Tfw in the near future you will have children born to their moms (dads) using sperm from the dad (mom) before he became...

>tfw in the near future you will have children born to their moms (dads) using sperm from the dad (mom) before he became a frankenwomen

Who here /hyped/ for the technological terror we've created for ourselves?

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Attached: Uterus transplants.jpg (677x737, 425K)

this episode was fucking real shit dude

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but what about the egg? they don't have ovaries so the child wouldn't be blood.

this episode redpilled me as a 12 year old. i used to think you could literally become a biological female until they explained it was literally a cut up man. man. imagine cutting your stomach open and putting an organ nowhere near designed for your body in there and letting a little creature develop inside of you then violently try to rip itself out only by surgery 9 months later after draining you of your life force slowly every day and possibly dying itself. what the fuck

Ovaries are part of the uterus user, and they are just as transplantable.

Oh yeah, a womb full of artificial hormones and antibiotics and anti-rejection meds is a perfect place for a mulatto baby to grow. The crazy part is that trannys don't actually have a functioning womb. That wound is a dead end.

why can they find a cure for male pattern baldness.

there is, become woman

imagine the possibilities in porn damn a 3D preggo trap would be neat proving a penis can be feminine after all.

Doesn't matter to me. The State will indoctrinate the new proletariat in nursery collectives, and my corpse will have long before been dropped into a mass grave.

Here's a look into the future; a trans woman giving birth:

>The crazy part is that trannys don't actually have a functioning womb.
Well no fucking shit. Men aren't born with uteruses. Cutting your dick off wont magically grow one.

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My point is that attempting to bolt one in will just make them bleed out or the uterus will dry up or get glued shut with colon mucus. It's a fricking repulsive bizarre idea to force a fetus to endure those conditions just so they can languish and die.

How many failed pregnancies will it take to make a tranny stop trying?

>How many failed pregnancies will it take to make a tranny stop trying?
A bullet to the head.

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Thats not even new technology though, transplants aren't recent?
It was just never remotely something people would consider
> Should they just be opting for a head transplant at this point?

> tfw entering legitimate body-snatchers territory

They should start using the wombs of dead women to transplant into these dudes. Only white wombs.

[Black Mirror]

>Oh yeah, a womb full of artificial hormones and antibiotics and anti-rejection meds.

There is no way that pumping that much shit, especially the Anti-Rejection/Antibiotic combo, into the """mother""" wouldn't cause a 100% miscarriage rate.

>t. 3rd year Biologist.

>since 2014, eight other babies have been born to "women" who had uterus transplants, all in (((Sweden))), at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.

Norsemen, Finns (Mongolians), Danes,

You have one job to do, burn.

>Only white wombs.

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Meanwhile the only damn hope for the poor boys for those whose genitals were mutilated at birth is an underfunded start-up that may or may not be a scam.

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I don't care.

What's the opposite of the United Nations? Is there some kind of international organisation that is anti-everything these globalists are pushing?

Protip: Nazis never died

Lake Vostok. 5611842

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