Brit/pol/ - The BASED Conservative Party Edition

E'S CUMMIN 'OME! Johnson has resigned.

WATCH: “This is not a betrayal” – May’s message to Bone’s disillusioned Conservative activists

Heaton-Harris and Malthouse promoted to replace Baker and Raab

>What happens now? Three new questions for the future of the Government

>Davis resigns. My part in his downfall.

>The full text of the resignation correspondence between Baker and May

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Nothing is happening

>Football comes home
>Farage comes home
>Brexit comes home

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>nige's voice modulator failing
>cut to ad break

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i am not sorry for claiming
im entitled to it

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If Gerald Batten is a spy then he's hardly going to just give control up is he?

Congrats on claiming stolen money, faggot

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He's coming Home..

(seriously considered)

Attached: nigel-farage-gq_10jun13_rex_b_642x390.jpg (642x390, 33K)

Unless it's all part of the performance, to legitimise him like


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Fucking baaaaaaased.

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i have every right to it
my entire family has worked their entire lives and paid tax, im simply cashing in on it
im mentally ill as it is anyway so i cant do it

Not dissimilar to this one, theyre definitely getting bolder


>why would anyone vote in general elections ever again
We could only hope Nige


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fair enough.

Looks like I'm unironically voting for Labour next.

In a way, it's good that they consider themselves British and not English/Scotch/Welsh/NordI as when the UK breaks up they'll be easier to identify and round up.

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this shit connection is pathetic

When he took the reins of the party, Batten initially said he was only interested in 'steadying the ship' then when his term as interim leader came to an end that he would consider putting his name forward as leader again; so it's never seemed that he wanted to be 'leader for life'.
That being said, it's a bit shit that Farage left the party too soon after the Brexit vote to see the job through and is now coming back after the party has taken such a beating...

dodgy connection from russia innit

no. vote UKIP.

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Is Nige calling with a stapler?

ffs lads
>be me
>be innawoods
>find nice quiet little spec
>chill with my top off, do a few push ups/sit ups and shit post
>be there for about 40mins and not see a soul
>suddenly hear a whistle and the sound of people coming up the path
>ffs, I'll move to the other side
>suddenly like 30 kids appear from nowhere
>quickly throw shirt back on
>dissappear out of the clearing back into the woods
>find new spec
>nice and quiet
>suddenly dog walkers from all angles


this shitty connection is ruining it nigel you plonker

>Vote lib dem.
>Stall out the shit show until next march.
>Rage builds to absolute boiling point
>Get Farage back in charge of UKIP.
>Ride the far right tsunami into the sunset.

Doesn't matter, he wanted to show the UK population that the Tories are not capable of doing Brexit. Perfect chess move desu.

This is Solid Farage.
All he wants to do is retire yet bullshit just keeps dragging him back

Dodgy VOIP

Poltards are barely even mature enough to watch cbbc

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This is what happens when you choose retarded female to do strong male job.
Good luck, bongland. Niggers and females without male supervision ruin everything.

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Somes going to report you as a lurking sexcase. I hope.

Brexit is cancelled boys, you can all stop Farage posting now

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literally do not care
country is shit


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If you actually watch the electric Jew at all you need to go back to r/ukpolitics.

>vote green/libs/bnp/independant
>waste of vote
2 party system lad, FPTP. Will always be red vs blue, no one else even has enough man power to form a cabinet.

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What sort of retard are you?

Sorry, I don't recognise you tripfag. Are you new or just really really shit and in everyones >ignore catalogue like pubes?

>country is shit
This is because british/english males are retarded pussies who care only about partying and football.

or maybe they just don't give a shit
like me

They did vote tory, and what has become of Smethwick?
It is the biggest non-white shithole in the black country.

it's dantheman

Not giving a shit ends you in pile of shit, user.

well sorry for not following the entire metal gear plot and remembering it word for word, autist.

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Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb.


britain has always been a pile of shit


State of the connection kek

>everyone I don’t like is DanTheMan

The state of you

The absolute state of this Farage broadcast

oh sorry Mr la de och aye the noo muh highland wilderness that runs away from low flying aircraft

>this connection

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Jow Forums defending niggers now

15 years of Jow Forums this can happen, normies are really ruining everything

underage fag. Got destroyed so hard by Eddie that he has taken to pretending to be an inner city nigger.

I hate this fucking country. Seriously fuck this

There was some old black man that was shot last year and everyone over on Jow Forums was up in arms about that.

oh right

>May's government will collapse in the next few days
>Trump is visiting the UK in the next few days


me too, hope it burns to the deck along with my ancestors achievements for a laugh
their descendant lives in misery because of them

just embrace the stupidity, user. have fun while it all collapses.

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>tfw reading „shadow noses“

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Apart from UKIP.

that was fucking sad. he was just walking to the shops or something, and some young nigger shot him in cold blood. i normally hate niggers, but i felt bad for that old guy.

yeah because he's old for fuck's sake. he had a family.

is it always like this

I love WWII meme pictures

Russian handlers won't give him a better connection


Chaos is ladder

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>We've lost Nigel

Mayssassins fucking got him.

Push F.

Fuck I missed nige, I get the hype but what did he EXACTLY say?


he's not in the studio he's live from usa

Muhammad-Pajeet, you have to go back

Chris Green just resigned.

might return if brexit continues getting fucked with


His putting UKIP candidates in tory remoaner constituencies.


PPS at Dept for Transport Chris Green (who?) has resigned

sounds like a brit/pol/ caller


Menwith Hill GCHQ nonces using OECM jamming on Nigel Farage's comeback speech on LBC

we-... to-... so-... *bwee* toda-... ju-... fu-...

call me whatever you want, i don't care. i'm neither of them shitskins.


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(( they)) are on to him

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You mean the Metal Gear Solid plot
Of which you specifically refer to Punished "Venom" Snake of MGS V
Punished Snake is the body double of Big Boss (Naked Snake) who is the father of his clones created behind his back of which three are notable, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake and Solid Snake.
Solid Snake is the main character of Metal Gear 1 (where he kills Venom)
Metal Gear 2 (where he kills Big Boss kind of)
Metal Gear Solid (where he kills Liquid who is evil)
And Metal Gear Solid 4 (where he kills a Russian who likes pretending to be a Texan who is pretending to be Liquid because he had Liquids arm attached to him)
Shadow moses is Solids thing.

if only. they always cuck out


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