I’m scared

I’m scared.

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Redpill me on Kavanaugh, onions inhaler

I could blue pill you on him. I don’t know much about him other than he worked for Bush. I do NOT like that he investigated the Clintons.

Very worried about rulings he might make on LGBTQIA+ rights, abortion, 2a, immigration, and healthcare.

Ok i love Kav now

Is it true the SCOTUS can end birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment?

it looks jewish
stop LARPING you're shitting up my board

He let Clinton get a blowjob by an intern and get away with it. He has my vote!

Yup. All we needed was a SC majority who will simply apply the original text of the constitution to the laws. This is going to be a literal Golden Age for the US, and therefore humanity.

>Very worried about rulings he might make on LGBTQIA+ rights, abortion, 2a, immigration, and healthcare.

HuffPo is a joke now


Half of my heart is in Kavanah-oh-nana

Hates fags abortion and immigrants? Nice

I want out of the EU

Why does this guy deserve a vote when Merrick Garland didn't?

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>LGBTQIA+ rights,
they already have rights
won't be touched in this lifetime, you're safe for now
what's to worry about? illegal immigration is illegal and should be treated as such
not the government's job

Because Garland was nominated by a lame duck president in his final year. There is no Presidential election this year and the Republicans have both the Senate and the House. Do keep up!

you should ask the retarded democrats why its possible with a simple majority they decided that while republicans were against it.
Idiot dems shoot themselves in the foot again and blame smarter people for it lol

OP here. I’m a transgender woman. That is my fear.

>I do NOT like that he investigated the Clintons.
Oh shit, I'm surprised he has lived for so long then.

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Show boipucci or tits, the choice is yours
(I dont know if you are male faggot or bulldyke)

Btw I love turtle. He is so effective, so calculating, so backstabbing and so capable with this political maneuvering. At the same time, he doesn't even flinch at screeching libtards. He just does his thing with stunning precision and always plays the long game. Fucking legend.

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Good. You are an abomination.

nice larp faggot

Because Dems changed the rules to this.
Thank you Harry Reid!

I am literally shaking and shitting myself right now.

It's over.
-HUFFPOST circa 2016

oh no, the democratic party will no longer be a constitutionally protected class that is owed free shit and will actually have to develop a platform

just kidding, 7 more years of "everything is hitler because its 202X and dicks go in assholes and its beautiful."

thats fucking hot bro post pics
>tfw no shitfu

>they already have rights

LGB has some. Trans did but now we don’t thanks to Trump. If Kavanaugh is confirmed they might lose their rights too.

>won't be touched in this lifetime, you're safe for now

CNN legal analyst said it absolutely will be overturned and abortion will immediately be illegal in 13 states


muh childrens

>what's to worry about? illegal immigration is illegal and should be treated as such

ICE should be abolished.

>not the government’s job

I believe it is.


Does HP know who he even is? Were they even aware of his existence before now?

What does this mean in Hebrew?

>and that's a good thing!

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because garland would be the 4th jew on the supreme court....think about that...


Why does trump look like he regrets this guy? Did pence talk him into doing this?
>Meme flag
No one cares go look for (you)s elsewhere.

pls no

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>being a poorfag
I pay someone to do it for me

Seriously is noone seeing the regret on trumps gaze?

>just kidding, 7 more years of "everything is hitler because its 202X and dicks go in assholes and its beautiful."
You realize there are far more registered Democrats than Republicans not to mention the hordes of teen Leftist that couldnt vote in 2016 will be able to do so come 2020. The Left is rabid right now, they could put a mediocre candidate up against Trump and hes out


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Youth vote is awful to count on due to low turn out and not caring about elections other than the presidential though.

The good news is you'll still be able to buy an AR15 to defend youself. Just imagine how fucked the left would be with gun control now.

Even though there's like a 90% chance Trump wins 2020 I do hope this fucked-up looking bitch wins instead and burns America to the ground.

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>bathroom bullshit isn't a right. use the room for the parts you have, no one wants your non-passable ass in the wrong place, and taxpayers do not have an obligation to pay for your elective surgery.
>muh CNN. even if does happen, go to a state where it is legal then. sorry if a few hours travel is an inconvenience for you to take a life.
>not an argument. school shootings are literally statistically insignificant and there is absolutely no piece of anti-gun legislation you can dream of outside of "uninventing gunpowder" that would have stopped any of them.
>fine, abolish ICE and another group doing the same job will replace them. what part of "illegal" don't you understand?
>you can believe in the tooth fairy but that doesn't make it real.

sometimes you just have to take the bait and own that shit

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pretty sure she's not even old enough to run

>You realize there are far more registered Democrats than Republicans
Of course there are; democrats gain voters every time a person dies.

Get rid of jews now.

The left is disjointed autistic screeching right now.

The left could run a disabled illegal mexican xer and the party will chimp out over xit xappropriating xomexing.

Have to be 35 to be puppet in chief in the states. She won't be old enough.

nice obscure meme that died way too soon
I had a few high quality ones myself, that I miss dearly

Yes. They can.
>US Vs Wong KIM Ark
Is the basis of "being born here means you get citizenship" which was an interpretation of 14th amendment's
>"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
The point is the SCOTUS at the time interpreted it "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" as meaning just following the laws of the US where you are.
The argument against it is, if you're parents are legally citizens of another nation , via jus sanguinis (you inherit citizenship of your parents) you are automatically a foreign national living in the US that does not actually have to follow the laws of the US since you can easily leave for your parents homeland if you commit a crime here.
It hasn't been touched since, things can get overturned, reinterpreted, and Congress can even pass a statutory redefinition of what "jurisdiction" means in that sense.
So basically they can say, foreign parents are loyal to their homeland, their kids are naturally citizens of their parents homeland by blood, so giving them us citizenship could be a conflict of interest and national security risk. And boom, it's gone. And can be set retroactively probably giving them a chance to rescind any other citizenship's for US and if they don't then get removed ,unless they actually wil be stateless then they could stay and any child born there after will need to have at least 1 parent as a citizen to gain citizenship.

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>be huffpost
>kavanaugh won
>melt down over Jow Forums joyous laugh
>got an idea
>shill as kavan-nah
>see /pol chimp out.

Redpill me on this newly appointed jew who holds that position until he resigns or dies

Will he cuck out for twenty years before we get to replace him?

>Roman Catholic
>went to a Jesuit High School