The second meme war is almost upon us lads

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No it isn't. This cunt is about to get indicted.

Jow Forums is infested with shills and lefties too much for there to ever be another meme war

>Second meme war
I have a bad feeling about this one for some reason.

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We'll fight them here so we don't have to fight them over there

She’s going to go full commie

I hope she does run,
If she runs and goes against other democrats
for the primaries, they will openly speak of all
the crimes she committed, we will see her get thrown under a train not a bus, as well as confirmation of all the things we know are true,
How great would that be?

I hope her Stockholm Syndrome kicks in so she runs again and Trump can rape her a second time

>drumpfies actually think their candidate isn't owned by the elites
>meanwhile the elites rig the election to keep him in by running literally the only democrat he can beat

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Who the fuck is going to believe her?

Never said anyone would, but what else would she have left if she ran again? Go full nationalist and praise capitalism? The far left sjw Democrats want socialism and she is so power hungry, she’ll give it to them.

Please Kek let her run again!

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She unironically will get fucked up harder. I want her to run so it'll be easy mode.

this has me smiling ear to ear

the open bawling on election night wont happen again, but the election night salt videos are still recommended to me on You Tube from my repeated viewings

I wish you were right, but she'll never see the inside of a courtroom. The game is rigged.

fake image

court room? She's going to Guantanamo.

We're not that far away from civil war

>I hope she does run
She has much experience with the runs.

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surely the democrats have a system in place

>We're not that far away from civil war
and we will meme it into reality.

There are only two options:

>fake news for the purpose of giving the impression that her(((their))) corrupt game isn't up or rather isn't actually corrupt.
This buys time for further clean up by corrupt holdovers in alphabets while Mueller does his soft shoeing as a distraction.
>things are so unhinged for (((them))) that they are desperate to have a fixer in the wh and Hillary is so fucked otherwise that she can't say no.
Another campaign will probably kill her, especially considering Trump likely has her by the colostomy bag in ways we can only imagine.

Either way, pic obviously related.

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Then the meme war will be fought somewhere else. The Internet is a large place.

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Right? I still watch them to this day when I'm feeling down. Ethiopian salt mine levels of salt there; If we could get that again I just... Id be so happy

My biggest concern with Hillary running again is that it is concrete proof that Trump didn't fulfill the wises of his base. She is supposed to be locked up, or at least career over. In my humble opinion, this will hurt Trump more than any (((scandal))) ever could. Failing to stop her from running, from being ruined, its the single biggest act of weakness Trump could commit.

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What if, by some miracle by them (who is the anti-Kek? God has the Devil, Zues had Hades.. who is the anti-Kek!?) she does get to run. Humor me with your honest prediction if she makes the ballot.


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Poor Slick Willy, even he doesn’t deserve to participate in this amount of suffering.

Simpsons predicted Trump they also predicted Hillary after him

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based Glenn.

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Will she survive another loss?

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>Lisa at 35
They predicted a young, hopeful candidate, not Hillary. Chelsea with a new hairdoo?

Hi Hillary!

Post tits or gtfo

She can't run if she needs 18 hours of sedated sleep a day.

it was obvious that she will fall during the second term when dems and clintons goons played all their cards. Hope was also that the dems will kill her, which will happen during the primaries. She will annihilate the dems for two to three decades to come, with the libertarians probably becoming the new left

It's possible.

-1 She's female
-2 Related to Hillary
-3 The democratic party should've learn from it's mistakes that got Trump elected and enacted countermeasures so that they will win, even if it means sabotaging the voting system of making up 7 million fake people.

Or it could be some other woman.

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Why are we not memeing Maxine as the DNC 2020 candidate?

I think you underestimate how many berniebros absolutely hate Shillary. The gaping chasm in the democratic party would be a lot worse this time around if she runs again. They haven't forgot what the DNC did to their precious senile socialist.

They would absolutely tear themselves apart.

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It’s not the first time this has happened. Eisenhower beat Adlai Stevenson twice.

It’d been to see her stomped like a narc at a biker rally again.

Don't underestimate the power of autism.


Why do they want to lose again?

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Hillary is the annoying type of midboss that just doesn't stay dead.

how about a little discourse instead of opening with a no-brainer insult
keyword of a failing argument. remeber how hillary was the obvious pick back in 2016?
>dems will kill her
she is the biggest threat with dozens on the body roster. shes the one who knocks.
>she will allihilate the dems
thats Trumps job, and returns us to my original point. If she is allowed to run, wouldn't this be a sign of weakness? That she is the worst of the worst, and we still allow her to have a voice in politics at all?
>libertarians probably becoming the new left
doesn't ease my argument at all

what youve done in your post is make claims with no proof, and assume the world will a certain course. happy to respond more if you can add to or rebut the argument though!

Can she get their hopes up again?
Dear God I hope so

Now more sure than ever that Trump isn't controlled by (((elites)))
That's why they spend every waking moment of their day bashing him

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Sell those hand-wringing, pearl-clutching, hystrionics to the tourists you big pussy.

Do you think Bernie or Hillary would have a better chance? I mean Trump is the winner of all wins, he whose wins cannot be unwon, but just out of curiosity, who do you think would fare better?

I suspect she will run. The only reason I say this is that we were prophesized of a pants-shitting on live TV, which never happened (to my knowledge). Her running again is about the only other time I can see it happening.

smart city people


>>DNC threw the primaries for hilliary
>>To put Trump in power
bitch please

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>I think you underestimate how many berniebros absolutely hate Shillary.

Truth. After the shit they pulled on him, I knew a bunch of Dems who voted "anyone but her".

I'm just wondering what kind of extensive embalming techniques will be used to make her not look like an ambulatory corpse.

There would be a civil war within' the democratic party 10 times worse that 2016. The socialist commie faction would treat establishment faction how they are treating any republican atm. They feel aggrieved by the way Hernie was treated last time around and cannot stand Shillary, nor want to see her run again.

tl;dr all out dem civil war.

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glutton for punishment, will be fun to watch her fail, AGAIN, she is like the walking dead, keeps attacking until her head is lopped of

Trump has done nothing but sell-out for Israel.
How low is your IQ that you really think Jow Forums will go to meme-war for Trump twice?
>pic related

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I pray that she does it. Her career would end with an even more humiliating defeat than Obama beating her in 2008. Dems desperately want the Clintons to disappear.

This can only mean that the fix is in. They will have figured out a way so that there can be no loose ends this time around.

i dont, and kek will be my witness.

the level of delusion

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You drooling mongoloid jizz sacs never even heard the word “rural” before CNN shat it into your ear canal. Now you can’t go two minutes before puking it out again. Now fuck off back to your safe space so you can invent a new gender for yourself.

Yasss she won the popular vote let's do it queen slayyyyyy

def not jewish, sorry. im the type of guy who watches fox, then moves on to jon oliver and bill maher so i can guess that the shills are gonna say. i would never watch them on the correct platforms though, as to not provide any monetary signals in maher or oliver's favor. i try to be extremely object in every approach, and think your post shows extreme weakness for our movement.
>grew up attending a nondenominational christian church on Sundays, then hitting up the orthodox catholic to pray every once in awhile. it felt more holy, but the nondenominational education was better.

Shouldn't be allowed to run 3 times. Witch should be in jail.

If I recall, that episode had dialogue from Lisa that went something like "why yes, I am proud to be the first STRAIGHT female president."

Please God, fate, destiny, universal powers.....anything, please PLEASE make Hillary run agaim but have a seizure and shit her pants on live tv. PLEASE

If you grant my wish I will stop drinking alcohol and will tone down the fapping to sheboon videos

Please run again! I want to see that old cunt die in public

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Her superiors probably guaranteed her the win this time. Not sure why they didnt the first time.

I don't think there's any way Democratic voters will choose her again, assuming it isn't rigged in her favour.

Please let her run again so that the old memes may return to life.



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I would think Bernie right now, the momentum within the democratic party is with these "muh up and coming new face of the dems socialist wet dream". Of course, the Shillary faction thinks they can get berniebro commies on board because "WE MUST STOP TRUMP"...

Again, could be an all out civil war, to which I think neither of them would win this time around because you average swing voter isn't going to see a reason to abandon Trump because most people aren't affected by the silly trivial shit libtards complain about constantly: "TRUMP SAID SOMETHING ELSE MEAN TODAY AND HERES WHY YOU SHOULD GET OUTRAGED!"

Trump wins again with the same exact states he won in 2016 if the democrats run the same people,.

Nobody gives a fuck about your brownshirt fever dreams. Now fuck off back to your ernst rohm commemorative circle jerk. You don’t want to be late since they can’t start without the pivot man.

>leftypol talking point
>Trump is a Zionist
All evidence says otherwise
Israel tried to get us into a war with Russia 3 times
Trump told them to blow it out their ass
>corrupt leader of Israel and Clinton supporter indicted
>Trump pulling troops out of Syria
>Trump intentionally stirring shit up with Iran
lol Zionist my ass

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Her running again would be our wildest dreams

I don't believe it will ever happen but it would be glorious to see her try to win the DNC nomination again. Imagine how badly they'd have to rig the system for her to win it a second time and the shitstorm that would occur if any information was leaked again.

I think that is a reasonable assumption. She will be difficult to indict if she is running again. Just how comey wrote a book, it was to try and protect himself. Of she knows indictments are coming, propping herself up as a candidate is a security measure.

See: Da goyim know. And before the next election cycle, everyone will know. I hope Trump has a big enough voter-base on Redd*t to counter what Jow Forums is preparing to do.

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Do you think the white supremacists getting kicked out of the trump rallies parallels this enough for it to be a factor? My opinion is that although there is a clear stance forming on the right to disassociate, they wouldn't betray Trump when it comes to voting.
Thank you for taking my post seriously, unlike and
posts like these just seem a little bit too cancerous, almost like they are doing covert shilling or something.
>hurr durr that can conceivably make sense to lets try to ostracize the poster and turn the board away from a realistic threat

tl:dr thanks!

Omg I can't wait for the butthurt when Drumpf is defeated

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This will end up with socialists picking a third party and dems losing even bigger. As predicted, this election pushed dems more to the left and they won't accept Hillary.

>posting Zionist shill paper
opinion discarded

Take your jew baiting back to the bund meeting knob slobber. I can’t tell if you’re a great troll or an abysmal fuck up, but the result is the same: trying cleaning the jizz out of your skull and learn what some of the things you say actually mean. Here’s a hint spooge steward: there’s no such fucking thing as “orthodox catholic”.

>haha all this proof trump is a zionist isnt proof at all!

see? the evidence is already acquired and you're terrified. just wait until everyone else knows what we know.

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>file name

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Go back to your buggery brownshirt.

Moloch has always been the anti kek you fuckin newfag

She will win this time. People already got a bad taste of the Drumpf so expect a lower turnout in support of him. Nate Silver is right this time.

>loses a second time
>dies on the death bed knowing she was the biggest failure to ever exist

if she runs again she will for sure not make it past the primaries

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We're gunna expose Israel.
We're gunna expose the Diaspora.
We're gunna expose Trump.
We're gunna expose Hillary.
It's all gunna fall down.
It's all gunna burn.

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Basically this Although, you can't rule out a last gasp of major false flags in the run up. I think the swamp has been on its heels since Trump got elected. Hopefully he is just rooting out the operational elements prior to utterly destroying Hillary and the dnc in 2019. For the safety of American people this is probably the best course of action. Imagine a paddock-like farce in 8 or 10 different cities in q1 2020 otherwise. Trump knows these people are utterly ruthless. I think she's fucked either way desu

She looks nothing like Bill Clinton!
>webster huble

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