Reddit hate thread

Attached: DC11F44B-72BD-434F-B40A-EB649269703E.jpg (750x1101, 629K)

He has two white kids... do you?

Attached: 66D6D29E-6E10-4A7B-9218-D01792A7DAD5.jpg (750x777, 318K)

Actually looking at this guy closer I feel bad for making fun of him. He unironically seems like a nice guy going through a bad point in life. How do I delete this?

Good for him. Seriously. Selfie/cuckface/using your children for internet points aside, those kids are way better off with a single father than a single mother.

OP is a jealous faggot that he will never have white children. If he did manage to impregnate a white woman, he would run out for a pack of smokes and never come back like the nigger he is

Aren't kids making the V sign used as a secret symbol in child porn?

Lolicon stuff is full of the v sign.

I'm really happy for this guy. I'm also a father who managed to get custody of his daughter after her mom tried to take her from me.

Way to ignore the question fagzilla

Fear grimace is my fetish