Meanwhile all the midwestern conservative flyover states of blights on the nation. Imagine how successful the US would be if the whole nation was like California. But no, you redneck white supremacists are keeping us in the dark ages in every definition of the world
And quality of life is shit. We're LAST on the list.
Gavin Cruz
>greatest agriculture in the nation Using all of the water that you get from surrounding states?
Ian Fisher
California is the capital of poverty and inequality.
Chase Perry
>I don't understand economics the post.
Mason Foster
Great news! Now maybe all of those Californian middle-class refugees can return to their beloved state.
Aiden Nguyen
You have to understand that the news is not made for you. It's made to convince those with 100k+. Just picture all of life as an average day in HS and you're the average dude hanging out with his boys playing cards at the lunch table. There is a minimum requirement to be thought of and you don't meet it. Shit sucks, but fuck or get fucked cause the rich kids don't know how to fight, the losers/average don't see the point and you've got a shot if you get mean.
Ethan Bennett
Yeah I live here too. The income inequality is through the roof. 25% of America's homeless are in CA. There's no middle class left. If you make 100K a year you still can't afford to buy a house near any of the major cities.
Tyler Phillips
>not understanding all the benefits California gets from being in the Union >not realizing the state is brancrupt >not realizing just comparing GDP means shit when its a state vs other countries The only state that would be somewhat viable and thriving as its own country is Texas.
Christian Flores
>greatest agriculture in the nation
You are pumping the desert full of water in a vain attempt to grow crops where they aren't supposed to. How sustainable do you think that is?