>wants to keep roe v. wade
>over 50
>the (((elites)))' favorite choice
>bush/neocon lackey
Kavanaugh is NOT /ourguy/
>wants to keep roe v. wade
>over 50
>the (((elites)))' favorite choice
>bush/neocon lackey
Kavanaugh is NOT /ourguy/
Fuck off kiek
He's pro second amendment, and that's good enough for me.
50-49 senate, hates the admin state, pro 2A, decent on immigration, no problem getting confirmed.
So I missed the announcement. Jesus Christ we dodged a bullet not having a fucking woman in there who would have absolutely ruined it
He's Ann Coulter approved. Good enough for me.
He helped push for Roberts. Best I can tell he is a middle of the road conservative/moderate. He will legislate more strictly than average. Not the best choice but...
Is this 4D chess in the making? Is the plan to let the Dems torpedo this guy so he can offer up a more solid conservative next time? I have my suspicions.
Wanting to stop aborting blacks is not a Jow Forums position
The hole was unironically the best choice of the top 3
>leaf poster
The woman was fucking shit being pushed by trumpcucks because "LE BASED WOMYN"
>>wants to keep roe v. wade
>>over 50
>>the (((elites)))' favorite choice
>>bush/neocon lackey
So 20+ years on the court isn't enough for you?
Roe v Wade is a GOOD thing, and he'll fight tooth and nail to overturn all gun laws.
If Ann Coulter thinks he’s a good choice then he must at least be good at kicking out illegal aliens and that’s all I care about
>The motto of my Jesuit high school was “Men for others.” I’ve tried to live that creed.
What did he mean by this?
She was the only one that would have gutted Roe.
Gutting Roe dooms whites to minority status with not even the chance of recovery that we have now.
>Implying Trump doesn't have a good idea what this motherfucker would do
t. kike
Trump will lose the religious vote in 2020 over this
Who FUCKING cares about Roe? We have bigger issues to worry about.
Faggot OP is mad that Trump knows about the risks of repealing Roe v Wade? LMAO,
>"he doesnt want to abolish the thing that prevent the rise of niggers, it must be a neocon!1"
stay mad faggot.
and whites are doomed to minority status no matter what. that's a blackpill some on Jow Forums still refuse to take
Abortion is muder.
Hell is forever!
Yes but she would have cucked on immigration. She has 2 adopted nogs. Guns>Immigration>>>>>RoevWade. Him being ok with Roe gives us a chance to gaslight the shitlibs that their precious child sacrifices are safe so they can get fucked. And besides if Ginsburg and the other on go thats plus two down the track and you can do RvW then anyway.
>Wanting to ban abortion
Its like you love niggers you fucking faggot retard
White people don't have many abortions, so don't worry about it.
why would any US rightist support abolishing Roe while it is well known most of abortions are of niggers (and the others are of white trash that would grow up degenerate druggies and criminals)
He will make affirmative action illegal and is strong on immigration. Good enough for me.
there is no chance, get your head out of the sand
Literally nothing wrong with keeping RVW
Wasn't she the one with the two black babies?
You think Roe will be overturned when whites are 45% of the population? You're either trolling or stupid
He definitely wants to overturn Roe vs Wade. He also is all for Presidents being above the law during their terms. He also is for giving Presidents broad military and domestic policing authority. So if Maxine Waters becomes President and starts looting the Presidency for all it's worth, killing people, torturing neonazis and what nots... This is the guy who is going to pass the verdict that she can't be investigated in office. If she rigs the vote likewise. If you go out and start bundy ranching he's the guy who will give her authority to take your weapons during a national security crisis, and send in the national guard. Don't be deceived Trump will be lucky to live 10 years, and certainly won't be President for life. The aristocrats will swing it the other way soon enough, and he's just the guy who'll screw you over when that happens. You've been played.
>throws autistic screechings
The jew is mad
>literal kike shilling for satanic sacrifice
what a surprise!
To be fair the big problem is the supply of sacrifices and dead baby blood to the vampire wanabe deep state stooges. Dead nigs are fine but not if it's being used to keep your buddy Ginsburg alive.
>strong on immigration.
We need the fucking wall NOW
>Trump will lose the religious vote in 2020 over this
Didn't stop Reagan and GW Bush from getting re-elected when they didn't overturn Roe v Wade.
Good thing we got Kavanaugh. A guy who kicked minorities out every time he could. Not once did he choose to let them in.
I'm investing in rope, ladders and wall destroying commodities.
Most Evangelical communities are only putting up with Trump because they think he'll turn the court towards a pro-Christian bias
How does he feel about overturning birthright citizenship?
That's really the only important issue.
Yeah, the guy is basically pro-abortion. What matters is that the guy is the one candidate that is against the idea of a president being indited for crimes.
2/10 shill. they're not sending their best
On that note blacks are only what 14% of the US pop and have sub replacement birthrates anyway. Even taking abortions out the still just shoot each other as adults. The biggest demographic is immigrants, namely mexicans and squatamalans. They don't abort as often and neither do Muslims.
How to scale a wall explained. Rope, Ladders, Friends and holes. easy and cheap.
news flash- trump is no trail blazer- he's a republican who caves into the establishment
h8 to burst your bubbles but money talks- the GOP has much more power than little trump- they got there man in
He needs better options for the next round for this. This guy is the best of the worst. Even so its a gain.
Fuck you Nigger. The man is smart and doesn't want to fuck the middle trying to please the Jesus tards. That's why he won't go after pot or porn either. Fuck your pseudo morality.
He's Ann Coulter approved. She literally wrote the book on the immigrant invasion that led to Trump running.
What I'm trying to say is EAT SHIT NIGLET
Yeah, if the R's hold onto the Senate and Ginsburg dies in the next two years, here's hoping he picks someone more principled and less swampy
>being this shill
Fuck having borders and shit cuz we have muh guns
Ann Coulter fucks black guys
I guess TRUMP will have to get it right with THE THIRD JUSTICE HE'S GONNA APPOINT,
YOU DUMB FILTHY NIGGERFAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111ONEONOEOEONEONEOononeoneoneon
Roe v Wade is only bad because it gives women rights, it kills like 80% niggers. It's a good policy, I would actually expand it.
>Overturn Roe v Wade
>Nigger population triples in a generation
Lol, take that libtards!
op is a kikenigger
yup. Shes whiny as fuck so if she actually approves he must be golden
niglet children
"based mommy"
aka will cuck on immigration
>Let's make the only passable solution to overpopulation illegal
No, OP
I'm in favour of the president resigning, O.P. Everyone who comes to the presidential office and proves to be anti-white after one year must step down and be forced to if he does not go voluntarily. This isn't a game.
roe v. wade keeps the nigger population down
It was definitely the safe choice. Republicans want to ram their nomination through before midterms, and overturning Roe v. Wade would invariably have tons of roadblocks, even with the republican majority. There sure as shit is no guarantee they hold the senate or congress after November of this year, so I guess Trump decided milquetoast, inoffensive right winger was the best shot. A far cry from his bold decisions on the campaign trail, but I think most people are finally coming around to Trump being a bumbling means to a critical end.
this, why are we anit-abortion if it kills more shitskins
user., an anti-white is an anti-white and needs to go, the sooner the better.
What cuckservative outlet do you get your news from that you're more worried about abortion than immigration?
Am I talking to Ben Shapiro? Kavanaugh is the Breitbart, Coulter, and probably Stephen Miller approved choice. We're winning. Hard.
If you're an idiot who can't tell Shapiro boomercons from actual MAGA-Americans, just judge Trump's actions according to how hysterical they make the shitlibs. Use that s your rule of thumb from here on out.
Because Jow Forums is a Christian board
Going after Roe v Wade would be trading long term gains for an ultimately meaningless short term win. If niggers and spics and undesirable liberal cunts want to keep scrambling their offspring and turning their wombs into barren wastelands, they can go right ahead. I'd rather we focus on stacking the court with young originalists who will actually reign in government overreach and preserve our constitutional rights for the next 20, 30, 40 years.
This is why you don't believe in Jewish gods people. You go full cuck once you read enough into it instead of remaining delusional that a foreign god is your god.
so.... proof that christianity is harming the white race?
AC seal of approval
Killing RvW and cucking on immigration is national suicide.
Christians are cucks
>angrily attacks the god of the european people
Really makes me think.
You're saying that Roman Catholics aren't Christian, aren't you?
I don't believe I mentioned a god of European origin.
This, that annoying bitch is almost always right about this kind of stuff.
>a god is something with a discernible origin
Am I talking to a clown?
So hell is for black people then, like always.
The pope certainly isn't.
>Talks about a god of the European people
>Lmao it doesn't matter where it came from its an immigrant god and belongs here
Seek help you slave of a foreigner
You can have both you dumb fuck.
He was her first choice. I am so happy.
>anti-european clowns love to rub themselves up against my posts, for warmth
What a pathetic specimen.
Yup . Many hispanics are catholics who dont abort. Even this most liberal latina girl I knew about thought it was disgusting when a Planned Parenthood was opened nearby.
>You're anti-european because you're skeptical of a religion which allows BASED nonwhites to mix with whites because they worship the same Jewish god
Yawn... Anything interesting, or is it just more of your angry ramblings, user.?
Abortion has no effect on the population. Most whores who get abortions end up getting pregnant a week later and having a baby anyway.
I love dead nigger babies
Roe v Wade is the only thing that's keeping us from getting swarmed with niggers you moron
Seems lame. This is who Jeb! would have picked.
Immigration wouldn't matter too much if american citizens have guns
I love how you seem to claim you're in the interest of Europe yet ignore the elephant in the room of your god allowing for the destruction of Europe as long as everyone worships him.
He's tougher on immigration than Barrett.
He was more anti-white than even Mr Trump when presenting himself as a candidate, though.
You take your meds today?