ITT: We relive the night SHE was elected

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In what universe?

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Muh nigga

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She won. Get over it.

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They're tired and sweaty from celebrating so much when she won,

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Wrong timeline

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unironically never met even one person who supported Hillary

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Look at all of the people in the background that beg to differ. On election night. After SHE was declared the winner.

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Roll for kill

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What's going on

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You lose
We're reliving election night. The night history was made when she won the presidency.

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Yep, but because of laws put in place to make losers feel better about them selves (gerrymandered electoral college) drumpf won even though SHE won the popular vote (country voted HER)

Why are American memes so bad?

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Oh, the memories...

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Drumpf didn't win, I don't know which timeline you live in, but my president is hillary Clinton. She won that night, user. She won fair and square.

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Don't be mad about the high production value of American memes. You can be jealous , just not mad

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See, even though she won by a landslide, these Nazis felt the need to protest that Drumpfelstillsin won. Plebs

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theoretically could something similar happen again?

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Feminism will always be cancer.

Look how excited uncle joe was when she won!!

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never was quite sure if this was a secret undercover meme to point out hillarys bus blasted shit all over in the street

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How anti-American of you, to not support the electoral college.

I was just wondering why they want to show themselves as fat violent retards who only care about food (stars and stripes are cringe btw)

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Lol you anticom fascists wish.

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Are there so many of these threads right now because you're disappointed Trump chose the squishiest candidate from the list he was given?

Think there would there be a civil uprising if Clinton won, but Trump won the popular vote?

Because we have a sense of humor and your depressed shithole doesn't.

You're literally autistic. Congrats

This electoral college says different

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Literally me on election night

>so mad
What did DNA ever do to you?

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>what is self-deprecating humor

youre a literally who and nobody knows about your country we basically run the world

I don't 'member her winning, gimme a quick rundown

You could hardly call it a civil uprising.

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You are literally fat Jew cocksucking niggermutt
White people are thankful we got rid of you

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These liberal tantrums are the gift that keeps on giving.

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I just watched this the other day. Brings back some great memories bros.

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>dump says if he's loses it's rigged
>dump loses by a landslide
>doesn't give concession speech
>Hillary knows she won, she had it in the bag since she declared her candidacy
>walks onto stage for acceptance speech
>supporters are over taken with joy, we cry and breathe deep sighs, we are tired but we are happy to the point of tears (pic related)
>she gives a graceful acceptance speech
>even welcomes drumpfkins to the party
>drumpfkins sperg out and respond by trying to overthrow her
>violent protests, but they get BTFO.
>Drumpf found to be colluding with Putin, given the death penalty for treason
>protestors either killed or sent to gitmo, never to be seen again
>no one cares because Nazis deserve to die

Pic related

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Coughing fit
Pants of shit
Can't stand up she has to sit
Every time she tells a lie
Shit runs down her inber thighs
Pee pee pee poo poo poo
She won't make it to the loo
By fire monkey, kek and Trump
Live on air she'll take a dump!

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what and where is your nation? I don't memorize shitholes off the top of my head


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I'd figure, was talking to the toothpaste guy

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I knew Trump would win the nomination and general election after he practically swept the South during the primaries. Almost all of my family and friends said I was crazy. Wish I put my money where my mouth was. Could have made a killing.

Of course if you do not learn geography

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Estonia? is that some fucking nigger chimp country located in kangzland?

He lost Georgia and Louisiana drumpftard, your family is only pretending he won because you're autistic.

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Nah, I focus more on nations that aren't shitholes. I'd be surprised if there's running water in your country

Today is opposite day on this board i get it now ;)

I remember like it was yesterday. The night my wife's son was born!


Well, if you do not have it in your own country, then you will be suprised

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Of course there's running water in America, it isn't a shithole. Unlike whatever an Estonia is. Pretty sure its some island off the coast of Australia or some desert in Niggerland.

This thread is real state of mongrelized noneuropean country and its sad state full of nonwhites.

>toothpaste flag
automatic shithole

Remember when this got stickied on here? The buttpain was absolutely unreal.


Try it out, does it come from toilet
That's why the mutts and niggers look like peace of shit

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*Piece of shit

>peace of shit
Lmao, even the education in whatever shithole you live in sucks, I guess you've never encountered running water, because it doesn't turn people into citizens of the nigger land Estonia.

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>lol Estonians are uneducated
Says the mutt who can only speak one language

>changes to memeflag to pretend more than one person thinks the same way

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Wouldn't changing your flag to the Nazi flag be a shame to your ancestors?

>Says shithole
>Lives in shithole
Your pathetic ingorance is not even funny. Decades and decades of mixing with nonwhites made you clearly retarded primitiv and thats sad. Thats why multiculturalism is bad. You lost history, culture and even your sane mind. Guys dont be like this american mutt.

Pic related
Says the fat sperg who has not gone out of home for years

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