European Phenotypes
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Russian subhumans aren't white.
Why do you keep making this thread?
And there will be a butthurt Norwegian complaining about the Western Norwegian again.
It pains me to think all of this is going to be lost like tears in the rain as it becomes more and more Islamic and diluted with shitskins.
Aw man, my mother is a terona
We all look nearly identical bud. At the end of the day we will all be the same decaying organic matter. Stop your mindless hostility and find your passion. Leave Jow Forums, breed a litter of white children and live your life fully.
>inb4 your passion is hating Russians
أنا الركل مؤخرتك 1v1 نيلز
Polish girl best girl
you are aware that the White race will never die out. We are bound to environment. That means any nigger or sandnigger in europe will turn White in 20000 years, especially when civilisation fails.
If it doesn't fail, people will become lighter anyway, via natural selection because lighter skin is more attractive and also heavily civilised people do not spend so much time in the sun.
No matter the outcome, niggers will die out first, as they are the most savage, dumb and weak race on this planet. Their only perk is fertility. Which is easily fixed by Whites dying out.
What the h*ck is going on in Ireland?