Pop Donald Trump baby balloon in London

As a Englandfag, anyone got suggestions as to how I could pop the Don ballon in london next week

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air rifle would do it


Yeah - this has NEVER been used on pol EVER. We're "bongs".

You just outed yourself as some Mi5 GCHQ type and this is a honey trap thread.


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How about sage instead?

Use a radio-controlled model rocket!

why even go to England now do they have a functioning government? surely hes not going to meet the monarch...isnt he part Irish?

Fucking called out pal, explain yourself or remove that memeflag.

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dart gun. Small, silent, and effective.

Just shoot it with a BB gun... oh wait

Hit up your Irish buddies for an FN FAL or AK.

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pop it

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Eat two days of Taco Bell
Eat a block of cheese with a bran muffin for breakfast
Don’t shit
Put a dragon dildo backwards in your rectum
Three hours before lift off, position yourself close
Drink coffee about ten minutes prior
Aim your butthole at the blimp
Pretend you’re pregnant
Push Faggot

This is a honey trap thread to get you to admit what potential weapons you have and that your willing to use them in public. Your ip addresses will be recorded.

Also, its better to cut the tether and watch the balloon float away than pop it

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Nice catch. Sage.

attack pointy stick to bottom of coke bottle. Add mentos. Aim and shake...

glow in the dark

focused sunlight

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show us your real flag you fag

Gain access to the facility it's being kept in and do it there. That's your best chance of getting away.

Someone posted the location in a previous thread

I'm going to laugh if I see them put it up and various ineffectual rockets and flying contraptions with pointy sticks appear to try and bring it down.

Surprised the British police haven't scrubbed the launch because of the danger to people below from the hype around this "attractive nuisance."

>Throw a sharp object at it
Oh, wait...nm

Guys make some napalm from petrol and polystyrene, make a remote control and use a light bulb fuse to light the napalm.
Fly a drone on top of the thing and trigger.
Burning napalm will drop down on it.

hijack an airliner and crash into it

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Well, then how about the rest of us just give suggestions to the bongs who can sit down write down what we suggest and go out and do it? Honeypot destroyed.

Surely if you had a drone you could send it up with like a small explosive and just pop it. Less attention, as long as you remove seriel #s from drone.

lightbulb filament

Build some darts and a blowgun.
All you need is any standard size drinking straw from any fast food place, some cotton swabs (the kind with the hollow plastic body, not the paper ones) and a few toothpicks. Rip the cotton off of one end of a cotton swab and then insert a toothpick into the hollow tube. There you go, a blowgun and as many darts as you care to make.




>Fly a drone on top
Great, another drone fag

bin that knife
bin that gun

you are kinda fucked

>As a Englandfag, anyone got suggestions as to how I could pop the Don ballon in london next week

set it alight

>Mi5 faggot is caught
Explain yourself glownigger!

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You could also just make a 'blowup' mohammed and get both shut down on principle, yeah?

Look in the archives for the last threads about this. There are 30 results for the word "balloon" there.
I still don't anyone there will pop it.

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Don't. Let the public see how stupid the far left has become.

parabolic mirror

use a really long pointy stick

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attack it while its being filled up on the ground.

someone should do this. make a pig balloon with a mohammad face.

What if he doesn't have a sun license?

The thing that bothers me about this balloon is that you know it wouldn't be allowed if it were Mohamed.

Attach a mohamed cartoon to it

To Britain: this is what fucking yourself looks like.

I hope you feel good about yourselves, at least as long as it takes to catch your breath from such an ordeal as self-fornicating.

I, for one, have a timer I will set once the President of the United States touches down in your once bastion of conservative society to time how long it takes until your government realizes what a fatal mixture of toxicity you have in that crucible of arrogance and hatred for anything resembling decent.

You will wish you weren't British, for starters.

it's the same old double standard. If a woman is modest, she's made fun of and encouraged to bare it all and embrace her inner slut. If she wears a hijab... we should respect her beliefs.

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Let that shit fly high as a symbol of the liberal lunacy!

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