Spoken words by a stable genius

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How did you all get swindled by a stroke victim???

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get fucked leftists

He isn't talking to you, that is a clear coded message to those he's going after

>How did you all get swindled by a stroke victim???
Trump talks to us in a way we can understand, how a stroke victim can understand.

the universal language of retards

Wow. Drumpf eternally BTFO.

WTF I'm a liberal now

So he can only convince people that are the equivalent of stroke victims? And you're proud of that?!

The President was quoted:

“Listen, we’ve got these quotas. African Americans and Puerto Ricans want to work on the police department but they can’t pass the tests, right? So we say fuck it, fuck the tests, let them in. Everyone knows the tests are racist. Believe me, they are. So we say fuck the tests and we let them in. You know, we had a big problem in Bridgeport, it’s a city full of African Americans and Puerto Ricans. Full of them. Beautiful people. Lot’s of them in Bridgeport, but you look at the police force, and it’s all white. No color anywhere. Listen, they were so white they didn’t even use salad dressing. That’s how white they were.”

“And I think that’s a beautiful thing. It is. Truly amazing. And because we are a country full of God Fearing Honest Americans we fixed that problem. Because honestly, the tests were racist, I’ve seen the tests, they were racist. But we’ve got a lot farther to go in America if we want to move keep moving forward.”

“Lot’s of these things exist in many places. The NFL for example. The NFL is overwhelming made up of African Americans. The reason for that is because whites and other minorities can’t pass the tests. Just can’t pass them. The tests are racist. Don’t take my word for it, just watch. You’ll see. All of these tests in the NFL, they depend on how fast you can run, how well you can tackle, the whole thing, well African Americans are the only ones able to pass these tests, and it’s disgusting.”

“Listen, diversity is the cornerstone of America, so I am proud to announce I will be signing a executive order similar to the ruling passed by Judge Jon O. Newman, that will force diversity in the NFL. And the problem is the same with quarterbacks. All the quarterbacks are white. African Americans are having trouble passing the ball throwing tests. We are going to get more minorities including whites into the NFL, and we are going to get more African American quarterbacks.”

r8 my b8 plox

Was he though?

i mean, it's satire meant to provoke political thought, or a weaponized meme as the kids are calling it nowadays

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Also, stuff like "they were so white they didn't even use salad dressing" is miles above Trump's normal comedy level. It's more like "they were so white, folks, all white, the whitest, believe me you've never seen a whiter group".

Also, you're literally the problem with our country and I hate you.

lmao how do you figure that user and thanks for the loosh I guess?

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got damn that's a fucking nice meme user


The President went on to elaborate about the future of America:

Now look folks, I’ve gotta remind you again: this is what America does. We use our unprecedented and unsustainable prosperity to import illegals, some of them good people, but still illegal, to slaughter animals and fry their meat so that we can stuff it down niggers' throats until they're too fat to walk. You know it and I know it but nobody wants to say it, but I’ll say it because I’m a big guy. It literally trains people in the cutting edge of math, science, finance and management to erect these offshore platforms - with YOUR money - to suck up the carbonized remains of extinct species in order to provide the necessary fuel for the spic-nig cycle. I guess I have to confess something to you all here, I’m a very intelligent guy, always thinking stable thoughts about stability, yuge genius thoughts but I guess I never really grasped the goal of civilization before. Why did Newton discover gravity? What are Max Well’s equations for? Why did Mendeleev deduce the periodic properties of metals? The answer to these and to all questions: to stuff nigs with fried meat until they become crippled from overeating, then to provide them with heroic medical care until they gracelessly expire.

Trump on Cohen when asked why will cohen plead the 5th even if he did nothing wrong :

Michael is uh in business. He's really a businessman. Fairly big businesses I understand it. I don't know his business. But this doesn't have to do with me, Michael is a businessman. He's got a business. He also practices law. I'd say the big thing is his business, and they're looking at something that has to do with his business. I have nothing to do with his business.

>doesn't sound like trump at all
>you used the word nigger which automatically makes leftists and centrists tune out

A++ for effort tho

Its been recieved. Oranfe guy with yhuge hands pinky and the brain brain brain. Covfefe. Q confirms.

So whats about that?

>Trump never jokes or shoots the shit, it's literally his best attempt at articulating

Worst speech of all time.

Which breaks yet another record. Trump can do no wrong.