Mother nature is the one responsible for the genocide the white race.Perhaps the nigger was her true intended creation and we were the unfortunate abominations. Mud huts are more sustainable than soulless capitalism's infinite material production on a finite planet.It is inevitable.We can not reverse it. We can only delay it.
White man, Mother Nature wants you dead!
Other urls found in this thread:
>racism is bad
>blacks are superior
Black logic
>lower fitness
for what lol ?
Jews are the real neanderthals.
Askhenazi jews are a competing species of humanoid.
The only problem with this is that they aren't even real Semites.
The level of order that human intelligence has maintained is highly unusual. We've taken things far beyond what is necessary for survival. Wouldn't be surprised if Gaia wants her resources back and a less resilient, less permanent steward . . . but fuck that. We're going Type III. Entropy can suck a dick.
What did Cro-Magnon really look like?
checked for excellent meme
Brad Pitt
Black Africans have Neanderthal DNA too according to the last studies. The new data suggest that all modern humans have it.
Remind me again derp-o-fag why you hate the ones that have always been and continue to be at the top of everything.
Yeah, I think we need a little remedial reminder, derp.
don cheadle...
Look at the pic in that post.
Oh shit didn’t notice only looked at Thor
Okay what the fuck
What Mother Nature wants is irrelevant.
I'm honestly considering converting to Judaism. The white race is in suicide mode, and I see no indication of reversing this trend. My descendants would at least rule over the untermensch class.
Ok listen to some common sense, you fucking dopey degenerate.
If you have more ''neandertal'' genes than your neighbor, the difference would be the contents of those genes. Genes for head size, nose etc. are specific to those areas. If you have ''neandertal'' genes for your head size, that does NOT mean your intelligence is like a neandertal, or that you are by any stretch of the imagination more savage than any other person.
A does not mean B but can indicate it. You take B as a fact, then draw that conclusion for a whole category of people, where B somewhat fits into the statistics, and poof! You have a conclusion about the inferiority of a race. It is impossible(as of now), to correctly measure which races are superior, and it would be a meaningless effort, as race is just one of many ways to categorize humans. People do the exact same with gender and it is mind-boggling how many people live this cognitive illusion.
Ethnicity is just a point of easy distinction between humans. There are MANY points of easy distinction aside from race. Height, eye color, facial features, and more are also easy distinctions to make, and they can all indicate some vague fact about the majority of those groups, like if their IQ was slightly lower on average.
I find it hilarious how easy it is to fool people with statistic bullshit you misinterpret and piece together into a shitty propaganda picture. Made in paint, by a mongoloid with his head so far up his ass, that he refuses to even consider a point that doesn't perfectly align with his values.
>only populations with cavemen dna were able to develop a civilization
Definitely a genetic burden.
>Perhaps the nigger was her true intended creation
The niggers wouldn't have left Africa--they hadn't invented boats until 1000 years ago.
Mother Nature has already chosen blacks for extinction. Europeans are keeping Africans alive.
So what you are saying is despite have a genetic disadvantage, whites, asians, hell even the poos managed to build more successful civilizations then Afrians? Imagine being that pathetic that inbred retards manage to surpass you in about anything that matters in the long run.
>shitty propaganda picture. Made in paint
No, it's an actual scientific article
>mfw the kikes are false flagging as blacks and projecting so hard it's in 4K
Okay you obviously didn't understand my point. You are taking a science piece and misinterpreting it. The article does not say anything about racial inferiority, it says something specific about a specific set of genes.
>racial inferiority
Not saying anything about anybody being inferior just being a genetic anomaly, like a Liger or mule
>finite planet
>implying mars won’t be an industrialist nigger free utilitarian paradise for at least 10 years
>implying we can’t just lock the niggers out of the colonies to roam the wastes and make iron dust huts
Yep, not buying it...
Yes. Connecting that to any sort of race thing would be silly.
user, I have bad news,,
You meme is to small, can't read it.
Yes that burden was intelligence.
Blacks aren't burdened with that
>.It is inevitable.We can not reverse it. We can only delay it.
Good, then kill yourself on livestream. I'll follow right after you, I promise.
BREAKING NEWS: Africans discover wheel
Does that really work?
yep aliens are demons and satan will pretend to be one as the anti christ
>modern humans
Pick one
Just about to do my CE-5, I will ask my alien friend if he is Satan.
>modern humans
Dude, at least try next time. Here's a reply because I chuckled
Wouldn't it make sense that Israel has a low IQ score because there's a lot of Muslims living there dragging down the average? Something like half the world's grand chess masters are Jewish, so I really don't doubt their intelligence
That's how the universe looks.
The Blacks who have small % Neanderthal DNA were ones whose ancestors got KEBAB'D during the arab slave trade/contact with Magrhebis pr from East Africans from Ethiopia/Horn of Africa who had experiences genetic flow from Egypt and the Arabian peninsula in both ancient and pre historic times.
You are truly woke. You do know the fallen angels masquerade as white Nordics don't you?