Jow Forums is an mk ultra tool

The "elite" have been using this site all along to condition/mind culture us.

I always thought it was weird how this site would push/force people into a particular mindset, forcing them into the hivemind.
Back then I didn't know about mk ultra or government mind control experiments but it makes so much sense that this website is one of theirs.
If it didn't start out that way, it has become so over time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No u

spiritual hurricane
may 13 2016
global ransonware
the only way out is in

Q predicted this

idk maybe. or it's all the nations mk ultras competing against another.

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>g-go back to sleep goyim!!!

I've always been saying this, but people are too much of a sheep to understand.

Honestly, i also believe they remove treads like these when you make them. It happened to me multiple times.

Get out schizo boomer

all your posts, on every board, are saved and added to your profile. many threads are aimed at data gathering, collectively and especially for specific users.
remember all those posts you've totally forgotten and kept no record of at all? they have them all and will never forget.
they freeze the boards at certain times and during certain events, only preventing some people from posting, while the rest are led to assume that the board is active and normal and post their response to a question targeted at them.
have you ever thought about the effect Jow Forums has on your mind, when you're not on Jow Forums? are your thoughts really yours?
none of this means it's not fun. it's just hairier than you thought it was.

Name a social site that isn't. Fuck off

>Jow Forums is compromised
>the NSA, CIA, FBI, and the fucking Men in Black are watching you
>Jow Forums is an MkUltra tool
>Jow Forums is a scary place
>don't go to Jow Forums goyim
>Jow Forums is somewhere only degenerates visit
>there's nothing valuable on Jow Forums goyim
>ignore this place and just watch MSNBC goyim

Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the US public.

>"The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion."

>I'm so enlightened I just figured out how memes work
God I fucking hate summer.


they're doing it with all the social websites that get lots of traffic

you'd be surprised how sophisticated this shit is. the threads you think are shills? probably not. it's random shit, all targeted for very specific psychological responses

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cus its not news or politics, its /x/ tier shit

literally owned by jared kushner

because the shit you guys are doing here is apolitical, right?


Once you know about the spooks, you become immune to their mind-bending.

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Makes sense.
For a few years now I have been questioning whether I was seeing the real Jow Forums.
It used to feel a lot more organic, there used to feel like there were so many more posters but lately it has a sort of tailored feeling to it and I'm not sure whether people across the globe can actually see my posts or not.
As for the profile thing, that makes sense too ... I think was approached by an mk ultra puppet or government operative years ago who started talking to me about jews, space stations and dyson spheres ... around that time I would frequent a ton of outer space themed websites and of course shitpost on Jow Forums about the jews and niggers but at that time I wasn't aware of zionism or jewry at all.
One random person I had never even met looked at me and wondered if I was this "famous musician" but she couldn't tell me what band I was from (I'm not) or what type of music I make (random farts in a daw once in a billion years).
It's really creepy.

>1 post by this concern shilling faggot

fake and gay

It's not removed by Jow Forums. They just disappear. I don't get banned either when it happens.

Yes indeed.

Magic Kingdom
Mickey Mouse Club 33



Psychological warfare simulation

NSA central Tavistock social media Hub

You're right, passing too much time on Jow Forums is bad.

I was at work today and caught myself thinking about what Jow Forums people with say in a given situation.


I have probably destroyed all my chances of ever becoming a person of influence. My post history would make me a joke in the face of most humanity, should I ever seem like a threat to someone. At least I could say

>i-its all satire

Check 3rd party archives if you don't think people can see certain posts.

it's true but there is no need to be upset. it doesn't mean "they" are out to get you 24/7 and watching your every move. you don't need to have a paranoid breakdown over it, just become more aware of it. it all kinds of depends on who you are, maybe they will like you and bless your posts with trips of truth.

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Jow Forums and Jow Forums is more divided than ever you fucking newfag.

They can't post your history because they are illegally running human experiments.

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What is their benefit though?

most based op wat do comand user shitpost itt and your will be done

I want to implement a suicide complex in every deep state shit. Kill yourself langly faller. :3

its called psyops newfag, and some people go against the grain of this board and arent nazis

I just told you for Christ sake.

That's the Omega program you are looking for.

you mean twitter, user.

I truly hope you believe this from the bottom of your heart to make humanity such vegetable wow doge

My freind posted some real detailed shit he learned from his dead CIA father on his deathbed and halfway through the thread it stopped. Called his phone and his mom picked the phone up crying. He was shot in the back of the head and the thread was 404 within seconds. They questioned me only once and the local authorities were supposedly taken over by the FBI with the case. I moved away but since then I always watch what I post.

jews are a scapegoat. just lol at virgins thinking they're special and different from the herd because they googled the ceos of news outlets and found out a bunch are jews

It's more the content posted.
Suicides, torture, burning people alive,
dead bodies etc. It to desensitize you.
It warps your mind. Makes you not care and become cold and callous. Immoral.

All of it to prepare you for the final war.
You're being made into a heartless killing machine. Movies, video games and music. The driving factors of todays culture. Violence, greed and degeneracy.

All the kinds of content here have been used in conjunction with drugs and sleep deprivation to utterly warp motherfuckers in mk-ultra programs.

Yo Jow Forums be some Illuminati Nazi shit broooooo

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it's pretty cool though, i kind of wish it interested me when i was younger and i could've pursued a career in professional secret spookery.

Anyone that has their views changed by this lunatic loser board deserves everything they get. I'm just here because it's funny to bait you retards.

I’ve come to accept all possible outcomes as good. It just is what it is at this point, choosing to live in each moment instead of worrying about the future and dwelling on the past is freeing. If glow niggers mk’d my ass from a young age well played it was fun helping you all these years. I’m at the point that browsing here isn’t for any reason other than to laugh and shitpost too many paid shills from both sides sliding good threads to have actual discussion.

Also Trump is probably Q, him or Obama. Either the kikes have won already and it’s all a ruse or the people won. I only say Obama be ause I’ve been thinking that since Obongo is muslim wouldn’t he want to eliminate Israel? And if Trump is also going to btfo kikes forever wouldn’t having the man who weaponized every intel agency as an ally be benecifial? Enemy of my enemy is my friend situation.

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you said retard
you are now alt right

The true redpill is to watch CNN, BBC and MSNBC.

that whole post is pure New Age Luciferian propaganda telling people they can be gods

read the Bible

I'm sure that things are kept on our permanent record, perhaps only to be reviewed by "them" when necessary and for a specific purpose or aim.
But why am I here?

Wait, so what if I spend the next two months posting lefty shit and then two months right shit then two months complete utter garbage shitposts. Would I see the real 4changz eventually?


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m8 earlier i just posted a picture of a cat eating a bowl of spegetti and it got 300 replies. This place isn't brainwashing shit.

>Relying on Jow Forums to think for yourself

>But why am I here?
thats a good question

fpbp: OP is always a faggot, and now he is an MK ultra tool too whether he started out as one idk but over time it’s clear.

never disrespect a rare flag you fucking newfag scum

The microwave made me do it!
You're a potato and you will always be a potato Op.

What's the mindset here, because honestly there is just a cluster fuck of retardes arguing. If coming to a mutual understanding of what is actually true in our reality, than sure we are all a "hive mind". Also kys

Is that French for retard or something?

This site doesn't moderate based on your political opinion and has no up/downvote system. Neither do you have a username with which your past posts are linked. It has none of the infrastructure that you're describing. What you just described is reddit.

Just be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.


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look at internet forums in 1990's and early 2000's: used to condition and direct jihadists, who did everything online.

now, it's the white man's turn, and the algo's and studies from 1990's-2000's are being applied to anglo's and mutt's.

there's a reason why sweden imports so many muslims: to help port the algorithms from the Muj/ISIS program to white men.

It's true to an extent. I've been G*ng Stalked for 2 years. Don't know if it started here but Jewish groups are HEAVILY involved in it. Smear campaigns, flash mobs, you name it. I've basically been removed from all my Communities. I've had the feeling EW have also been used against me giving me uncontrollable racing thoughts, appearing as if I've had a breakdown. Of course I don't mention fuckall about EW to peoold in real life. It's real tho, there should be some shills calling me a schizo coming ITT shortly

YouTube Eric Karlstrom guy is a Godsend on this subject

You wouldn't know mind control even if it hit your dick. kys

Kill yourself faggot. It can definitely fall under politics because of its influence.

Meh neckbeards aren’t going to be on the front lines of any war

Google "kaibil" and rethink your concept of heartless killing machine.

I saw a small silver drone watching me from my window at work a few months ago, true story. My supervisor just laughed at me when I mentioned it. :^(

yea but its fun

>push/force people into a particular mindset
and what mindset would that be?

like the people on here would value the opinion of a degenerate bolshie like you.

Hurts so good.

Also, fuck spooks.

What about them? I see that theyve got a badass motto and quite the reputation.


Discord link where you can discuss without worrying about Jow Forums bots making half the posts.
https:// discord gg X/ rnMvV38

Nope, it's literally just a clickbait site.


It's kind of obvious lately with the choice of word filters, but at least here we can fight back / say what we like (mostly)

Try paying 100 thousand dollars for a uni degree and then arguing with the lecturer (Hardmode: without failing)

Think about how a logical train of thought in a thread between multiple anons is almost unheard of now. You have a few people discussing something (perhaps a few small side conversations) and everyone else is just sperging out. Think back to a year ago. Wasn't it more sane? Not sane, but more sane than now.

Is it programming or just the process of fracturing the psyche? The programming follows that. We haven't seen the programming yet.

I'm telling y'all, the End is nigh! The Great Deception will be the program that follows. They are breaking everything. Politics. Economics. Religions. Science. Relationships.

Everything is a tangled mess of lies. It will all collapse at once. Then, if you are here, you will beg for a saviour. One (probably several at first) will appear to arrive. You will swear your allegiance. It will be too late then. You will beg for death, but it will be long in coming. Finally, Jesus will deliver it. Eternal torment and separation from the God who loved you enough to send His Son to die for you. But you refused the pardon.

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John titor, web bot, and kurzweil predicted this.

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Not "all along" they just wait for people to do all the work of building something up. Once it's at a certain level of popularity and notoriety that's when they come in and Jew the fuck out of it.

This place use to be a Commie paradise.

look at me. we are the elite now

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in the same way that facebook has become a tool of the government as a global database and tracker... i always suspected that Jow Forums was a mass mind conditioning program for the new generation. your ip addresses are even cross referenced to your other social media accounts.

Nobody has ever thought or said this before. Youre a genius

I pay no attention to any charges of
>the government

Give me names or you are just spouting rhetoric

Close, yet missing something. Depending on the boards you use, you get different things being shilled. Shilling is really the key here. We have grand scale memes that seem to persist despite it probably not being as prominent as it appears. One being traps. Traps are constantly posted about in a lot of boards. Trap this and trap that. It's to condition the weaker of the Jow Forums users into a homosexual lifestyle which in turn benefits "someone". But if you believe in a grand conspiracy, "they" play both sides. So we have degeneracy this and degeneracy that on the Jow Forums users. It's just a clusterfuck mindfuck looking for those who it can bait in. The jews being another one. Yes powerful jews can be bad but to write off an entire group of people is a problem. And just for saying this I will get muh jidf replies. That's a problem. People who do not have the capability to think for themselves do not belong here. They could unironically get ironic shitposted into doing bad things. Jow Forums board has posters that try to give you bad advice on purpose. Some regular anons, but surely some bigger fish too. /tv/ has issues with pedos. Jow Forums has homoerotic tendencies. /mu/ is basically a big advertising board for labels. /soc/ has homoerotic tendencies and encourages illicit sex. When we have no userbase with identifiable accounts it's harder to hold these people accountable. Shilling is the name of the game, and I'd wager that certain parties try and shill you one or the other. The big boys make sure that things they want memed become memes. Pepe for example. The whole frog thing is no coincidence. Likely orchestrated by occult people. A lot of things are.

And as for our post history, one can only shrug. It is what it is. I try to post like anyone I know could read it, most of the time anyway. I don't believe there is veritable proof we posted what we posted besides to these databases who spy on us. It's kind of like the phone tapping that's obviously going on.

>Think back to a year ago.
Honestly I don't think I've really been using the site all that much since the 2016 election.

Wanna see this thread 404?

Project Dormouse was used to divert public attention away from Project ARTICHOKE and to MK Ultra. Look it up and make glow in the dark niggers mad.

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The most productive one on pol is the
Big black dick fucking white sluts spam.

It goads dumbasses into ranting about their local whores and whatnot.
The purpose is to make our politics seem hostile to women. Very effective shitposting.

And what I mean by that is, they listen to our conversations, they know everything about us on some database somewhere, and they are keeping tabs on everyone. But that's a lot of information to sift through, too much for humans. They're looking for keywords and phrases. Certain mindsets, attitudes, and views. To think every Jow Forums user is under that tight of a watch is a little silly. They just keep tabs on everyone. And that's a fact of life at this point. Surveillance. Whether you were posting on Jow Forums or not changes something. Life isn't for the weak, "Satan" is looking for prey at all times and he'll get you with whatever he has got. If it wasn't for Jow Forums, it'd be something else. The only truth in the world is God and your relationship with him. All else is simply distraction.

the NSA and CIA is who is using social media as mind control and tracking
this is not new information
this is what was leaked by Edward Snowden but most of us have known for a long time

>some of my classic shit posts are saved in a government server in the middle of a desert

C-can I see them again, i just want to remember.