>2nd amendment radicalist
Elizabeth Warren said these people are in the "fight for their lives"...seems like the noose is tightening.
>TFW I can get a fully auto mp5
he's a second amendment radical you guys
he is radical about wanting you to have constitutional rights! #IMPEACH
>weapons bans are constitutional
>shall not be infringed
I’m so tired of their shit. The worst part of trumps unending string of decisive victories is that we won’t get into a shooting war. Oh well.
How can we hope to defeat the threats to our nation if we can't even name them?
>radical constitutionalist judicial philosophy
oh no i guess we are all gonna die now because of this, fuck this is the 3rd time ive died this year
day of the rope SOON i can feel it. cystal night NOW
OCT31 2018 purge night.
That's Radical Extremist Constitutional Judicialism for you thank you very much.
This is actually completely wrong and hes soft as fuck on guns
His upholding of Heller read like kennedy wrote it
Trump replaced a swing vote with another swing vote. Despite 2 picks the court remains the same. Really makes you think
This guy is confusing Kavanaugh with Hardin.
He's the only one that believes in closed borders. No other decisions will matter if the demographics go to shit.
>hes the only one
Prove it. The Catholic bitch adopted niggers to virtue signal and has no history with immigration, and the other two fucks that people prefer for 2A are consistently open borders fanatics.
you dumbass assuming shits better read what was quietly passed in that omnibus bill & thus UN document.
pull your head out of your ass.
FFS there are millions of people in this Country, how hard is it to find a Constitutionalist?
Din't give me the "but he's the only one" bullshit. No... He's not.
You're the one claiming hes the only one and the others wouldn't
Every one of his other opinions is cucked as fuck retard
>adopted two niggers
And consistently put out better opinions
It's called being an originalist. Based call by Trump.
Just wait until Ginsburg drops dead. It's going to be glorious!
>2nd amendment radicalist
this will gives me a boner
Gorsuch is too.
>a radicalist is someone who defends the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution now
It's jokes right now, but I've seen multiple people use the term "free speech extremist" completely seriously. These people are dangerous.
yea they need to be genocided yesterday
Seriously, someone needs to sneak up behind her with a paper bag.
>originalist means agreeing 100% with the Heller decision
Based retard magapede
nigga what
The day of the rope will come in a 7-12 year period.
When will the left start calling people First Amendment radicals?
they already have. you're posting on an "extreme free speech site" right now
>constitution is viewed by leftists as a "living document"
>subject to interpretation and change
>leftists control almost all k-12 education
>leftists control the universities
>university admissions favor everyone but the conservative, white, male
>law schools are all firmly leftist institutions
might be a little hard to find someone who even knows what an actual constitutionalist is, in this environment
>Second mention of "judicial mainstream" I've heard come from liberal twatter tonight.
By the constitution or GTFO. Tired of sissy faggot feelings running this country.
They all get the same talking points.
Digits say assault weapon bans will be unconstitutional before 2020.
Wew lad
saying that the 2nd amendment is radical
most people as they get older and real world experience switch to conservative
Seriously they must had those premade it was only announced a coupe hours ago.
This is why Hillary was and the DNC continues to be fucked. This generation is the first to spend their entire lives on the internet so as they age and get more conservative they're right at home in the information war.
>signs already made and ready to go
If only the right could organize like the left. Left is a well-oiled machine top to bottom while the right has no cohesion whatsoever between a bottom that wants to LARP as Nazis and blackshirts, a middle that wants normalcy and a top (outside of Trump) that hates the other two parts.
honestly, i just want a universal lightning link. not looking to pay for much
I like you
youve never popped a paper bag?
>If only the right could organize like the left. Left is a well-oiled machine top to bottom while the right has no cohesion whatsoever between a bottom that wants to LARP as Nazis and blackshirts, a middle that wants normalcy and a top (outside of Trump) that hates the other two parts.
>right vs left paradigm
Are you pretending to be retarded or just a lazy shill that doesn't give a fuck anymore. These are called paid protestors just like the paid protestors that were hired to fight each other in Portland. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE is sick of you kikes and this bullshit. The ovens are getting warm and it's just about time to throw you faggots in there.
Blow up the paper bag and slap it , which pops the bag (BANG!!!) and gives her a heart attack .
all that and Trump still won, you also forgot the main media is all leftists
The left aren't as organized as they seem. All these big crowds are either paid and set up ahead of time or consists of random mobs they hand out pre-printed signs to. Up until now they don't give a fuck about mid-terms but Trump derangement might change that. Trump followers need to stay in the fight and keep their energy and momentum up for the mid-terms.
>Full auto becomes legal
>The next civil war starts
>Lefties try to overcompensate by buying nothing but full auto weapons
>they piss away all their ammo in the first week of combat
>The right wing wins on the 8th day of the war
Is this another 4d chess move?
I know this, however, you're expecting there to be a large selection of hard line constitutionalists to choose from....after more than 20 years of a liberal-controlled education...that's folly
in this educational environment, we're lucky if the average law school grad can even properly define what a constitutionalist IS, let alone understand how to put constitutionalism in practice in a meaningful way
Murphys are the kikes of Ireland.
he IS the fkn swamp.
Don't tease me like that
instead of pissing the ammo away they would probably kill their own, you know niggers cant shoot worth a dmn
Praise kek
And so it was written.
Get this man affirmed now!
yea i didn't look at the pic, i though you meant like to suffocate her with, which would work better with plastic...
Why the fuck did trump pick such a boring center right justice for scotus?
I was expecting a hardline conservative who would repeal roe v wade, adffirmatiev action, and other liberal crap
Wtf pol you lied to me
Do you think he'll save the people of New Jersey? Our gun laws are literally killing us!
fuck off shill
Seeing Mr. Pauls pic make me remember everytime having to write in his name on my ballot. Look who's laughing now faggots. MAGA
Republicans would probably have trouble in the midterms, etc. A hard right pick is better for the next one to avoid those troubles.
Of course they're in a fight for their lives, because their livelihood is fucking gibs!
shut up meg
Holy fuck, the ratio
damn man
It would be two days before lesbos and trannies start slitting each others' throats in their camps.
memetics for the win
She literally googled “assault weapon” lol, it’s a fucking .22
top kek
They're not even trying to be reasonable. Just oppose all of them blindly.
>A fucking 10/22
oh, wow.
Is this true though? Everybody knows that all blue checkmark journalists are liars.
Probably the opposite of an intelligent position
Name a better opportunity to pick a hard conservative than now when no Republican would oppose the pick. Trump didnt even have to make a strategic pick, that fucking never happens
Military grade, fully semi automatic assault 10/22. This is what true operators use in warfare.
he says all of those like they're a bad thing
>it's a RADICAL position to keep the law as it was in the past, and not make, or allow new laws that restrict peoples rights to own guns and have free speech without a constitutional amendment
Muh dickkkk