New research:
They have found "inexplainable" and undeclared components in commercial human vaccines that cause autism and allergies

Original study:

Attached: 39.jpg (1000x979, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Associated scientists under police arrest

>that cause autism and allergies
No they have not. Get this fucking trash out of here.


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no reason to shill it we got the names of those involved.

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The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases,
their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic
particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable,
that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects
that can become evident either immediately close to injection
time or after a certain time from administration. It is important
to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are
bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in
particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of
the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity
which, in any case, is still there, that typical of foreign bodies. For
that reason, they induce an inflammatory reaction.
After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and
aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings
and granulomas [17]. But they can also be carried by the blood
circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final
destination. We believe that in many cases they get distributed
throughout the body without causing any visible reaction, but it
is also likely that, in some circumstances, they reach some organ,
none excluded and including the microbiota, in a fair quantity.
As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they
induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of
those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the proteincorona
effect (due to a nano-bio-interaction [18]) can produce
organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the
immune system in an undesirable way [19-22]. It is impossible
not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can
enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA [23].

I'm sure the major networks that shill for flu vaccines every year would be interested in this

HPV vaccine will give you cancer.

Attached: 1509133315797.jpg (800x600, 77K)

The detection of presence of Aluminum and NaCl salts is
obvious as they are substances used by the Producers and
declared as components, but other materials are not supposed
to be in the vaccine or in any other injectable drug, at that, and,
in any case, Aluminum has already been linked with neurological
diseases [27-29].
Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of
human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those
vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of
randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are
carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar
quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact
on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in
the muscles, due an extravasation from the blood, could heavily
impair the muscle functionality [30,31]


Good. I hope all you white people never get any of your children vaccinated. That would work out just fine for the world.

Attached: vaccines.jpg (1198x694, 138K)

We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar
to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases
of environmental contamination caused by different pollution
sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected
are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in
any material handbook and look like the result of the random
formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any
case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any
injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular
those meant for infants.
Other forms of so-far unknown contaminations have recently
been observed and, in any case, vaccines contain components
that could themselves be the cause of adverse effects. It is a
well-known fact in toxicology that contaminants exert a mutual,
synergic effect, and as the number of contaminants increases, the
effects grow less and less predictable. The more so when some
substances are unknown.

Have a bump, since the bots are posting in the slide threads.

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someone please translate this potato nerdish language

Assuming it's true, how did that shit get there, and why would it be only found in vaccines and not in all other drugs and preparations that are delivered via injection?

The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked
vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign
bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which
the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a
new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a
vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional,
since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of
industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines, not
investigated and not detected by the Producers. If our hypothesis
is actually the case, a close inspection of the working places and
the full knowledge of the whole procedure of vaccine preparation
would probably allow to eliminate the problem

vaxxer shills on suicide watch

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Kikes hate goyim children maybe?

Similar things happened to two Italian scientists.
Anyways, the information will remain documented and archived so it won't be lost.
Use blockchain to prevent further censorship

Wow, if only they carved their goal to eradicate all but 500,000,000 human beings into some sort of stones, and displayed them in public somewhere. Boy would that wake people up!

Hence the meteoric rise of throat cancer in men who eat bad box. Eat box, get pox.

kek, Deus Ex becoming more of a reality every day.

Attached: whycontainit.jpg (288x499, 71K)

There's shit in the vaccines that should not be there. Has no business being there. Could cause serious problems.


Good lord that sounds like the kind of bullshit late 90s malware site that could give you aids IRL and make you have to reinstall windows

the conspiraneets are out in full swing today.

retard. getting throat cancer is because of HPV, not the vaccine.

Archived links here OP

Ah but they did!!! The Georgia guidestones!! Check it out my friend! Maga and praise kek

One sign is that they seek to mandate the products...
They are going full-blown statist when they talk about vax. Just to think about draconian laws that should be treated like victimless crimes

>declared as component
shit gets better and better

those are instructions for survivors of a nuclear war

Attached: 10-com-of-guidestones.jpg (720x609, 96K)


Are they making zombie Africans ?

I dont have a problem with this

I knew I was right to turn down that vaccine. Sasuga, pharmaceutical industry.

yea it's good to know there are some based people out there.
How do i make sure my bloodline stays in the 500,000


Let say that this is true. For all the retards who caught the AUT, why did so many not? I got al my vaccines as a kid, why didn't it get me? Genetic predispositions? What's the catch here fellas?


>the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable
that's worrying in itself

>the pastor says it’s bullshit

Kill yourself on your way back to rebbit you faggot

odds are they just wanted to cause enough problems to get more people who need to get treatments. either that or theyre working on a way to make the crystals vibrate and kill us all, one or the other.

Yeah, when I look to the papers of what vaccines contain, each shot containing about 0.5 mg aluminiumhydroxide.

Not much but exposure remains cumulative and fortunaly you can detox yourself with silica water (pic related)

Attached: SiWater.jpg (500x500, 16K)

10/10 arguments, I didn't realize you fags are scientists that followed the scientific method and did a study that disproves OP's claims that have been proven via scientists doing a study.

really they put shit in some vaccines such as mercury as a preservative, its shouldn't be there (though an expired vaccine could be dangerous too they should just order them in smaller quantities)

How will the vaccine give cancer? Isn’t it meant to prevent the virus from infecting you to begin with?

It’s all good except for the diversity bullshit

how many levels of goy are you on?

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Better spread my seed far and wide to better the odds. can't let the future be denied my superior anglo-celtic genes

That’s a really clever line - you should post it constantly

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Sounds pretty gay desu

But the pleb said that anybody that doesn't gleefully stick their babies with vaccines deserves death.

George Soros' dad was an Esperanto nut. So the "unite humanity with a new world language" is a bit telling imo. The coming technocracy want to cull the population, there is no doubt about that.

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Imagine a class action lawsuit: "Everyone who has ever been vaccinated" v. "international med tech industry, all governments which failed to regulate"

And the scientific community claims it isn't toxic.
How ironic when they believe in their own philosophies fully while they ignore new ideas. No wonder Arthur Schopenhauer is /ourguys/.

Even my chemistry teacher told that mercury is always toxic regardless of how.
>Elemental mercury will get ionized in the human body
>Organic mercury, especially thimerosal is five times more toxic than elemental mercury.
Then consider the long term effects of even small amounts.
Also don't forget that some independent boi found 50 ppm (25k times over EPA limit on drinking water) of mercury in flu shots.

Also there is no diversity in thought in the scientific community anymore as I've been experimenting on this. Based on the current observations it applies


>not including “kill all jews”

Conspiraneets have been active since Trump won, dummy. they've gone insane with TDS.

do you even know how vaccines work? do you know what HPV is? oh wait, memeflag, kill yourself.

>They have found "inexplainable" and undeclared components in commercial human vaccines that cause autism and allergies

Fuck off you morons. Im currently in medical school and if this were widely observed, then we would be taught it. Not everything is a god damned jewish conspiracy.

>Cites 2 blogs by no-name arm-chair "scientists"
>Fucking shit tier MedCrave Journal that probably publishes everything for a fee

Yeah, I'll believe it when its published in the JAMA, NEJM, Nature, or the Annals of Internal Medicine.

they are trying to depopulate the planet

Attached: blood-sacrifices-at-the-georgia-guidestones.jpg (1300x731, 294K)

>evidence seized

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Bc more info has been disposed.
There's always research to do. Do you think that it is worth it?

>t.nervous rabbi

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>If it was true we'd be taught it

While I don't agree with this thread, you are utterly fucking trusting and gullible to believe others will tell you everything you need to know and that it's all true

What are you even doing here if you don't question the world around you and your only proof that vaccines are safe is belittling even the discussion of vaccines?


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Be white

TFW it's African 'groids that fear vaccines more than anybody. Brown people actually like polio and whites and jews never should have given vaccines away to dumb jungle folk for free.

thanks for sharing op. threads like this are the reason to lurk here. most of the info on this site is garbage and biased, but once in a while someone shares some uncommon verifiable knowledge.

do vaccines work? yes
could there be other shit added to vaccines to bring about other effects? yes

dont forget the same people that make the vaccines make the opiates (thanks to usa securing supply chain by invading afghanistan) that are pushed on everybody and are destroying rural areas!

It's a felony to publish false scientific findings. Fraud I believe. The asshole that published the anti-vax paper in the early 2000's had his career destroyed, can no longer publish in journals and had his "experiment" peer-reviewed and duplicated by multiple scientists with zero duplicated results.

Of course it's real, they're gonna burn alright.

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What the fuck is going on? I've been an anti-vaxxer for years and always been called an idiot by Jow Forums.

Now a single study comes out and everyone rides this cock?

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Oh wow.. Big pharma investigating big pharma... I wonder what the results will be.

Can you imagine for a second the amount of lawsuits being filed if it's proven these vaccines cause autism? It would literally cripple the whole health care system.

If they were legit (and their work was suppressed) they'd at least publish in bioarxiv, which is an open-access, pre-review publishing service. The fact that the didn't indicates that these people are hucksters scamming the scientific illiterati.

>Ultimate kike shill form anti vaccine getting poisoned shill
Right soulless monsters

you put too much stock in the current paradigm.

do you blindly trust drug manufacturers? the ones that pump out opiates and then pay doctors to push them on patients?

is the journal op posted reputable? genuine question.

note that the article is not asserting that vaccines arent effective at preventing disease. they are just saying that they found contaminants in the vaccines. they do not even say that the contaminants are deliberately added, just that they are present but not listed in the ingredients.

also they were arrested and their data was seized, that you can verify yourself.

Im a twin and my bro literally got autism from his MMR vaccine in 89. He swelled up dark purple and skin hardened around abdomen, suffered bleeding on the brain and was immediately different once recovered. He had speech problems till he was 20 and is severe autism tho I suspect actually worse and diagnosed as such to cover up. He was brain damaged.

Vaccines do cause autism but not in everyone. Some genetic thing he has that I dont fucked him over.

Here comes those fags that invested emotionally into something they didn't understand logically. WEW.

get your facts straight. big pharma does not yse afghan poppies you dolt. All that shit is good for is heroin.

This has actually been figured out and it's actually not the NWO

>disproves claims
Non-scientist detected. Back to Plebit kid.

This study doesn't say anything about the vaccine itself, only that there are dangerous impurities in the preparations.


and furthermore, wew

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CFR 21 has clear specifications for impurities in vaccine products. If vaccine manufacturers did not report impurities properly, they risk losing their entire multi-billion dollar operation by consent decree.

I always knew vaccines caused autism, how else can you explain my lack of a social life, being e kissless virgin, and loving to browse Jow Forums for it's fringe "theories" that no one else believes?

Checkmate BIG FARMA!!

But I love eating box

Before I take this seriously, I need to know who medcraveonline are, who their connections are, and if they have any real dog in the fight. An alternative treatment that they are simply trying to bring to market and discredit their competition? Who are lifebiomedguru, and who the fuck hosts an "original study" on a wordpress blog? That alone tells me that whoever has conducted this study is amateur at best, or a completely imbecilic mong that decides to publish their original studies that could change the way we treat illness to a fucking wordpress blog.

Who are neonnettle? The usual faggots are the first that come up when googling them. Snopes, Wikipedia, etc. all saying it's a fake news site, and to be quite honest, it really does just look like one of those fucking alt-lite wannabe edgy new-media conservative news sites that have sprung up and are trying so desperately to be to the right what fucking huffpost is to the left.

>We gather news and information from the web and present them to our viewers in the most 'easy to digest' way possible.

"Our audience are brain dead retarded christian conservative boomers and born again right winger millennials who have the attention span of a down syndrome chimpanzee

>We adhere to all copyright laws and honour our aggregated content by citing our sources and authorship.

Really sticking it to the man, when just two sentences ago you faggots claimed to be created "by people for people, not corporations." Really sticking to your principles there by bowing down to copyright laws that have been principally created by corporate lobbyists in Washington.

This OP is one of the most niggertastic spackbreads I've seen on this god forsaken orgy of muttery board in a while.

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Everything medically, yes i do trust them. That is their fucking job, to train future doctors. If they were making shit up for the sake of narrative they would probably stop teaching "racist" info like Ashkenazi Jews have high rates of genetic defects, Africans are more likely to have metabolic or blood diseases, and arabs have a high rate of genetic defects due to centuries of inbreeding. If they wont censor that, why would they censor something that is life or death for some people

that been debunked to kingdom come and back

if the evidence is still not enough for you, you are not a rational (or intelligent enough) person and there can be nothing productive in any discourse with you

Archive this beeeeee-otch
to read later

Lmao you are the goodest of guys


>if this were widely observed, then we would be taught it
What's it like to be simultaneously very book smart but incredibly foolish and way too trusting?

