>He said his goal is to create mini-Obamas to drive human progress.
Can he just fuck off already
>He said his goal is to create mini-Obamas to drive human progress.
Can he just fuck off already
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lmao Michelle tranny confirmed
He is the next George Soros
Holy shit, the ego of this nigger, kek.
Obama saved the economy
>Obama gets arrested while grave robbing body parts in the middle of the night, trying to create his 1 million Obamas.
And a hearty laugh was had by all.
"I plan to make the rate of single motherhood in the black community skyrocket ... personally." t. Obama
A million potsmoking midwits? How will he ever manage.
"I was elected president at the tail end of a recession... Also I implemented shit tier socialized healthcare, fined people who oped out, and just labeled everyone as 'insured' lol."
jesus, i guess being this narcisistic its requirement to be a president now days.
Barack Hussein Obama was the best president of all time. You literally cannot disprove this.
>republicucks shit fit against single payer
>obama's fault the healthcare plan was fucked
Dudes. I had 11 year old camper who praise kek on his name tag. We have already won this war and the next war too.
He was a puppet for the masons you can't refute this
>I wanna put a little bit of myself inside of all your kids
Mainstream media will never admit it but Obama is just as narcissistic as Trump. At least Trump is predictable but with Obama, you can never trust what he will do if he has power again.
Not going to lie at first I thought Obama was a cool guy and then I thought he was less bad as Romney but started to get worried about him. His second term made him look like a total weasel sociopath. All the normies eat that shit up though because woah he plays basketball and dances.
Barry needs a breeder like his moms