Mentally ill WOC has a fetish for white men

What do you think about this Jow Forums?

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I don’t care for the opinions of women.

All shitskin women want to improve their shitty genes, statistics prove this

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“As a woman of color”
*SNAP* that’s one for my cringe compilation

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I noticed in college that the most radical black feminists all loved white cock. It was a strange phenomenon.

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Wow look more jealous niggers. Get fucked you shitskin smelly low Iq sub species.

There’s not exactly many black men in college user

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Sad ending :(

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That’s because you’re an incel and you probably never seen a fanny in your life other than your mother's blue waffle

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What is so awful about "privilege"? Someone explain?

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Does anyone else find that blacks often tend to write in such a rambling and incoherent style that it's almost impossible to know what the fuck they're even talking about?

How can darkies even compete?

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Weary or wary?


just the same as nigger men chase after white women, sheboons all want a white guy.

This is how nearly all feminists think. Their indoctrination cuts them off from their base desires; of good quality.

go look through her twitter. no face shots. just pudgy hands holding food and drink items. She's a whale and she'll never land a white dude so that's probably why she puts them on a pedestal because semi-attractive white dudes generally don't settle for fatties.

>as soon as he reciprocates he is no longer attractive because he is no longer as unattainable

I try to avoid the incel r9k radical women hating but this one fact of their psychology is just unavoidably rage inducing. Literally, what killed my last romantic interest. I treat her with little value worthy of my time and she latches on like the most persistent leech, as soon as I start getting close interest just dies.
Whatever, I just need my dogs in my life and the loneliness problem is largely solved.

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>When you feel so guilty about wanting to fuck white guys because you're supposed to hate them that you project it as their fault, leading you to accept White Supremacy on multiple levels.

You can't make this shit up.

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yes, they think it makes them sound intelligent. nobody ever told them the key to good writing is to get across your point succinctly as possible.

Holy shit. I had one of my female friends on fb post about how she had a sex dream about The Don. Is he really that much of an alpha male? I wonder if I can find the post

Dude this shit KILLS me inside lol

Its not a fetish, whites are objectively the most beautiful and most inventive.
The bitch can't help herself

I do
Some are not that fun to go down on I can tell you that
Women like it best when you dont kiss them eat them right away
Only way later

Know how you hate chads and normies?

Imagine that same festering jealousy and anger that you try to convince yourself is because of your secret superiority. Then imagine if their superiority to you wasn't because of your personal failings, but because of a luck of the draw that you cannot compete with.

you da champ

"And here's why that's a good thing."

I understand it. A woman wants the best genetic material. she's just treating you as a test to see what level she can get. "Can I get this bozo interested in me? Oh I can? better look to see if I can do better"

How is the Jow Forums ideal of whites (or any other race) joining in racial solidarity not short of communism?

I mean , once you know it, the problems solved. just act like you dont give a shit in all circumstances. It's less effort AND they are more attracted to it.

Ridiculous, it is clear that women prefer Black men, unfortunately, look at how many White women you see with half-caste babies.

>I don't fuck non whites because they are all niggery
>with white guys i just have to know they aren't super racist

hahahahaha I can't blame. shitskin males are borderline retarded and can barely function in the modern world and the ones who aren't that way are all unfuckable nerds or celebrities.

trump is alpha af


The mind of woman is a terrible place.

Content-free article about vacuous female who spends her entire day introspecting about the continuous procession of guys she fucks, and whether they are woke enough.

she keeps mentioning that it's always sub-par white men.
never for a moment does she think about the fact that she is not as beautiful, smart, or funny as she thinks.

That's the worst shit. Girls you aren't that interested in won't leave you the fuck alone because they find it sexy while bitches you actually want aren't interested because you want them. I have this obese coal burner who won't leave me the fuck alone because she gets off on me never talking to her for some reason.

that's some good detective work user
>now go solve the pizzagate thing

aka a thot

>He cares for the opinions of women

You're the reason we are in this mess, weak fuckos like you.

Lmao @ her mind

Always. That is because they are frauds trying to copy white mans vastly superior mental life of abstract thought and conceptualisation. Whites can describe their inner life realistically and accurately, or even in metaphors, but blacks have nothing, just incoherent ramblings, as you say. If the mind is what makes us really human, blacks are unhuman.

He wasn't lying. They BEG the Don to grab there pussies.

>Know how you hate chads and normies?
No, I only hate Jews and niggers.

>Imagine that same festering jealousy and anger that you try to convince yourself is because of your secret superiority. Then imagine if their superiority to you wasn't because of your personal failings, but because of a luck of the draw that you cannot compete with.
But what are their arguments? I don't understand why they think it's bad that people who perform well and do good things are rewarded. If we start giving black privilege to looting raping murdering niggers, won't it just ruin the entire world? Good behavior should be rewarded and people like interacting with good people so they receive a positive response. That's how it should work.

>Actually giving yourself on Jow Forums
>Calling someone an incel as an insult
>Pussy whipped

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>when you love white privilege but you also love Asian qts

20 years ago being "PC" was looked down as being a fucking lemming to the governments thought policing. Now these fucking dipshits wear it like a badge of honor while believing they are going against the grain. Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ nuke us all.

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Its a well known fact that WOC worship white cock.

Wall Of Cock?
Wanting Only Crack?
Will Of Chimpanzees?
Waffle Of Crap?

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Im not gonna bother screenshooting this but this is part 2.

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This was my conclusion. Literally stopped giving a fuck and not prioritizing them and only rewarding them when it's clear a disproportionate amount of effort has been put forth by them if I even want to.
I live in a white minority area, I get this shit man. But instead of fat white chicks it's colored bitches. Even ones with athletic bodies just melt before green eyes and shit, that feminist blog post put in this thread is spot on.

Hate and love are cousins

> I received many emails by “concerned” men who were operating under the assumption that I’m East Asian. I’m not. Also, don’t cold email women like this.


Yeah, WOC do indeed like white men but a neckbearded ugly poltard is not what they have in mind when looking for an ideal mate.

>you're the reason we are in this mess, weak fuckos like you.


Typically poltard incel

>pic related is you

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Here: let's try another.

Know how you hate Jews because of retarded conspiracy theories you've read on the asshole of the internet?

Imagine if you lived in a world where half the people were the Jews, and your not being born as one of them meant you were fucked. And instead of it being a retarded internet conspiracy it was true.

Let's consider the qualities that make a guy a "good catch." Besides physical attractiveness including good looks, physical fitness, and height, at some point in early adulthood women start looking for other qualities like what you have going on in life. they start looking for guys who are educated, on a good career path, no criminal record, etc...

There are not a lot of black men who can meet those standards. Black women don't have much choice but to go for white guys. Decides the previous qualities listed, the personality traits of kindness and emotional availability are paramount as well. Does that sound like most black guys to you?

femmenazis gonna femminazi

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Man, Keanu Reeves is in good shape.

>let us to believe


>i am racist and treat men of color unfairly
>this is a tragedy for me
>my condolences to others like me
kek, not a thought spared for the men she's treating unfairly, fucking typical.

>Know how you hate Jews because of retarded conspiracy theories you've read on the asshole of the internet?
I hate them because they've historically made the world noticeable worse wherever they go. Even if I had never read anyone's thoughts on the internet I would have drawn the same conclusion from having studied the history of many different parts of the world.

>and your not being born as one of them meant you were fucked.
It doesn't mean I'm fucked, I'm a lot better off than they are, because they are vile beings that can never ever attain happiness, which I can, even in spite of them and even during the seemingly endless battle against them.

I still don't understand what the arguments are. What you seem to be saying is just, "We hate white people." Is that all it is?

>5'3" manlet

>If we start giving black privilege to

that's not how it works

Yes, I too hate these stupid acronyms.

>non white men are subhuman
Holy shit she basically said it!!

It really is awful

I as well could do without these acronyms

>that's not how it works
Yes, I know, I meant it theoretically to explain my point.

>as to why this occurrence happens to those of us just trying to lead wholesome, PC lives.

Why would anyone want to live a "PC" life? Good grief.

I've fucked a black female feminists. I don't know what other dumb affiliations she called herself.

its same in teh gay community

Indian/Paki women are the only women who have been aggressively persistent in pursuing me but they should all fuck off anyway

hollywood only casts attractive people with universal appeal its why it lack diversity

Yes, they write like they are speaking because they are ignorant. Very casual, rambling, and disorganized. It can be exhausting to read.

>>Our current timeline
Thank God Trump won.

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brown girls love white cock
t. chad

>openly admitting that you see your own men as unworthy and that you'll only start fucking them when you're ready to "settle down" after the crow's feet start showing up

This reads like an Jow Forums larp. It's just too damning. There's too little self-awareness that my mind wants to believe it's fake.

This post is great.

Truth is stranger than fiction

Funny that most people here also writes like niggers and as a ESL, I was kinda influenced thanks to his smugga anime website into writing like a nigga too lmao


Isn’t it considered a form of privilege to be able to have relationships with white men of pivilege?

>A woman wrote something unfathomably stupid
Stop the presses

Do you have the version where the tranny is sitting inside, and the wholesome guy and child are outside the window?

What´s with those hyphenated jargon phrases, like big-picture-intersectionality. Do they need all those hyphens and do I even want to know what those phrases mean?

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Yep this is thr game you must play no matter HOW MUCH you like or love them. Every once in a while say something sweet to let them know they are loved but the rest of the time pay very little attention to them and dont give a shit. And after sex DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT CUDDLE WITH THEM. Get out of bed satisfied and go have a coffee or beer and a cigarette on your porch and balcony and ponder things or check pol. Let them know that you are independent and can be just fine alone. After a few years when you have a history together you can be sweeter occasionally but still project confidence and independence and sexual value. Go out in social spots, the more other women come up to you and flirt or talk to you, the more valuable you become to your current girlfriend and the more she will hold onto you for dear life. Lest some other more attractive intelligent girl comes along and steals you away from here. And always keep yourself in shape.


Side note: cuddling may be acceptable in some circumstances. But never basedboy cuddling, confident cuddling only

Kek someone who is this insecure and spends that much time overthinking shit like a chick is never ever going to be successful with women in any way, I can tell you that. Stop reading PUA shit and get some real experience before you give advice. Protip: literally just be yourself.

Basedboy* fuck Jow Forums changing words n shieeet

WTF? Now I love white guys!

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S. O. Y boy

You don't say.

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I agree with a lot of what you say, being your complete true self is good in the later stages of the relationship

Supposed to be "wary", but of course nogs don't need editors. What a fucking disgrace.