Is it a bad psyop or is it an epidemic. When it comes to mixing I’d say it’s Spic>Asian>Black in terms of best to worst. With Spics you’ll have a high percentage of white dna and for Asians you’ll have functional citizens. Coalburning is perhaps the most harmful form of racemixing at all. The child sees themselves as completey black. It vastly WWBM and the BM often leaves to impregnate someone else after the birth. It’s basically a new non white created with a white bloodline severed. The mulatto offspring would be just like the father highly likely. That being said the majority of quadroons identify as white when asked so it can be fixed down the line. How common is this issue and how harmful is the BBC myth to society
Exactly how rampant is race mixing?
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There is no undoing. We're past the point of no return. Amerimutt is real. Only gassing the kikes is the option.
My mom is white. My dad black. My wife is white.
It's been a decent life. Would do again.
oh user...
God bless your naive soul
you're so naive, asian + anything = asian. Asians have the strongest genes on the planet and the mongoloid skull is something that can't be overpowered. Spics are mongoloid as well. Any race mixing is bad and all who commit this vile act will be taken care of on the day of the rope
murica will follow our path to muttdom annd as burger user said, we're both past the point of no return
strive for independence, thats the onky option besides nuking 70% of the new world leaving only a few places in the far north plus uruguay and half of argentina
>decent life
>being on Jow Forums
nice try
Visited couple of EU country on april ago, i'd say quite few but still, i saw a W.chick with her asian BF and a with his black chick on a chinese restaurant on munich, and a girl with a turkish looking dude on the old town. My reaction was quite disapointed, sad really, race mixing is basically throwing your ancestor good genes to the drain really, i hope germany wakes up.
my dna test results showed that I'm effectively 100% white