Look at my superior opinion

Attached: map.png (1374x1245, 69K)

>Russia - love
пидopaхa, go home! Пyтин waits you

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opinion thread?

Attached: europeptbucket.png (1374x1245, 70K)

I lolled too hard at this.

>the only russki in Lithuania

Attached: opinions.png (1374x1245, 68K)

The answer is obvious

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i hate spainiards with a passion

cool, you should put it in yours though

Attached: 1636505.png (1374x1245, 649K)

Typical Pole.

I thought we were friends Pavel, seems like you dont like Hungary neither. Too bad the old days of turk removal are over for you it seems.

hungary is useless, kinda miserable place with no future, even more so than poland. People who like hungary are memeing, poles have no reason to like hungary as they are aliens for us, we don't know shit about them.

I like to keep it simple.

Attached: honest.png (1374x1245, 59K)

This is how it should be

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> hate poortugal
> love luxembourg which is at least 30% fullfilled of poortugays now.
> only love rich country out of ireland

How much do you hate your own country and yourself jAnus ?

map thread

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I have maps

Attached: ftfy.png (523x378, 14K)

I love maps so much

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Just in a general sense

Attached: greater europe.png (1500x755, 374K)

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Attached: this.png (1374x1244, 92K)

My opinion. Best opinion.

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Attached: post civil war usa.png (1527x1527, 176K)

wtf I love only 70% of luxembourg now.

>How much do you hate your own country and yourself jAnus ?

Very much, living there feels like waste of life as most of eastern europe. Gonna move to Switzrland after finishing my uni and live a proper lifestyle (travelling, expensive hobbys) people should understand that eastern europe and west romania (shitaly, spain, portugal, france) are waste of land and waste of time to live in. Maybe if you like chaos and crippling poverty

Attached: world.png (5616x2384, 1.12M)

ok i'm done

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Sorry sweetie

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Are Armenians and Georgians white?

("Greetings from Great Britain to their oldest ally")

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You have no idea on what you are on about.

even if swiss have much more money their rent is much more expensive , it's even worse if you want buy.
also switzerland is nearly arround to be half foreigner now, even if a lot of them are still european.

Norway on the other hands is even more funny, wage is 2 to 3 bigger than germany / france / uk , food is arround to be 6x more expensive , cars are hyper taxed when you want to buy a brand new one.

you really think the lawn isn't alway greener elsewhere when you never set a foot down there neithere studied the coast of life , didn't you jAnusz ?

I wanted to move in canada 6-7 year ago because of huge wage , find out they'd steal 50% of my money with taxes /social care.
find out it's not any better in the end. will not get my nuts frostbit for 3k€ a year and have to paid the education of your children.

Fuck if I know. I’m just shitposting

Attached: 1531171456500.png (1374x1245, 74K)

Your flag looks like toothpaste

Woah. not ok

this one is disgusting

Thanks for sinking t*rkey

This is objectively best EVROPA

Attached: best europe.png (2988x2187, 541K)

Okay, this is epic.

>Kalmykia white
>Georgia not
Please tell me you didn't make this map

>their oldest ally
>Caused the fall of the King
>Literally would invade us if we didn't lease them the Azores
why must you fuckers fall for the greatest ally meme, they used us a pawn since we became "allies"

Attached: 1529393350671.jpg (475x476, 161K)


>muh greater polish empire
hows the weather in America Jan?

>Loving all the cucked countries
May I get a blank?

So this is the power of autism.

Attached: mfw_autism.jpg (98x110, 5K)

based lelthuania

It would make more sense to accuse me of being Greek or Finnish, with how much land I gave them.

what does that say

>also switzerland is nearly arround to be half foreigner now

Attached: Let's just be friends.png (1374x1245, 69K)

I live in the holy land

the picture says "listen up! get to work!"
the message says that op is a russian bydlo faggot who should leave Litva for russia - there're lots of russian scum in baltic region, they refuse to learn the language, thus they don't get their citizenship

Attached: 1531173485086.png (1374x1245, 56K)

get back to work

found the serb

Yet they came to help us get rid of Napoleon's faggotry and hand us our shit land back when our crown fled to Brazil

>Yet they came to help us get rid of Napoleon's faggotry
>A mess the perfidious albion got us into the first place

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care to explain?

Attached: R1b-migration-map.jpg (1024x531, 155K)

Attached: Haplogroup-R1b-L21.gif (800x553, 70K)

>France sets up the Continental Blockade
>Don't trade with Britain or you'll get fucked
>We trade with Britain
>We get invaded

>even if swiss have much more money their rent is much more expensive

Why would I care if flat is 2 times more expensive than in eg. Germany when I can make 3 times more money that there. I can save up, or go for groceries in Germany and spend my money on travelling and climbing? Living in shit countries narrows your possibilities. I love Switzerland and Luxembourg, because they are proper european countries and countries that I will love, I like the countries where they strictly obey the rules and where its safe and clean at the same time it's extremely rich and little muslims, niggers, shits that makes your life unbearable. That's why Switzerland or Luxembourg is the best place in Europe (Norway too, but I think the taxes are too high there)
>food is arround to be 6x more expensive
Wrong, been to Norway, food is expensive but not that much, 2 times at best.

You know ultimatums almost always get turned down, Napoleon put us between a rock and a hard place and most certainly he'd end up invading us anyway.
What were we going to do, risk losing the alliance we had with the world's strongest country at the time?

>be American of Carpatho-Russan descent

Attached: like love europe.png (1374x1245, 113K)

>risk losing the alliance
Please tell of one time they helped us out of the kindness of their heart, not winning anything in return.

What's with the extreme hate slavbro?

ye man croats are kinda cool

When has anyone ever helped anyone without expecting something in return

They stole almost everything from us, shit alliance.

I consider Croatia wholly responsible for the breakup of Yugoslavia.

might consider reducing to moderate hate..

England, Scotland and Wales should all be separate.

>Lithuanian who hates Scotland

What did we do wrong? I liked all the Lithuanians I met.

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Yugoslavia was turning shit anyway. Atleast in Slovenia it is much better now.

As if we had anything worth taking after the 18th century
>massive earthquake
>followed by spanish-french invasion
>followed by french invasion
>followed by loss of largest and best colonies

I think that you don't understand that Croats never wanted to be a part of that country, same goes with Slovenes. Croatia was openly Axis and a virtually independent country in ww2. Puppet status wasn't even needed beacuse we were whole-heartedly for the Axis, then we lost to the Allies. We were kinda lucky Yugoslavia came to be beacuse it protected us from disastrous revenge from the Serbs, and the possibility of complete dissolution of our country.

>Here's my opinions on countries

Attached: sketch-1531176236568.png (1194x1080, 329K)

shut the fuck up man you dont know shit

idz do lekarza cwelu

>merely disliking england
>wants to kill all celts
Fuck you too slavnigger

>Rusyn soil given to Magyars and not Slovakia or at least Ukraine

That's what I thought about the most, it's flexible.

>Portugal helps Britain in WW1
>Promised reparations
>Those never materialized
>The seat at the League of Nations promised to us went to Spain, that was neutral in the war
Golly fucking gee, aren't they our greatest allies.

Good work other than that.
Linguistically accurate.

Maybe they aren't the greatest but certainly the oldest

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Thanks slavbro.

>Implying they are even remotely good allies
Being the oldest means we got fucked by the english for the longest time.

kek, based Portuguese speaking truth.

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>Homeland Italy, Albania
>hates Muslims
are you Arbereshe?

BIG Jesus