Please let it be Barrett. I'd be so happy to see Roe v. Wade repealed by a woman

Please let it be Barrett. I'd be so happy to see Roe v. Wade repealed by a woman.

Attached: amy barrett.jpg (1200x700, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I am attracted to this woman.

First Gina now Amy. Trump is keeping my spank bank updated.

Nope, we need someone that can pass benis inspektion

at any rate it would shut up the "no uterus no opinion" drones



>women shouldn't vote because they base decisions off of feelings
>i want a woman judge because she's fuckable
This cunt will fold on any issue if it invokes her feelings, guns, immigration. She adopted 2 niglets. But hey, she's fuckable and a (((christian))).

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i dont know hnow i feel about a woman who has adopted not one but two niggers from haiti
doesnt seem like my kind of gal

B-but she's fuckable. Fuckable.....imagine the possibilities.

Literally a White woman, no mongrel, no la creatura - an actual Northern European woman who may btfo 50 years of hard (((work))) and give Americans (Whites) some hope to actually get the fuck up for a change and win.

>b-but my vidya
>muh drugs from the (((pharmacy)))

Not anymore cunts. We winning now. Get out there and keep winning.

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>Barrett will never abuse your balls with her gavel

You forgot christkike and and adopted 2 niggers from haiti. Why?

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>muh mommy posters

are you niggers just like her adopted children?

>Raised by whites

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>anyone caring as long as she fucking does her job

Stop nitpicking. Every White was a faggot a few years/decades ago. Stop getting hung up on shit or fuck off from the genepool.

No, bitch. Not everybody has given up like your country has clearly done. You can fuck off.

Who the fuck cares about dead nigger babies. I want to know her stance on the second amendment

Expel all Catholics and Jews from the Court and any position of power for that matter. Protestants only!

Proven, not just some essay she wrote.

All religitards need to go.

No, fuck you, bitch, make me. Exactly, fuck off.

You are just a shill nigger SEETHING at the prospect of Whites winning. Stay. Fucking. Mad. You hurt little bitch. Cry more. Britain is waking up and if Farage makes impact on top of Whites fighting back literally, you're gonna look like a right cunt then.


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I like catholics but I don't like women in politics, especially supreme court justices with adopted nogs from Haiti.

There's nothing White about adopting nigger babies. You cucks are going to roll over and turn the other cheek when they rob you out of Brexit. You cucks won't do shit and you know it. Your wives are fucking sandniggers, your daughters are getting raped by sandniggers, and you just sit there and watch. Yet, some how, you're going to kick MY ass? lol, bring your best sharpened spoon, fag.

I'm hoping for hardiman to win for this reason.

Adopting nigs is a red flag in any language.
Why didnt she have kids of her own?

Because religion is a tool to control stupid people with fear. She was told to or face "lakes of fire *magic hands*".
pic related

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holy FUCK she is sexy

barrett is a fucking MILF, i wouldnt mind looking at her for the next 30 years


Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-10 Peter Baker on Twitter Buzz at the US courthouse in DC Brett Kavanaugh spotted (640x406, 52K)

Why? She'll rule against our gun rights and borders the second she see's a staged pic of a dead baby.

Roe vs. Wade will never be repealed, it's just a scare tactic by the dems to get whores out to vote

giv strong religious smart loving mommy gf

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She's cuck you out of your rights the second she has the feels.

she has 5 kids of her own, then she adopted 2 from haiti


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go back to tumblr fucking kike

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ahhh if only you knew how sweet 2020 is going to be..

Amy's going to replace RBG once that witch kicks the bucket.

I'm socialist, ethno nationist, racialist, pro animal rights, environmentalist, and think Muslims and Sharia are barbaric. I support abortion in the US because it helps demographics. I want to raise our national IQ. Do I belong in the alt right?

Would you consider what the jews did to the USS liberty or the lavon affair barbaric? Or does barbarism only refer to muslims Mr. Goldberg?

See you think you're slick and people don't understand what's going on, but 2020 is going to be an eye opener for the lot of you. accelerationism all the fucking way, can't fucking wait..


Yes you neocon trash. The war in Iraq was barbaric too. You want to turn white people into Muslims with Sharia like sand principles.

If reversed you do realize that means more niggers of all races

she's hot but also a woman and a Catholic, doubt she'd be tough on immigration as all Catholics answer to the Pope who's an open-borders extremist.


literally never once mentioned (i listen to npr every day, almost all day long), until THE DAY justice kennedy decided to leave. then, suddenly, constant talk about the risk of repealing rvw. now its all i uear about.

its a fake nonissue designed to rile up sheeple leftists to feed the hate machine that is the losers of the 2016 elections.

The left has a LONG way to go before theyre able to convince me that they can be trusted to do anything justly. they lost literally every once of respect i had for them the day trump was elected and we got to see just how fucking lowly, hypocritical, and manipulative these evil mindless fucks can be.

i hope to fuck they continue to lose for the next two decades. at least that way theyll have learned some humility, and theyll maybe consider that their idealism is not morally superior.

>the neocon kike is calling me a neocon
>he thinks his jew tactics work here
It's ok sayanim, soon it will make sense
can't wait for 2020

dude, shut the fuck up. youre meme liners are fucking embarrassing.

>christcuck triggered
It's ok, christkike milf will get a seat, you deserve everything coming with it. More immigrants, less gun rights, more niggers, etc etc. Good luck with that.

What if Trump decided to preemptively pack the court and adds 2 more to make 11?

Most catholics see Pope Francis as a heretic at this point.

>Ever wanting a woman in charge of anything like EVER.

OP I hope you get your hand stuck in the garbage disposal and bleed out over the course of several hours.

No. Women have no business on any court, let alone the Supreme Court.

hello rebbit

>having a front hole haver making decisions for the whole country on the highest court for decades.

Yeah no thanks. Sword chops plz go.

It's odd that everyone here agrees on this, but the moment a fuckable one is put in front of them, they have no principles or convictions.

Yeah, I don't want women in positions of power. It sets a terrible example and they are likely to be shit at it

Hardiman has soft immigration stances. Kavanaugh seems to be the best choice out of the names being put forward.

>bet money on Barrett getting the nom

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I want him to hire a senile right-winged survivalist moonbat. Just for the keks.

Kavanaugh has an advantage in that we know what he’ll vote on virtually anything. Barrett is high risk, high reward: she could be more conservative than Kavanaugh, but she’s written almost 0 opinions so it’s tough to say.

This is a brilliant choice for political reasons - gets the liberals and “champions of women’s rights” to attack a woman and it will be brutal, tasteless, and (again) show them for the truly bigoted, intolerant bullies that they are. This behavior will further invigorate the right and moderates to get out and vote Red this fall

I'd prefer a man

if you can't supply that drumpf then I will fly an insulting ballon!! take that MR TWO POOPS!!

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On the other side, though, Collins or Murkowski may have fallen for the media lie that she called Roe wrongly decided, in which case Kavanaugh is the safe pick

I disagree. Adopting two non-white children and importing blacks into the country tells us more about her intentions amd view of what the nation should be than 1000 legal rulings would.

>I'd be so happy to see Roe v. Wade repealed
yeah! more poor niggers!

you guys really are morons

never trust a woman , she would also probably vote against some shit like border laws because of da KIDS


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>caring this much about Roe
>ignoring the fact she's adopted two Haitians

Abortions kill off more than blacks. It's fine.

We justices that aren't going to support shit like affirmative action

7 kids and appointed to the highest court in the world would make me ecstatic for the rest of my President's administration
And completely wrap up my confidence in my vote and support

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Who care? You're going to set the tone of major judicial rulings for the next 30 years based on being able to spend a 2 week news cycle saying "HAHA SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT, REPUBLICANS ARE THE REAL FEMINISTS"?

This is the reasoning of someone whose brain is completely owned by the left; who can only react to them and work within the moral framework of society that they have established.

White women already voted majority Trump. If you think non-whites will, you're an insane person.

i found a pair of insecure faggot incels everybody.

It’s kind of true
All of the women currently on the court are blatant ideologues

Yeah, this sums it all up.

Exactly how many Moral Gold Star Good Boy Points did DJT earn with the Hollywood set, having K-A Conway (SHE'S A WOMAN!) running his campaign? Is there ONE SINGLE leftist who held off even for an instant when Sarah Sanders got abused in the restaurant?

The only way DJT wins is by fixing the underlying issues. That means, economy, law & order, demographics. If people are richer and aren't getting raped and aren't Mexicans, things can be turned around. After a decade or so, if things go really well, who knows? Maybe even the Civil Rights Act will start feeling the heat.

But you won't get anywhere by trying to shame the Democrats. You won't get anywhere exposing them as hypocrites. They have no coherent, consistent worldview and absolutely no shame about it. They can scream at DJT for being a deranged warmonger one moment and scream at him for appeasing Rocket Man and Putin the next. You will never win them over and you should never try.

Since they will call you the worst things they can, and fight you the hardest they can, every moment of every day anyway, you should always follow the only sensible advice WB ever said:

Always support (or appoint) the most far right-wing person you can possibly get away with.

lol, you little bitch. What else will you sell out on over a pair of tits you'll never have?

It would become a states rights issue you mong. NY and leftist shitholes would still perform abortions.

It would be more symbolic than anything.

It's very hard to say what effect killing RvW would have. Maybe, on a practical level, not that much. (Most states would just legalize abortion anyway.)

But it might have a couple of interesting accelerationist-style effects:

Firstly, it will be the only significant rollback of the leftist agenda in a long, long time (like ever). This might provoke so much hysteria it redpills some people and provokes some crises that might be useful.

Secondly, it might lead to a break-up of the USA in that states with legal abortion and states without will be even more estranged from each other than they are now. For example it might lead towards some sort of secession for the South.


>that scripture in the top right
That's from a fucking parable. By this logic we should bey Luke 19:27 even though that's from a parable too. Women are brainlets.

JILF - Justice I'd like to fuck

Damn, I would tune in to C-SPAN everyday just to hear mommies voice.


they are strictly for our entertainment

people need to stop being afraid of them because we no longer listen to the msm liars

we have a President that is executing an agenda that we sent him to DC to execute

dems and particularly liberal dems be damned

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most blacks are in the south

would be cool

>t-the truth hurts my feelings!
Deal with it magapede

>former hot catholic woman BTFOs all roasties
oh no no no no ahahahaha

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He just LOOKS dumb

It isn't going to be repealed. Best deal with that now instead of getting more upset later.


Why, she's a christkike.

lmao you posted this last thread

payout was shit on kavanaugh.
thought she'd get the nomination.
thought wrong, apparently.

A twentysomething right-wing survivalist would be better. Plus, moonbat is a slur which refers exclusively to the left - it's derived from George Monbiot.


Gib Justice Milkers!

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She looks like a 50 year old Avril Lavigne