Live in almost in 30 minutes. Predict the pick and what salt will follow from it.
Get in here faggots!
Live in almost in 30 minutes. Predict the pick and what salt will follow from it.
Get in here faggots!
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WATCH LIVE: President Trump Announces SCOTUS Pick
Live chat! Get in here, faggots!
Stay mad!
Get in the live chat and live feed! Shitlibs salty tears are already piling up.
Why are people here shilling for Kavanaugh? He’s open to the ACA and iffy on overturning roe v Wade (inb4 ABORTION IS GOOD BEGUZ EUGENICS)
What has Kavanaugh actually said about abortion anyway?
lol he picks Mueller and Mueller has to drop his case to become SC Justice.
Can't turn down the president when he nominates you for justice.
Merrick Garland is the only acceptable, rightful choice. Mark my words, if Trump goes against the American peoples’ will by nominating anyone else HE IS FINISHED.
Holy shit that whole segment, especially the red wave is aesthetic as FUCK.
>ever trusting a woman with a position this important
>>ever trusting a woman with a position
>noguns cope
20 minutes to go. Prepare your kidneys for liberal salt.
Barrett prepare your anus
Because immigration is the most important issue, and abortion is downstream of immigration. If you lose immigration, you lose abortion also.
>Prepare your kidneys for liberal salt.
We need a separate thread for that.
Kethledge is Jow Forums's guy
six kids and married, the quintessential anti-thot. the kikes hate her, so she would be a good choice.
>muh adopted niglets
precisely why they hate her
And that antifag getting ko'ed!
quick gestalt on the top 4 candidates? Is Kavenaugh gonna get it?
It's an announcement general. Salt will follow throughout the night following the announcement going into tomorrow.
Sticky please mods
Let's do this frens. May we drown in liberal tears tonight.
Barrett’s at home you retards. The only justices there are Hardiman and Kavanaugh
She was at home more than 2 hours ago dumb leaf
Plenty of time to get to D.C
Remember who he's replacing as well. It doesn't matter too much that he isn't perfect, he's still a vast improvement.
Alright, who do we want?
shed probably already be there if that were the case
I wish it was mommy barrett but It looks like kavenaugh. Good enough though.
out of the two whos the most constitutional?
Get on a commercial flight from Michigan to DC in 2 hours? Good luck. Then leaving the airport to the White House with SS detail would take another hour.
Barrett, but she's at home apparently.
>that music while waiting
Barrett or Kavanaugh out of the realistic picks.
Literally adopted niglets. No way she will be anti immigration. Add to this the fact that she looks batshit insane. You have much to learn about Trump if you think she has a chance!
I thought he was a Bush pick?
status: comfy
Hopefully kava naughty
Kavanaugh. He follows the letter of the law how it’s written, not how your feefees interpret it. Hardiman is pro-refugees
She lives in South Bend Indiana
With a military plane that's like less than 1 hour flight time
what's wrong with you
hopefully it's /OURGIRL/
Eight minutes fellas!!
>when alan parsons project comes on
what's the QRD on Kavanaugh?
muh hatian chirren turns me off of barrett, also the fact that shes a woman. but the other two are complete. fucking. shit.
kavanaugh plox.
He accidentally the whole thing
This! I'm with Kavanaugh
I apologize. Lethredge lives in Michigan. Mixed them up. Still a 2 hour flight. Then still has to get the WH
I wish man, but I think she's at home.
Agreed. Barrett has a lot of potential is new to the game and doesn't have known established positions on most issues. She's too much of a risk to be the replacement for Kennedy. She'd be a great pick to replace one of the leftist justices though.
>overturning roe v Wade (inb4 ABORTION IS GOOD BEGUZ EUGENICS)
Fuck off you christcuck retard.
Any no jew tube streams?
Non-burger here. Who's /ourguy/?
Supposedly the Bushes want him, or have pushed his name forward. All I know is Roberts was supposed to be conservative and has cucked on some pretty big issues.
They need to go back!
Ok Jow Forums who are we rooting for?
Saving Barrett for when RBG funs out of fetal stem cells to suck on.
I admit I don't even know potential picks here. Gowdy or Cruz would both make me lel but I know those are meme choices with no real chance.
Judge Dredd. seriously though, they all suck almost equally.
No one cares about niggers killing their offspring.
Judge Judy is it! Suck it faggots!
Ourgal would be Amy, but she's too openly against roe to get through, so they are probably doing kavenaugh who is decent but not amazing.
They just confirmed its KAVANAUGH\
Doobbs and it's Harriet Myers
>i support murdering babies
this. ffs no open borders
but I'm hoping for /ourgirl/
hardiman would be terrible, but trump might pick him because trump's sister (who is a judge) is friends with him
Eugenics is good though. Imagine future generations reenacting Rhodesia.
Kavanaugh is a Georgetown guy?
Are we getting a Jesuit associated judge?
That does not make me feel comfortable
Adoption is legal and a 1% meme, I give it a pass. Imagine if they made adoption by a US citizen the requirement for children entering the US. The left would have to eat their words and would refuse to.
Are any of the potential nominees jewish or jewish sympathizers?
Bc he's best on immigration. That's the most important issue
This guy
daily reminder that god hates fags
Coney Barrett
All three finalists are Irish Catholic.
When is /pol finally going to take the Green Pill??
Did he not send ACA to the SC? That's what I read
If anything, what happened to ACA will happen to RvW, parts repealed and left up to the states.
>nigger lover
hi t_d
It’s Confirmed kavanaugh
Digits confirm Joe Brown gets it.
The next step after overturning Roe v. Wade is killing all pagan larpers.
God, the mere sight of politicians triggers me. I can't believe these faggots have power over us.
we'll see just how nepotistic trump is if he picked hardiman
only reason he'd pick him is because he's friends with trump's sister
Check'd and Heil'd
this is the correct stance on abortion
Hes really tough on immigration, and that's really important. Also, hes almost just as conservative as Clarence Thomas
2 minutes