Portland Antifa Mommy

The Borg Queen was seen calling thebshots for Antifa, mixing with patriots and recording their conversations, photographing them and logging names. We want her name.

Attached: E4DEE3F4-271E-47BB-9D27-48BAD10482DC.jpg (376x610, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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imagine being so fat and having such tiny fingers that you hit a B instead of the Space Bar.

Got any video?

just kill her next time.
drag her off into a skirmish and slit her throat in the chaos. same as with every other antifag (((reporter)))

I’m actually pretty tiny but thanks for zeroing in on one little typo

Code name: Muttilda

Video coming. I have someone compiling a clip of her.

Cool, I'll give this a little bump then

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Get revenge for 6-14-17 please.

probably just a phoneposter


face fuck

Attached: file.png (978x550, 994K)

Here ya go buddy, this one, is real XD

Attached: CTR ShareBlue And Media Matters.jpg (500x357, 56K)

1:34 you can see her calling the shots


4:02 you can see her calling the shots for Antifa
2:23 again
1:26 she walks back without her glasses on to pick something very specific up that Antifa dropped. Can’t tell if it’s a can of mace or an IED

Sorry NOT 1:26- 3:20 she walks back slyly to pick something up.

>Borg Queen
fucking lol

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What is this?

Attached: 86E5D6EB-8B13-40A6-95AB-CEDF3947AFDB.jpg (909x500, 57K)

Muttilda even has the pedophile necklace. She's a handler for sure.


her tampon fell out


Dude I knew that bitch was working with them. You could tell. I wonder who dressed her though? That get up looks legit.

I could be wrong, but it might be an unexploded homemade firework. Halfsticks and other large ground salutes roughly look like that. And weren't there some loud fireworks thrown by antifa on that day?

She could be picking it up because there could be prints on it, and getting caught making things like that in this context can be 5-10 years in prison.

Muttilda myst be destroyed. Portland eould be such a based white city without all the antifa faggots

3:43- is she still holding that red object in her hand? it looked as if she was about to give it to the police?

It's not hard to dress like a generic housewife. This is why appearance is only one part of identifying them, and actions are equally important.

She looks like she could be a bitch.

Stifler's mom is Antifa?

Yeah but look closely. Her cheap necklace is right out of Dillard's. Her hair is colored at least by a salon. She looks pretty clean. No tattoos, no nose piercing. She looks very suburban, & not tent city scrub.

It a 50ml quickshot of ONIONS.

She owns the fields and the trucks that make sure fresh onions is always available..

He/she that controls the onions, controls the universe..

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I get what you're saying. But it wouldn't be hard to recruit a handful of clean looking people to fulfill different undercover roles. Play devil's advocate here.

This board is not your personal army first off and second of all stop trying to make people be afraid.

>necklace has a pedo swirl

When I saw a video with her in I couldn't work out what side she was on, she looked wrong, a social worker more than a patriot.

Yes, yes it is.