51 asylum seekers from the “Lifeline” arrive in Paris

They mostly claim to come from Sudan. Is there any war in Sudan? A real war?

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From the thumbnail I thought hey had painted over the people with black to make them anonymous


I glanced at the pic and I thought they were transporting prisoners in jumpsuits with masks over their heads.

My first thought too, maybe they're taking the initiative and sending them straight to prison

Already got their orange jumpsuits on...

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And not a single one comes from Syria, this is a fucking joke...

Look at all those niggers. France will be immeasurably enriched by the no doubt wonderful societal contributions these gifted men will make.

They're already wearing prison clothes, that's good.

how many white women alone will get blacked by these 51 bulls? if each fucked 10 women, a modest and low estimate for such high test males, we would come out to 510 blacked white women. the real figure is probably in the thousands.

good god, white boys simply cannot win

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War recently ended in Sudan...

>A real war?
No, UN and EU just pumped in Billions over the last 30 years to managing the split up

Your people keep voting in the politicians that allow this.

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What did you just say? This is a rocket engineer working on the Ariane 6 program.

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not in south sudan you white bitch. anyway you crackers fucking destroyed africa so you should be forced to take in black bulls

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but the gibs are still on in France

Nice of them to already be wearing orange.

Oh I recognize him, now! That's Dr. Jackson. I'm a big fan of his work! He has really made some breakthroughs in rocket propulsion.

yeah we "destroyed" africa.
We brought you civilization.
If it wasn't for colonialism, all of you niggers would still run around chucking spears and drinking blood.

No one sees the white woman in the middle of the aisle towards the back? I guess they sacrificed one to calm them down for the duration of the flight.

T-they're hungry... B-because evil rich white men went there and took their resources... Therefore the working class of europe must pay.

Absolutely. Dr. Jackson’s work on non-linear PEP structures in solid boosters has been instrumental in lowering costs for the Ariane 6 boosters.

I am glad he is safe.

She is the SJW stewardess who is hungry for the BBC.

larping aside, it's hilarious that even niggers don't want to fuck black women.

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As if that's not still happening

Hopefully all his work was saved and not left behind in Somalia. It's a shame what whites have done to that nation.

they are all men....

>Dont fuck black women
Just like Cancer doesn't effect Cancer


He was based in Khartoum, Sudan. I heard the bulk of his work could be sent out by UPC, but his ex wife has burned the rest. A shame, some of these files would have been probably cured cancer and HIV.

And? Don’t tell me you are a genderist!?

Εxactly this

>Still chucking spears and drinking blood
Did they ever stop?

>production engineer examining coke bottle fresh off assembly line.jpg

same here lol

The Apex chimps in Melbourne came from Sudan, you frogs are in for a world of trouble.

it pisses me off how they take more care of them and they do nothing, we work our asses off here at western european owned companies for 570€/month and you give them more money for doing nothing.. fuck EU.. fuck europe

>when you haven't unlocked the character in a fighting game

Fuck you racists, don't you feel ashamed, look at all those women, they are now safe and will pretty quickly solve our low birthrate problem.

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Congrats to the free niggers frenchies.
Won't make a difference though. France is already full of niggers.

So since their boats are impounded, they just fucking fly them in now?

future caregivers of the aging french working class

jesus christ

Yes, this is the strategy. It also is easier, planes can go directly to Paris.

>Is there any war in Sudan? A real war?
No, why? Even if there is no war, they just change the label for political refugee. Even if there is no dictature there they just change the label for climate change refugee. Even if there is no climate change there they will stop hiding it and brand themselves as economic refugees.

>Your people keep voting in the politicians that allow this.
>your people keep voting
>keep voting
Voting won't solve this. Traitors full of bullet holes rotting on public display, their assets seized and their names and work erased from history, will.

Also worth mentioning just in case anybody didn't notice: They're ALL men. The only woman here seems to be the stewardess.

What the hell?


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Why are all refugees young men? The demographic least affected by war(assuming uninvolvement).

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And that is legal, how?

I am so happy that we get the chance to have these incredible scientist and engineer.
This will help the country a lot.

i tought it was the french football team from the thumbnail

True story.

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>literally all men at age of peak fertility
>"asylum seekers"
You're being ethnically cleansed. Why are you posting stupid questions on the internet instead of rallying your fellows and hanging your corrupt leadership?

>is there any war in Sudan
Savage niggers being savage nigger. How can a nigger run away from niggers?

The purpose of dumping the world's surplus male orcs on white countries is to start a war and ensure lots of white females are impregnated with half-breed spawn, forever ruining the spirit and culture of the West. Jews think we "struck the face of God" when Germans put them in camps in WW2, and so they blame all white people everywhere and want to kill us or at the very least devastate our world forever.

>They're ALL men.

But but but, one of these men identifies as a woman.

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Go back to work Pavel, Jamal needs its 1000€ allowance

ahahaha, now you french will take all the niggers, ahahahaha
salvini dux

The General Population shouldn't have to deal with the sudanese only the military because this is a fucking joke....
Their Government.
Is looking at your clay.

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The birth rate in Africa means shipping even millions to Europe doesn't solve anything

It's a pointless task

>Is there any war in Sudan? A real war?
Yes but it's been going on for like 50 years. I think there's a point where a war just becomes everyday life

that's not the point... see

looks like a prison bus

It's not pointless. You're dumb if you think the goal is to "help" anyone. That's just the cover excuse so retard leftists support it.

Even if you don't relax around the sudanese they will likely team up as an army unit to behead you.
Conscription and Mandatory military service.

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the reason why they are in uniform is so when they land they can start their attack immediately and not confuse targets at the airport.

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now they will send all the monkeys to spain france and germany ahahahah
we are free now we are safe, ethnic cleansing in italy, soon concentration camps for fags niggers and balcanic scum ahaha
luca traini libero

51 chimps*

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France just imported a plane full of pic related.
Do yall know nothing about the Suds ?

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Get ready France; in 100 years any remaining whitey will be hanged for not helping more during this crucial point in time where all the strong black women and children were abandoned and denied access into Europe by the horrible, sadistic white man.

The world is truly, deeply, FUCKED

Germans were pretty close with their predictions.

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>higher intelligence on earth
>works in a bar
What's his end game? That has to be a front.


the women are all married and can't leave their families. most of these men are either single or abandoning their wives/children to start over. the shitheel rules in these awful countries are a lot harsher on women than men.

That's one theory. I really think it's white guilt drawing from the legacy of christianity. These cuck retards think that they are doing a good deed by bringing the poor to the promised land of milk and honey but don't have the brainpower to noodle over who is going to pay for everything 30 years down the line when their societies are filled with the demon spawn of a people who have not formed a functional society in over 1,000,000 years of independent existence in the most mineral and resource rich continent in the entire world.

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You dont understand. The point is not helping people out of poverty but ruining and invading the West, making the white male PAY for its crimes. To this end, it is best to keep Africa under developed and importing them.

open your ventimiglia border you baguette frog, we are sending you all the niggers ahahaha

I don't exactly buy that hypothesis because historical precedent dictates that Africa will probably never develop left on it's own. Most of Africa is populated by people with the brainpower of a small child. Aside from the deserts, Africa is fertile and rich as fuck. Look at how successful white people were farming in places like Rhodesia.

What has happened in Africa is that people have never been forced to develop beyond basic scavengers because it's basically easy mode. Living in Africa is pretty much like the intro town in every RPG. You can live hand to mouth, do no advanced planning, run around naked, live in primitive housing, and not develop tools, all because there is nothing forcing you to do so. We only saw development of advanced societies as people migrated OUT of africa and encountered tougher living conditions and were forced to evolve to be more intelligent and resourceful.

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shut up subhuman monkey


>voting won't solve this
user.... kys.

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Feed those filthy black niggers to the sharks.

he's married with a jew
controlled opposition
you are so fucked

>Mfw they didn't die in the Sahara or drown in the Med

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the sharks don't eat shit

Wtf are you talking about Mgambe?

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her husband is a jew, marine lepen also expelled his father from the party because he was an antisemite.
marine le pen is fake opposition

Found the woman! So one in 50 that's 2%. And even she looks scared as hell, as if she has been raped multiple times already by these "people"

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>a woman

I think you got that wrong...

it's fucking incredible just how non-violent and playful gorillas are compared to niggers.

kek, it's a black guy in a hoodie, you blind fuck. look at the camo.

Ikr it does have a moustache...

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Why are they all grown men, in what looks to be their 20's-40's? Suspicious

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Yeeeah, Sudan isn't such a shit hot idea, guys, guys?

Because they're warriors duh. it's literally in their genes.

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