimension that you go into when you go into the DMT trance, standard messages that I myself have gotten from these psychedelic experiences.

That you have to treat each other as we are all one, and that our separations are all illusions and that you are literally living a life that if I was born in your body and I had your genetics I would be you and you would be me because we are all the same and that our differences is really what the illusions is. And we are these temporary beings and that negative thinking and negative feelings and all these things manifest themselves in negative actions and negative thoughts and you can change that, you can change the frequency in which you exist in this world.

...Jamie pull that video up of that fat fuck getting hit by a bus.

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ditto acid. i love tripping but i only do it maybe two or three times a year now, when the time is right. i feel no compulsion

look, if you were never poor you would probably never notice any lasting effects from psychedellics anyhow. the only good thing they do is force all the poison out, well off people are just naturally healthy because they eat well and live far from pollution.
frankly the trip isnt something you should ever take too seriously.

>fries brain

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Most people see psychedelics as being the same as narcotics. They don't know shit about drugs so they put them in the same category.

If used intelligently, unlike how hippies and other degenerates use them, psychedelics can have a massively beneficial effect. For me, LSD was as close to a literal red pill as I could ever hope to get.

mfw seeing the hell I'd been living a little too clearly for comfort.

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>t.clinging to fragile sense of self

im considering trying this what the chances of me screaming as i see in some Ayahuasca vids as I can't draw attention due to living situation

That's translation from sumerian texts where giants semi gods where on earth, about dmt in bible a place (Peniel) is mentioned in Genesis (32, 30) where Peniel might be a reference to the pineal gland.

>good thing they do is force all the poison out
>spouting pure lies
kys you appeal to nature faggot

because to people not on drugs you look fucking retarded.

>If used intelligently
the same could be said for literally ANY DRUG or ANYTHING

once i was tripping and i came upon a drunken hipster face down on the subway stairs in a puddle of vomit. my disgust was total, and all i could think was here we were a bunch of hairless apes who built a worldwide civilization so we could get fucked up on spoiled grain juice

im not appealing to shit, faggot. your overly aggressive nature betrays your nose and the goys arent falling for it anymore

All drugs are degenerate.

woah, what a deep and insightful thought bro
oh never mind you only feel it was because at the time your IQ was temporarily dropped 50 points making you believe you were having insightful intelligent thoughts

I've had a few positive experiences with psychedelics.
Regardless of the experiences it was achieved by poisoning my brain with foreign
chemicals that aren't supposed to be in it.
If you want to have good experiences in life,
you should have them the way your brain is
naturally balanced to be, because putting
these chemicals in your brain is never good
in the long run, and it's artificial experience.

It's easy to take it too far... at the end of it far too often you turn into some kind of tree hugging SJW.
Not everyone, but far too many.

Go ahead and show your Israeli flag, kike.

everybody is on drugs user, they put them in the air.

>shills telling people this isn't for plebs, but why?


hard to discuss things you've never experienced. This thread will have 100+ replies the majority by people who have never done DMT though I have tried LSD a few times but still. Arguments against it often stem from ignorance.

You waste time learning common sense. Then get all prophetic about it. Its annoying as fuck.

Hamilton Morris fucked that theory in the ass.

take your meme flag off too then and show us your real flag
>retarded brainlet doesn't understand what is and is not a meme flag mask

its weird how certain threads make posters like this come out
psychedellics, vaccines, gmos, flourides
makes you really think huh

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Our bodies aren't making "drugs", these are chemicals that our species evolved to keep us at a healthy homeostasis to live. Psychedelics are just random chemicals your throwing into your brain to see shit.

quite sure you understood what i meant. all the retards filming themselves tripping sack rolling around in dirt on salvia is what got it banned.

>not understanding purging
I thought Jews could understand that concept.

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40mg of 2c-x
Or 5gs of roomates should clear the fun times right up.

Because it messes with your sanity. It shows you things that are not real, anything, in such a powerful way, that many think it was real. But it wasnt. Its just the first step on the road to madness. I never met one who did psychedelics and was still sane. And since most are convinced its harmless, in the same way some think weed is harmless, they will use some again. And each time damage is done. At some point, you are crazy and there is no way back.

Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a
neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all
psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a
neurotransmitter that the metabolite itself thereof creates a
kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or
whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR
rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the
chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these
rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently?


DMT is the spiritual heaven drug.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

>since i and no one i know has ever had a experience where we saw "demons".

Then you are doing it wrong. Do you even breaktrough?

There is literally nothing else up there except archonic entitys. Its impossible to not meet them.

Ive done around 8+ breaktroughs. Believe me they are up there and shit is real.

>In fact most of the phisical effects of DMT include:
>-changes felt in bodily form (ex. hands feel smaller/bigger)
>-changes felt in gravity (body feels lethargic and heavy)
>-discomfort in ones skin (similar to not finding a comfy spot in your bed)

Where did you get that? Its just not true at least for when smoked. No nausea or any bodyload at all.

I don't think psychedelics really make people turn liberal, it's just that people who use psychedelics tend to be lefties already and the drugs amplify their existing tendencies.

I'd say a Jow Forums-fag taking DMT would be more likely to turn into an Esoteric Hitlerism crazy instead of a hippie.

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Some even became Nazis after that, shit is evil

Fair argument.

the problem is that these things can easily open you to demonic possession (google malachi martin faggots its fuckin real and its as banal as evil always is) if you dont live under the laws of christ. a lot of casual (including heterosexual) sodomites do these drugs and go 'insane' because they get taken by evil.

Jews promoting psychedelics? I am not sure, seems to improve others life.

how do you know what you see isn't real? this entire board is obsessed with seeing the truth occuring behind the veil of government statements and mass media, and those are both "real" for all intents and purposes. yet we know that that "real" only hints at a greater reality we can only speculate about. so how do you know that what you think is sober reality isn't itself a distortion? like, is paying rent really THAT important that you need to organize your entire life around it (because you almost certainly do)?

Go fuck your sister, white trash scum.
Check these digits

DMT is produced by your body daily. Newer studies show that the imagery of dreaming while sleeping is achieved through producing DMT by the body.

By taking it, you just higher the level.

>what is water

Most of my psychedelic experiences turned out to be sobering turning points in my life. They helped me get past emotional or mental blocks by providing new, temporary perspectives.Pretty awesome learning experiences.

Mood-altering drugs on the other hand are fun but I try my best to avoid them because they're more of an escape than a tool. Most people here are right when they say certain drugs lead to an emptier, less fulfilled life.

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Because you're talking to americans and if it says somewhere in some law that you cannot do that they will talk about it all day and snitch on you.
mutts are literal retards.

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of course. Jow Forums should be to random topics. We dont have enough boards for that.

Bullshit. Psychedelics as a whole and especialy Psylocibin when used right can be very helpfull in developing your character and getting insights and perspective about yourself and life you wouldnt get anywhere else.

DMT is different tough. It can fuck you up when you are not ready i guess. At least it cures atheism.

you are an actual retard because DMT is one of the most intimate and sensual drugs I've ever experienced family. It's like a warm blanket wrapped around your soul and a sunrise in the brain

Combined psy with dis and stack it higher towards dis and you'll realize you guide the whole trip, there may be some truth to the states they bring, but there's a reason no one learns anything they didn't already know, psys show what they were purposely ignoring not how to fix it or what to change.

>Have you done higher doses? A 8 gram shroom trip definitely does not feel pleasurable
That's called an overdose and that is degenerate behavior. Just because you took enough so that the effects overwhelm and makes you feel like shit doesn't make it ok. Same thing as having 2 or 3 beers and becoming socialable vs having 8-10 beers and tongue fucking a midget in an alley.

oh, there's already 12 threads about boris fucking johnson, we can slide one to talk about DMT

redditjew detected
Every thread belongs on Jow Forums.

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the biggest reason shills raid these threads is because psychedellics can cure atheism instantly and without any preparation. just zip, suddenly you understand what eternity will be, and why its important.

DMT is the bugman's attempt to mimic the white man's natural God-given imagination.

"meet the buddha, kill the buddha"

unfortunate fact. sure sign of an incurable bugman is constant use of psychedellics. they get nothing out of it besides the cute little trip and the pretty colors.

how many bugmen do you personally know who use DMT? and have you ever tried it?

>mfw my main reason for not trying DMT yet is that I'm too shy to hang out with Bob Ross and God

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denial of the most fundamental personal liberty.

Depends on how and why you are doing it. To pal around with friends high-doseses arent the right thing. Just take less then.

If you want to explore the deeps of your conciousness high dose shrooms are awesome.

you have no idea what you are talking about.

Because most of Jow Forums are fucking losers. Hallucinogens make me reflect on my life and help put things in perspective for how I should better myself. They make you face the reality of yourself and society.

they are all chromed out, homie.

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I know because i am not mentally ill.
All drug users say the same shit. All are in need of help.
Psychedelics create hippies and leftists actually. I dontknow where you found that dumb idea, but its not correlated with reality.

You're wrong. DMT even helps cure addictions, yes cure.

this, + go to a location like pic rel. makes all the difference.

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but come on, how can it be real? I have always been amazed at all this "insight into the cosmos" and the "true consciousness" discourse. DMT and LSD were synthesised in XX century, and enjoyed widespread use for less than 60 years. It seems pretty fucking unlikely that in order to know what's real and become real you have to be born in the specific time period and have an access to certain hard-to-produce chemical compound.
>>but what about peyote?
The point still stands. I find it hard to believe that it was some Mayan savages that knew what's really up while the rest of humanity built civilizations and drank beer like a bunch of chumps.

Yet I don't see laws against premarital sex. Hmmmm....

wrong. sin creates hippies, psychedelics just open the floodgates
the love of christ prevents hippie mind infection

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If the frequency of these types of shilling responses that pop up every time this topic is broached aren't enough to at least make you curious about what psychdaelics have to offer, you're asleep at the wheel Anons.
Psychadelics are powerful tools that can be used for the expansion of consciousness, introspection, and allow healing of the mind/soul through their unique ability to temporarily dissolve the ego. They aren't meant to be used by degenerates and imbeciles as party drugs. Used properly, psychadelics will empower you and add value to your life. There's a good reason (((they))) don't want you to have access to them but allow you to dull your senses with alcohol as much as you want.

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>Soviet shithole literal who country

Lmaoing at your life. Which country has the most prestigious educational institutions in the world? Lithuania? No, the United States. You had breadlines and decreased brain capacity from starvation.

Drinking beer is what slaves have done throughout history. What do you think that philosophers in Greece were ingesting, alcohol? Evolution is all about psychedelics. Jaguars today gnaw on Ayahuasca root in order to increase their hunting skills...

magic mushrooms are why aryans have souls

I have never met a successful person who did DMT.

Choose your social groups wisely.

The single argument they can use against me and my point is BY LAW "lmao your country suck"

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t. normie

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successful people do not advertise their drug use to square faggots.


Shut up, little pozzed bitch. Ever consider those people are happy with their present circumstance and don't concern themselves with transient things like wealth?