i have every right to it my entire family has worked their entire lives and paid tax, im simply cashing in on it im mentally ill as it is anyway so i cant do it
Looks like I'm unironically voting for Labour next.
Tyler Reed
In a way, it's good that they consider themselves British and not English/Scotch/Welsh/NordI as when the UK breaks up they'll be easier to identify and round up.
When he took the reins of the party, Batten initially said he was only interested in 'steadying the ship' then when his term as interim leader came to an end that he would consider putting his name forward as leader again; so it's never seemed that he wanted to be 'leader for life'. That being said, it's a bit shit that Farage left the party too soon after the Brexit vote to see the job through and is now coming back after the party has taken such a beating...
ffs lads >be me >be innawoods >find nice quiet little spec >chill with my top off, do a few push ups/sit ups and shit post >be there for about 40mins and not see a soul >suddenly hear a whistle and the sound of people coming up the path >ffs, I'll move to the other side >suddenly like 30 kids appear from nowhere >quickly throw shirt back on >dissappear out of the clearing back into the woods >find new spec >nice and quiet >suddenly dog walkers from all angles
Jordan Lewis
this shitty connection is ruining it nigel you plonker
Jayden Russell
>Vote lib dem. >Stall out the shit show until next march. >Rage builds to absolute boiling point >Get Farage back in charge of UKIP. >Ride the far right tsunami into the sunset.
Dominic Butler
Doesn't matter, he wanted to show the UK population that the Tories are not capable of doing Brexit. Perfect chess move desu.
Brody Cooper
Retard. This is Solid Farage. All he wants to do is retire yet bullshit just keeps dragging him back
Nathan Rivera
Dodgy VOIP
Josiah Ward
Poltards are barely even mature enough to watch cbbc
This is what happens when you choose retarded female to do strong male job. Good luck, bongland. Niggers and females without male supervision ruin everything.
If you actually watch the electric Jew at all you need to go back to r/ukpolitics.
Owen Hall
>vote green/libs/bnp/independant >waste of vote 2 party system lad, FPTP. Will always be red vs blue, no one else even has enough man power to form a cabinet.
that was fucking sad. he was just walking to the shops or something, and some young nigger shot him in cold blood. i normally hate niggers, but i felt bad for that old guy.
Aaron Foster
yeah because he's old for fuck's sake. he had a family.
Nolan Sanchez
is it always like this
Samuel Ramirez
I love WWII meme pictures
Jonathan Hernandez
Russian handlers won't give him a better connection
No You mean the Metal Gear Solid plot Of which you specifically refer to Punished "Venom" Snake of MGS V Punished Snake is the body double of Big Boss (Naked Snake) who is the father of his clones created behind his back of which three are notable, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake and Solid Snake. Solid Snake is the main character of Metal Gear 1 (where he kills Venom) Metal Gear 2 (where he kills Big Boss kind of) Metal Gear Solid (where he kills Liquid who is evil) And Metal Gear Solid 4 (where he kills a Russian who likes pretending to be a Texan who is pretending to be Liquid because he had Liquids arm attached to him) Shadow moses is Solids thing.