Hi pol I'm a black man in my 20's who's trying to educate my family and community about the jews and how they have undermined our culture as well as that of others. What are some good redpills I can drop that would be accessible to the average "hood nigga". Thanks. Also, nigger. There, said it for you so that isn't what 3/4 of the thread is.
Hi pol I'm a black man in my 20's who's trying to educate my family and community about the jews and how they have...
Other urls found in this thread:
Most slave Traders were Jews not whites
This is a good start. Just remember to remain subtle throughout the whole process.
Thanks. I'll research more into that.
Anything else?
Malcolm X was pretty red-pilled on this issue. idk if he's still considered a hero in the black community, or if he's considered too extreme. There's also the modern day Hotep movement. They might have some talking points.
Malcolm X was a muslim...
Malcolm X named was perceptive enough to notice that jews were manipulating the black community to their own ends, which is discussed in his autobiography. He does often use euphemisms like "media" and "bankers," but the material is there.
Honestly most blacks in my area don't even know who he was or what he stood for . Only that he's in the history textbook next to Martin Luther king and G.W. Carved. Lol. Sad but true.
Thanks. You taught me something new bro. I never knew that.
White peeplez be evilz, yo. The White man holdin' you back, that's why all woke Black nigguz should move to Africa, so they can get in touch wit dey roots, yo.
Go away Jew.
kill as many niggers as you can then kill yourself
"Man who cares about dem white folk, its da Joos who are da problem nigga, they started the Slav trade nigga and brought us here. Why you think they is rich?"
since slavery seems a very sensible topic for you, thatll work.
Also show then pictures of circumcisions and the blood sucking, this usually gets people in the mood to listen kek
Explain to them that the jews control 99% of the media. Show them all the MSM outlets run by jews. Show them jewtube videos of Trump denouncing racism and then show them all the MSM videos (from jew-run outlets) claiming Trump refuses to denounce racism. To anyone with half a brain, it'll quickly become apparent that Jews are behind the vast majority of racial division in this country.
Here ya go OP.
FUCK wrong link.
Jews pushed gangster rap in the 90s to send more niggers to private prisons
Also, look into the facts of the various "police brutality" cases where the police were slammed by the public as being racist pieces of shit for killing poor innocent blacks, for example Michael Brown. If you listen to the actual courtroom evidence, you'll see that he had gunshot residue along his thumb and down his arm, meaning he was grabbing at the cop's gun when it was fired.
Compare facts to what the jews show you in the media. They're doing it to cause racial division, which only hurts the black community.
Thanks guys. Writing all of this stuff down
I thought niggers already hated Jews.
Amerimutts must be extreminated
Christ look at God damned Rodney Nigger King. Prime example of a nigger, ran from police, drug/alchohol/wife abuse, got his nigger ass beat like he should and he is a hero to hood niggers.
Redpill them that RK was a piece of shit and to not run from police, to put the crack pipe down and act like a human bean, and to wear a condom so you people dont suck my tax dollars like you suck air through your nigger teeth.
Redpill them on what X said about the Jew.
Also good job on doing this.
Anyone has the big infograph with Cromwell, French revolution and other stuff?
don't believe you but all you need to do is go to youtube and watch a few videos of Dr. tony Martin on Jews and the slave trade. He was a black professor at Wellesley the Jews tried to get fired after he assigned a reading from the Nation of Islam book "the secret relationship between blacks and jews."
Not like they should. They don't really differentiate Jews from whites. They get fucked over by a Jew, and they just think, "whitey got me again" not realizing that (((white person))) is fucking us whites too.
Your best bet would be to cut ties with the hood niggers. You will never save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Think about it. God can't save those who don't want to be saved. They have to turn around and go a different direction. If they don't see hood niggerism as bad, they don't believe that they need to change. If they actually want to change, they will realize a little help would be nice.
No repentance equals no hope. It's a hard pill to swallow, but that's how it works.
Most blacks just consider them a different type of white . Not their own ethnicity
I hope you all die
Nice lol. How much are they paying you jidf?
The Nation of Islam actually has a couple of well researched volumes on this.
Tell them it's like aborigines vs Africans.
Crown heights riots.
Basically some rich hooknose ran over a couple black kids. The other kikes called an ambulance, a Jewish ambulance. The Jew EMTs refused to touch the black kids who were fucked up and instead took the heeb who ran them over to the hospital even though he wasn't even really hurt.
Blacks got pissed and rioted. The (((media))) of course spun it to look like the blacks were the bad guys.
I always hoped the negro would rise up, preferably against the Jew, and begin the race war.
Dunno what your on about buddy, here is the first (((jewgle))) link I can find showing rodney "the full time criminal" kangs rap sheet.
Iv worked with cops since I was 13, even the black ones hate dindu nuffin niggers. If you want to redpill a nigger family you first have to teach them basic human things like "police are the good guys", or "dont steal shit, nigger".
You can always use the rap industry to put things in perspective. The Jews role in selling and reproducing the most fucked up aspects of black culture via rap
Ok. Do any of you guys have any infographs on Rhodesia? That would help alot.
Let Mr Sowell speak for you.
fuck off nigger, find your own cultural trope to hate on instead of trying to steal from whitey again
Wow. Never heard of this guy. Thanks user
You really need to.
Dont you have a baby's foreskin to suck off kike.
I guess it's true what they say about """african americans"""
ready between the lines my dude and see the light, dont just get yourself blinded by rage, you dumb nigger
Maybe this will help. I'm not all to into black culture.
Stop trying to derail an informative thread with your kikery.
Thanks to all you guys posting info. It's genuinely appreciated
you're actually such a dumb fucking nigger
I'm giving you a PRIME EXAMPLE of what the kikes do
you literally go straight to kike-calling
do you really need me to spell it out for you, or did you not learn the alphabetti spaghetti in GhettoGrad 101?
Just be like "man why do our homes always got to be ghettos? All I hear is politicians saying they going to make it better, and we got nothing but cockroaches and food stamps. They don't want us to succeed as a people, and we should prove them wrong"
Another good one could be: "We should care about black culture. How's our culture going to live on if we don't marry our sisters? How's it going to live on if we leave our kids?"
Basically think of empowering quotes to uplift blacks that doesn't cater to what's sold to you as "good" and ends up ruining your families and communities. Also rap music, while I do like songs of it, are not good for the community and was pushed because music executives had shares in private prisons. No shit. Try to create more loving reggae-like music, and that can psychologically help your people and quite frankly everyone under 30.
Louis Farrakhan Says Jews were Behind Slavery
I can't recall the name, but there's a great site about the fact that the "White Men" involved in the slave trade were actually (((White Men))), and that the it was a largely White thing to abolish slavery. Written by a black guy, called "It wasn't Whites" or something. It's nothing you won't hear from a thousand other places, but being pretty much a Black Nationalist rather than one of us evil Nazis your audience might be more receptive. Nation of Islam wrote a lot about the same topic. In a perfect world, there'd be some "You don't fuck with us retaking Europe and the major colonies esp in North America, we don't fuck with you retaking Africa and black-majority territories" thing happen between Black and White nationalists, remind them of that. Not holding my breath (your community is just too brainwashed by (((then))), and smart blacks need to face the IQ blackpill with realism, we're not just saying it to be mean), but good luck.
Jesus christ nigger I realize this is hard for a sub 80 IQ chimp for you to understand but please try for the rest of us.
You niggers dont need "redpills", these are for PEOPLE, what you niggers need first is to learn how to act like people. The day niggers can form a functioning society with an average IQ of 100+, THEN you can look into redpills and the deeper meaning. but for now just learning to be part of the human race is more then enough work for you chimps.
What your asking for is the equivalent of a child asking for trigonometry books before he graduates the first fucking grade.
Jews see you as pets.
>Don't realise your common enemy goy!
Extremist jews view everyone that isn't a jew as gentile/goyim and therefore lower than them. Point out how Israel is essentially an ethnostate and how they treat Palestine.
Strait from his mouth
kill ur nigger family then kill yourself nigger
This is new to me. Wow
SWJ are egocentrists who use minorities to virtue signaling and show that they are better than everyone. They fuel victim complex to justify their cause. Top SJW are usually whites or (((whites))) that only want to get attention and satisfy their narcissism. But victim complex is very toxic and keeps minorities down because it makes them feel powerless.
Thanks user. This is nice.
The truth you seek is Hotep Nation on twitter. Go find Hotep Jesus and Uncle Hotep and listen to their podcasts.
Tell them the whole BBC thing is a Jewish lie, and blacks have smaller penises than the Japanese.
This is one of the most pernicious, sleezy tricks the Jew has ever concocted.
You know it. I know it.
Thanks cus. Tbh we all know this is white and black man's country on conquered injun land. You fellas deserve a home as well.
In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned slaves.
That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.
While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.
There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.
40% of 200,000 = 80,000
So 80,000 jews owned slaves.
393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.
80,000 jew slave owners
313,975 non-jew slave owners
Thus 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just 0.7% of the population.
is this a shop or is this real
They threatened him and wanted to force him to not sing the lyrics in brazil on his tour but the madmen did it anyway. Was pretty big back in the day.
Thanks all you anons. I appreciate your efforts and will try my hardest to red pill my brethren. I have to work in a few hours so I'm gonna call it a night. I'll make another thread later if this one isn't alive. Thanks and God bless you all. Take care and may our Lord and savior smite the enemies of Christ
Martin Luther King was a Communist
It was a Jew who made the first nuke, which cause mass panic between the years 1946-Today.
Just point them out, when they realize how many media people are either gay or jewish they will likely be repulsed. Just keep pointing them in the right direction.
They should be easy to red pill cause they can't be guilt tripped by the holocaust like Whites. Problem is getting them to see the difference between Jews and Whites. I know Blacks are already pissed off about greedy Jewish landlords so maybe you can dig up some stuff there.
Have an updated one with some small errors fixed.
So you guys know that this isn't a larp. Later anons.
Thank you, user.