Do you really hate gays?

Or do you just hate the "gay community"?

Imagine you have a cool, normal coworker and you work with him for months, having no thoughts or guesses of his sexuality until he brings his boyfriend with him to a corporate BBQ. Would you really care?

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Other urls found in this thread:“Invisible-Victims:-Onset-Treatment/4b486bf650c247aca444e6f8327bc5a66dcef3f0


I'm not a summerfag like OP so I'd immediately see through his faggotry on day one and tell him to never talk to me again

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No, I wouldn't.

But that wouldn't happen. I'd know he was gay after meeting him for the first time. Even if he could resist telling me outright, which is incredibly unlikely, he would have that ridiculous voice. He'd have rainbow flags and pins. He'd talk with the women in the office about the young men he fucks. His lifestyle would be self destructive, sad and unhealthy. It would be completely obvious, even if he himself managed to keep his mouth shut for five seconds.

They really cannot keep to themselves and even the ones that are quieter tend to have all the associated problems.

They seem to make a habit of embarrassing themselves in public. What's all that about?

I give absolutely no fucks who a person wants to have sex with. I don't buy into the "gays are corrupting society" bullshit, because it's a product of zionism in general, not the average gay person. The only thing I fucking hate is people who treat their sexuality as their entire identity. We get it, you're a man who likes other men, you don't need to be flapping your arms around and shouting all the time while wearing rainbow t-shirts with penises on them. I welcome gays into any community, because they tend to drive out niggers with their gentrification. I lived in the "gayborhood" in a major city a while ago because it was the cleanest and safest part of the entire fucking city.

They can do do what they want as long as I don't have to do it.

the stats show the gay community is very very unsafe. on average a gay man will have unprotected sex with almost a hundred men in his lifetime. statistically. and thats just the average.

meanwhile those gay pride parades. waving your junk down the street at families and children in broad daylight. straight people have their naked parades at night (mardi gras) and families arent invited generally and not encouraged to show up, its not supposed to be a family event.

but these are generalizations that may not necessarily apply to an individual yes. that being said i dont feel like hanging around gay people, i dont hate them at an individual level, it just seems uncomfortable. no offense.

>Gays are reserved enough not to tell others they are gay within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone
Good bait, and yes you fuckers should die from aids

What about your wife's son?

not gotta problem with gays, gotta problem with the attempt to normalize it and injecting it everywhere...basically OD on this faggot shit we have

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I don't hate gays, they're not that important. I don't have time for that. But yes, I want to keep distance from those people. Would never have them as friends and would absolutely reject a homosexual family member. Just don't accept what you don't want into your life. You just have to accept the fact that they exist, just like murderers and pedophiles exist.

Can't speak for anyone but myself but I just hate the LGBT shit and gay pride, everyday fags don't bother me

you leave him out of this

PRIDE is fucking ridiculous and just makes gays look bad

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i dont care what anyone does as long as they are not causing harm to someone else or their property and they keep weird shit away from minors

what are you talking about? 90% of the board watches trap porn. Everyones gay here. which is worrysome.

>normal coworker
>is gay
pick one OP, also you don't seem to know that most men can spot faggots just from their look (there are is also a software that can tell if a person is gay)
basically your mental illness is all over your face

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Lets be honest the gays are militant these days.


I hate the gay community. I don't care what turns you on. However, you don't need to fucking flaunt it. Nobody wants to see overt hetero sexual activity in public, and I don't care for watching fags in gimp outfits grind on each other in the streets either.
Additionally, who the fuck makes their sexualtiy a cornerstone of the fucking personality? You have to be some kind of attention obsessed piece of shit to feel the need to float around being as stereotypically gay as possible.

Gays understand they're outliers, and behave as such.
Faggots bring their boyfriends to company picnics.

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this famalam

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sodomy is a sick obsession which drives its victims to infect more with the mental virus

Giving any alternative to a heterosexual monogamous relationship should be stomped out at first glance.
We live in a liberal society though so we won't be able to take reasonable measures to secure our country and it's people until said system comes crumbling down.

I hate all gays, lesbians and transgenders. They are the literal scum of the Earth and deserve to be put to death.

I ran a strawpoll of this on Jow Forums a couple of times.

IIRC, 25% want all acts of homosexuality punished by law, 50% want it to be driven underground but not made illegal, and 25% just hate the PRIDE shit

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dumping some redpills on this saged thread (notice fag op, 1 post)

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Daily reminder sodomy is a blight upon society and only begets weakness

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This. Gays who behave like everyday normal people that keep to themselves and don't rub it in my face in any manner how much fucking faggots they are don't bother me.

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Why isn't he wearing pants?

We don't often recognize that the majority of gays are quite reserved and don't show any signs of their sexuality. It's always the loud minority of obnoxious faggots that we stereotype because they are what the media pays attention to.

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Because he's a faggot.

I hate faggots.

All fags are faggots. There are no 'normal' faggots, that is a myth created by (((television))) and (((Hollywood))). Homosexuals are deviants, no one has ever met one that acted normal.

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There's not a single reason to like faggots, so yeah I hate faggots.

i don't mind gays, but i dislike when they act like faggots who always play the victims. I went to a montreal bar in the gay village and had one hell of a good time drinking with a bunch of them who were all dressed in nazi uniforms, no one was judging or were looking at them in a bad way, they were pretty cool guys.

yes,once you accept them all other degenerates will follow

I hate pic related. Keep that crap in your bedroom.

I don't hate someone because of their sexual preference. I hate how loud they choose to be about it. Just shut the fuck up and normalize yourself and you'll be left alone.

Ultimately, it's this: [whatever]-Pride is so extremely annoying that you make non-[whatever] people hate you because of it. That's it. That's all there fucking is to it.

>do you really hate gays?

Yes, I unironically fucking hate homosexuals and their faggoty fucking degenerate bullshit. Almost as much as I hate kikes. Not quite, but pretty goddamn close.

If you're gay, who cares. I really don't. Especially so if you manage to stay in a long-term monogamous relationship, that's a fucking accomplishment and it would be great if more gay people still tried to uphold these values. But you don't. The community on it's own is absolute garbage and takes all the negative aspects and turns them up to 11. Ungodly sexual deviancy, polygamous relationships, attention whoring, casual sex and one-night stands being rampant, shoving it down children's throats... I can keep going on and on about it.

By and large you lot are deviants and an affront to good, healthy values, and you shouldn't blame people for generalizing you as such.

>it’s a normal lifestyle goyim

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I don't have anything against gays, but I can't stand faggots. And I'm sure a lot of gays feel the same way.

I couldnt be more apathetic about who you fuck as long as you leave kids out of it. What I HATE is faggot "culture" and the indoctrination of the youth. I hate that gays will not shut the fuck up and go live their gay ass life. I hate the parades and the tranny story time and the coopting of pop culture and the attention whoring and the animus and the lispy fake gay voice and the drama.

I don't think about gays at all until this kind of shit is in my face. Then I hate them, during that time. Afterwards, I go back to not thinking about gays at all. You sucking another man's dick is of ZERO concern to me if you're not doing it in the street at a "parade."

No, I wouldn’t. But the problem is that gays are marketed as these fucking unicorns of specialty when they’re just people. They live and die just as easily as straight people do, and most of them think that by being gay they’re entitled to yelling and screaming at normal people until they get their exact fantasy into reality.

Tldr: I don’t have a problem with gays, I have a problem with fags.

I despise faggots, not gays. Gays who do what they want behind closed doors, don't shove faggotry in my face and behave like men in public are not a problem.

I couldn't care less if someone's gay, but holy fuck are people obnoxious about it. Pride and all of its celebrators deserve to be scared off the earth.

Nah at all, because they are totally normal people :)

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flamboyant shits are pretty rare where I live, which is a rural area
most fags I met where pretty tame about it
I stand with >The only thing I fucking hate is people who treat their sexuality as their entire identity
this annoys me a lot

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I hate fairies. I hate queer behavior. I hate the obnoxiousness. I hate the "I'm important, look at me." I hate loud people. I hate people who are overly proud of themselves. I hate faggots. If you're gay but not a fairy, you better keep that shit quiet and take it to the grave.

Gays just don't seem to care that deranged idiots flood the streets and drag the gay community's reputation through the mud.

Isn't this just a problem with slutty people in general?

>so gay so what
why are you in a parade about it then

I used to actually like a few faggots and was indifferent to dykes. Then their „community“ started to demand that I fuck trannies, my kids should learn about crossdressing at age 2 and promoted pedophelia. Now I‘m not in contact with any of the faggots I once knew and I‘m conpletely ok with dykes and trannies killing each other over who needs to fuck whom.
If you really are a faggot, which is likely because you‘re OP, then stop associating with any of your „communities“. Normal people hate this shit.

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The breaking point for me was the child grooming. I don't care what adults do with adults. But they brought kids in after I spent decades defending them against allegations that they would do just that. Never again.

Two men in a romantic relationship is absolutely disgusting for any straight man. Unless you're conditioned otherwise - your body will have the same reaction as finding a maggots in your hat or stepping on a piece of shit.
Ask any man in the world who isn't brainwashed by Hollywood. We instinctively find it repulsive, like a gangrene or skin cancer. Same with obesity. Our instincts tell us its degenerate, destructive and a disease.

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Kill yourself. Actually take a few faggots like you while you're at it, that's the only purpose your life can ever serve.

When you walk down the street, you can't tell how some rando likes to have sex just by looking at them. This is the way it should be.
Now, a faggot? That's different. They like to wear shirt that say they love dick, or have parades where they carry around dildos, or skip around so you are absolutely certain they take dick in their asshole. It's become beyond tiresome.
Faggots also support pedophilia, are unbelievably promiscuous, and spread STDs like some kind of cocksucking Johnny Appleseed.
Faggots need to die in a fire.

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I hate who I want to hate, and who I hate is no business of yours

fuck I hate stupid questions

Both gay people and the gay community piss me off. Of course some individuals get a pass, like the ugly dyke minding her business or the hypothetical non-Chalant gay dude from the OP. However, most gay folks piss me off for various reasons. I think gay people potentially ruin the relationships between straight men & women.

I'm very cautious with them. I only met a few gay people so far in my life, but only one of them was worthy of respect. The rest were mentally handicapped or disturbingly perverted freaks.

>Would you really care?

No. I don't give a fuck who you're bumming. I give a fuck about degeneracy and societal compromise. Faggots try to tie up their sexuality with their disgusting behaviour.

accepting degenerates leads to more degeneracy , look at the us as an example

The gay community has made me hate every single gay on earth. Please just kill yourselves

Wanna know how I know you don't get out much? Because your post couldn't be further from reality.


I hate faggots like the ones in the pic. Otherwise, gay people don't bother me one bit.

Every single time I've met a faggot, it has proven nearly everything Jow Forums says to be true
>That faggot who flirted with me on the bus and told me he wanted to take me back to his house
>That drunk faggot wearing lipstick at a party who immediately told me he wanted to bang me before I even knew his name
>A gay guy I know is actually pretty cool, but once he's with his BF, all the degeneracy pours out of him. I've seen fuckboys and sluts with more restraint than that homo
There are two kinds of homosexuals: the relatively invisible ones (like PJW and the third fag I mentioned), and the ones that literally cannot contain their degeneracy, like Milo or the one is OP's pic

i wouldn't give a shit as long as he didn't flaunt the whole "I'm gay and i have a boyfriend and i like dick even tho i got one" spiel.


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I dont hate gays anymore than I hate schizophrenics or people born with crippling deformities.

>Do you really hate gays?

I hate that exuberant display though. I don't like gay pride parades. I have no issue with what you do within the privacy of your house with consenting adults. I take issue with you flaunting it at me though.

Gays are fine. The "gay community" is shit. Most gays don't bother with the culture. Those that do wind up being shitty weak people because that is what the culture teaches them. Victimhood and pride in being something you had no choice in are not desirable traits to have.

iffy as fuck

>>Imagine you have a cool, normal coworker and you work with him for months, having no thoughts or guesses of his sexuality until he brings his boyfriend with him to a corporate BBQ. Would you really care?
Imagine...pigs flying...

I never told anyone I'm gay never even tried it. I used to be able to fool myself I'm straight for a long time way into my mid twenties but now women dont do anything for me anymore

I'd do anything to cure it
I love Jesus now...

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Gays keep to themselves and don't turn their sexuality into a stick to beat other people with. The ones in the OP are faggots.

Kind of like the difference between nignogs and black people - the most sane people on here recognize that there is a difference.


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I don't have an issue with gays. I have a big issue with "gay culture" e.g. pozzing, grooming boys, and overt public degeneracy. If you want to be treated as "normal" then act normal.

>anal cancer
Is that a thing?

Nobody knows I'm bi. It's not like I want to be this way though :(

You're so stupid.

>implying you even had friends

You make shit up, or you have a low iq

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Hey Polebro, why don't you check out the testimonies of former faggots that managed to break out of their faggotry and live as straight people? This is a group of people the left and and gay lobby don't bring up, because if flies right into the face of the "gay isn't a choice" narrative. Plus, these people tend to recognize the problems in being gay.

Aussie bro, the rectum is sorta like a sewer pipe - it's full of shit that's disgusting and harmful to the body, and it's not reinforced, so it can be damaged. Vaginas are made for intercourse, anuses aren't, leading to injuries, infections, and even cancer

Where's he original video? Need to show my damn progressive friends. Show how ridiculous it is.

Try to convert back to straight-only. It can be tough, but there's online help

Why pretend that being gay is healthy or natural when it's anything but that? Why burden our healthcare system? What do fags even bring to the table? How do we stop this degenerate hedonism?

>Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

>These studies compared prevalence rates of most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in heterosexual and homosexual men who made respectively 12,201 and 5324 visits to an STD clinic over 18 months. Overall, homosexual men were significantly (p < 0.001) more likely than heterosexual men to have gonorrhea (30.31% vs. 19.83%), early syphilis (1.08% vs. 0.34%) and anal warts (2.90% vs. 0.26%)

>92% of children with same sex parents are abused
confirmed according to this study“Invisible-Victims:-Onset-Treatment/4b486bf650c247aca444e6f8327bc5a66dcef3f0
>55% of HIV cases
"Gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% (26,570) of all diagnoses and 83% of HIV diagnoses among males."

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Does anyone have a redpill on how homosexuality was taken out of the mental illnesses list because faggots and activists began chimping out and broke into the psychiatrists' chambers?